Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Vex'ahlia, Resourceful Hunter x1 SR

Foundation (30 cards)

    • Tinker's Touch x4 L
    • The Prowess of the Survey Corps x4 ASR
    • Reconsider x3 ASR
    • The Shobijin's Message x2 SR
    • A Life of Danger x4 MSR
    • Elvish Tutoring x3 SR
    • Crowd's Darling x2 SR
    • The Return of the Kings x2 MSR
    • Nice Try! x3 MSR
    • Banshee Sword's Shriek x3 SR

Attack (19 cards - speed : 4.53 - dmg 4.68)

    • Bang Bang x2 L
    • Aerial Goblin Bolt x3 L
    • No-Mercy Percy x2 L
    • Overwatch Trigger x2 MSR
    • Sniping Spy x3 MSR
    • Storm of Arrows x3 SR
    • Walk The Dog x4 SR

Asset (7 cards)

    • The List x3 L
    • Anti-Personnel Vertical Maneuvering Equipment x2 ASR
    • Thunder Spear x2 ASR

Action (5 cards)

    • Mark Your Prey x1 SR
    • Manifest x2 MSR
    • Strategic Maneuver x2 ASR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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1x [Bang Bang] removed from deck2025-02-11 20:01:01
1x [No-Mercy Percy] removed from deck2025-02-11 20:00:50
1x [Walk The Dog] added to deck2025-02-11 20:00:41
3x [Banshee Sword's Shriek] added to deck2025-02-11 20:00:25
Removed "Clasp Membership"2025-02-11 20:00:06
Removed "Jin's Parry"2025-02-11 20:00:04
Removed "Out Of Reach"2025-02-11 19:59:59
Removed "Desperate Plea"2025-02-11 19:59:53
Removed "Ryukyu Agency Trainees"2025-02-11 19:59:50
Removed "Incompatible Quirks"2025-02-11 19:59:44
Removed "A Trinket for Vex"2025-02-11 19:59:35
Removed "Pressured By All For One"2025-02-11 19:59:32
Removed "Making Preparations"2025-02-11 19:59:26
1x [Mark Your Prey] removed from deck2025-02-11 19:48:18
1x [Strategic Maneuver] removed from deck2025-02-11 19:48:17
Removed "Vertical Maneuvering Equipment"2025-02-11 19:48:12
1x [No-Mercy Percy] removed from deck2025-02-11 19:47:57
Removed "Thunder Spear Detonation"2025-02-11 19:47:55
Removed "Uplifting Bond"2025-02-11 19:47:44
1x [Manifest] added to deck2025-02-11 19:47:02
1x [Strategic Maneuver] removed from deck2025-02-11 19:46:59
Removed "Support of Your Friends"2025-02-11 19:46:57
Removed "Eri Smiles"2025-02-11 19:46:55
1x [Vertical Maneuvering Equipment] removed from deck2025-02-11 19:46:44
Removed "Trinket"2025-02-11 19:46:40
Removed "Hange's Thunder Spear Strike"2025-02-11 19:45:52
Removed "Hunter's Ally"2025-02-11 19:45:41
Removed "Arrows & Daggers"2025-02-11 19:45:36
Removed "Precise Arrow"2025-02-11 19:45:32
2x [Ryukyu Agency Trainees] added to deck2025-02-11 19:43:00
3x [Nice Try!] added to deck2025-02-11 19:42:53
2x [The Return of the Kings] added to deck2025-02-11 19:42:50
2x [Incompatible Quirks] added to deck2025-02-11 19:42:48
2x [Crowd's Darling] added to deck2025-02-11 19:42:11
2x [Out Of Reach] added to deck2025-02-11 19:41:56
3x [Elvish Tutoring] added to deck2025-02-11 19:41:41
1x [Clasp Membership] added to deck2025-02-11 19:41:38
1x [A Trinket for Vex] added to deck2025-02-11 19:41:35
1x [Pressured By All For One] added to deck2025-02-11 19:41:05
4x [A Life of Danger] added to deck2025-02-11 19:41:00
2x [The Shobijin's Message] added to deck2025-02-11 19:40:57
1x [Uplifting Bond] added to deck2025-02-11 19:40:42
3x [Reconsider] added to deck2025-02-11 19:39:34
Removed "Second Wielder"2025-02-11 19:38:16
1x [Second Wielder] added to deck2025-02-11 19:38:13
2x [Jin's Parry] added to deck2025-02-11 19:37:50
2x [Desperate Plea] added to deck2025-02-11 19:37:11
4x [The Prowess of the Survey Corps] added to deck2025-02-11 19:36:58
3x [Making Preparations] added to deck2025-02-11 19:36:49
4x [Tinker's Touch] added to deck2025-02-11 19:25:52
3x [Walk The Dog] added to deck2025-02-11 19:23:48
3x [Storm of Arrows] added to deck2025-02-11 19:23:42
1x [Arrows & Daggers] added to deck2025-02-11 19:23:04
3x [Sniping Spy] added to deck2025-02-11 19:22:25
1x [Overwatch Trigger] removed from deck2025-02-11 19:22:23
3x [Overwatch Trigger] added to deck2025-02-11 19:22:20
2x [Thunder Spear Detonation] added to deck2025-02-11 19:21:29
1x [Hange's Thunder Spear Strike] added to deck2025-02-11 19:21:11
4x [No-Mercy Percy] added to deck2025-02-11 19:19:50
2x [Hunter's Ally] added to deck2025-02-11 19:19:48
3x [Aerial Goblin Bolt] added to deck2025-02-11 19:19:44
2x [Precise Arrow] added to deck2025-02-11 19:19:38
3x [Bang Bang] added to deck2025-02-11 19:19:07
4x [Strategic Maneuver] added to deck2025-02-11 19:18:51
1x [Trinket] added to deck2025-02-11 19:18:39
2x [Vertical Maneuvering Equipment] added to deck2025-02-11 19:18:33
2x [Thunder Spear] added to deck2025-02-11 19:18:24
2x [Anti-Personnel Vertical Maneuvering Equipment] added to deck2025-02-11 19:18:15
3x [The List] added to deck2025-02-11 19:16:40
1x [Manifest] added to deck2025-02-11 19:16:31
1x [Eri Smiles] added to deck2025-02-11 19:16:27
2x [Mark Your Prey] added to deck2025-02-11 19:16:19
2x [Support of Your Friends] added to deck2025-02-11 19:16:17
1x [Vex'ahlia, Resourceful Hunter] added to deck2025-02-11 19:14:14
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.62

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 61 61 2.1 2.59 4.2
Attack 19 19 1.63 5.05 2.63
Foundation 30 30 2.7 1.4 5
Asset 7 7 1.14 1.57 5
Action 5 5 1.6 1.8 4.2
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 11 1.64 0
Mid 36 2.17 0
Low 14 2.29 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 88.52% 11.48% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 68.85% 19.67% 11.48% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 62.3% 6.56% 19.67% 11.48% 0% 0% 0%
6 0% 62.3% 6.56% 19.67% 11.48% 0% 0%
7 0% 0% 62.3% 6.56% 19.67% 11.48% 0%
8 0% 0% 0% 62.3% 6.56% 19.67% 11.48%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 62.3% 6.56% 19.67%