Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • ··Roy·· x1 R

Foundation (34 cards)

    • Syndicate Target x3 R
    • Pure of Heart x2 L
    • Police Connections x2 R
    • Reborn Human x2 R
    • Toughest Punk in Junior High x2 R
    • Rhythmic Fighting Style x1 R
    • Keiko's Aid x2 R
    • Hellfire of Despair x3 R
    • Kirin Soul x1 R
    • Guardian of the Spirit Sword x2 R
    • Burning with Revenge x3 R
    • Wandering Pirate x1 R
    • Sense of Morals x3 R
    • Olympic Boxer x1 R
    • Honky Tonk Woman x3 R
    • Spiritual Connection x3 R

Attack (20 cards - speed : 3.55 - dmg 3.9)

    • Paayon Thrust x4 R
    • Ice Dragon Seiryu x4 R
    • Quick Burst x4 R
    • Nut Kracker x3 R
    • Valiant Assault x3 R
    • Hundred Hand Slap x2 R

Asset (3 cards)

    • Spiritual Shooting Ring x2 R
    • Swordfish II x1 R

Action (7 cards)

    • Let's Cut Loose! x2 R
    • The Dark Tournament Looms x3 R
    • Gateway Shuffle x2 R

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

So to pass the time in Scotland While some of us patiently wait for MHA
Murray from ufscotland has set up banter tournaments

This one the rules were
pick a character and you cant play cards that share any of his symbols
and you dont have to worry about chaining

So my idea was can i take a relatively bad character someone in the lower tiers and maybe just maybe find a kool concept that could win the event
(This isnt a full break Down but if anyone wants to see it will gladly do a full write out or make a video on it for the channel)

so heres what i came up with
My boi Roy here has a static bit of text that just annoys people
"whenever a player would ready foundations during their ready step they choose and ready half of those instead"

his once per turn is commit a foundation your punch attack gets stun 3 and you may change its zone

so the basic game plan is to play stun and punch for this guy and slow roll your opponent out and get the win
Early into looking at what attacks i could use for this plan to work i stumbled across ice dragon seiryu
and didn't i just laugh
the attack comes with stun 3 big tick
has punch big tick
and has an enhance that you freeze all foundations committed due to this attacks stun ability
so if i see this attack i get 2 instances of stun 3 and then can freeze all of them then when it gets to my opponents turn they cant choose to ready them meaning their turns going to be tough choices and short

building around this i picked attacks that mean even checking the 2 isnt that bad for me since roys static also effects me
so mainly attacks at 4 diff all have punch to use roys enhance

the actions and assets
are just to help the game plan of finding ice dragon or making things swing for lethal
so spiritual shooting ring doubles a ranged attack damage in conjunction with gate way shuffle for the plus 6 makes it an easy 22 damage
sword fish for defense on attacks i dont want to deal with
lets cut loose for the draw
and the dark tournament looms to get the ice dragons from the momentum if they get there

the foundations
mainly just defensive pieces were the numbers were during testing seemed fine and gave me outs for most outcomes

sadly i was unable to attend the event but from what was their i think this deck would have more than handled itself

hopefully at some point on the channel i could bust this version out for a wee banter game

Connor from UFScotland
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Deck description changed2021-10-16 14:14:58
3x [Spiritual Connection] added to deck2021-10-16 13:50:20
3x [Honky Tonk Woman] added to deck2021-10-16 13:49:49
1x [Olympic Boxer] added to deck2021-10-16 13:49:32
3x [Sense of Morals] added to deck2021-10-16 13:49:19
1x [Wandering Pirate] added to deck2021-10-16 13:48:56
3x [Burning with Revenge] added to deck2021-10-16 13:48:50
2x [Guardian of the Spirit Sword] added to deck2021-10-16 13:48:40
1x [Kirin Soul] added to deck2021-10-16 13:48:28
3x [Hellfire of Despair] added to deck2021-10-16 13:47:48
2x [Keiko's Aid] added to deck2021-10-16 13:47:28
1x [Rhythmic Fighting Style] added to deck2021-10-16 13:46:32
2x [Toughest Punk in Junior High] added to deck2021-10-16 13:45:51
2x [Reborn Human] added to deck2021-10-16 13:45:39
2x [Police Connections] added to deck2021-10-16 13:45:28
2x [Pure of Heart] added to deck2021-10-16 13:45:17
3x [Syndicate Target] added to deck2021-10-16 13:45:03
2x [Hundred Hand Slap] added to deck2021-10-16 13:44:25
3x [Valiant Assault] added to deck2021-10-16 13:44:11
3x [Nut Kracker] added to deck2021-10-16 13:43:57
4x [Quick Burst] added to deck2021-10-16 13:43:26
4x [Ice Dragon Seiryu] added to deck2021-10-16 13:43:10
4x [Paayon Thrust] added to deck2021-10-16 13:42:34
1x [Swordfish II] added to deck2021-10-16 13:41:23
2x [Spiritual Shooting Ring] added to deck2021-10-16 13:41:10
2x [Gateway Shuffle] added to deck2021-10-16 13:40:29
3x [The Dark Tournament Looms] added to deck2021-10-16 13:40:05
2x [Let's Cut Loose!] added to deck2021-10-16 13:39:16
1x [··Roy··] added to deck2021-10-16 13:38:50
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.8

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 64 52 1.73 2.44 4.39
Attack 20 20 1.2 4.1 2.8
Foundation 34 26 2.04 1.59 5.12
Asset 3 3 2.33 2.33 4.67
Action 7 3 2 1.86 5.29
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 21 1.62 0
Mid 22 2 0
Low 9 1.33 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 93.75% 6.25% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 68.75% 25% 6.25% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 65.63% 3.13% 25% 6.25% 0% 0% 0%
6 10.94% 54.69% 3.13% 25% 6.25% 0% 0%
7 0% 10.94% 54.69% 3.13% 25% 6.25% 0%
8 0% 0% 10.94% 54.69% 3.13% 25% 6.25%
9 0% 0% 0% 10.94% 54.69% 3.13% 25%