Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Mei Hatsume (II) x1 MSR

Foundation (34 cards)

    • Quick To Act x4 MSR
    • Surviving The Final x4 MSR
    • Excited For Blood x3 MSR
    • Taking The Gloves Off x3 MSR
    • Human Garbage x4 MSR
    • House Of Cards x1 MSR
    • A Refreshing Slice x2 MSR
    • Fruit Of Our Labors x2 MSR
    • Pure Dedication x2 MSR
    • Mastering the Dragon x3 SR
    • Cooperation Offer x2 MSR
    • Bench Press x4 MSR

Attack (20 cards - speed : 3.7 - dmg 3.3)

    • Patchwork Baby x4 MSR
    • Chronostasis Trigger x4 MSR
    • Piercing Needle x4 MSR
    • Electromagnetic Stomp x2 MSR
    • Net Gun Surprise! x2 MSR
    • Double Blade Slash x4 MSR

Asset (4 cards)

    • Twisty Surroundings x2 MSR
    • Box Full Of Babies x1 MSR
    • Cute Baby #202 x1 MSR

Action (4 cards)

    • Barrier Shield x4 MSR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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Removed "Full-On Attack Mode!"2024-04-15 18:56:28
Removed "Looking For A Challenge"2024-04-15 18:56:24
Removed "Defending Pageant Queen"2024-04-15 18:56:08
Removed "Coping With #1"2024-04-15 18:56:05
1x [Cooperation Offer] removed from deck2024-04-15 18:56:03
1x [Coping With #1] added to deck2024-04-15 18:55:53
1x [Cooperation Offer] added to deck2024-04-15 18:55:49
1x [Defending Pageant Queen] added to deck2024-04-15 18:55:47
1x [Cooperation Offer] added to deck2024-04-15 18:55:39
2x [Mastering the Dragon] added to deck2024-04-15 18:55:30
1x [Pure Dedication] added to deck2024-04-15 18:55:28
1x [Looking For A Challenge] added to deck2024-04-15 18:55:25
3x [Bench Press] added to deck2024-04-15 18:55:23
1x [Bench Press] added to deck2024-04-15 18:55:05
1x [Coping With #1] added to deck2024-04-15 18:54:57
1x [Looking For A Challenge] added to deck2024-04-15 18:54:43
1x [Cooperation Offer] added to deck2024-04-15 18:54:39
1x [Defending Pageant Queen] added to deck2024-04-15 18:54:36
1x [Mastering the Dragon] added to deck2024-04-15 18:54:28
1x [Pure Dedication] added to deck2024-04-15 18:54:23
Removed "Perceived Weakness"2024-04-15 18:53:05
Removed "Personal Reload"2024-04-15 18:53:02
1x [Perceived Weakness] added to deck2024-04-15 18:52:58
1x [Full-On Attack Mode!] added to deck2024-04-15 18:52:55
1x [Fruit Of Our Labors] added to deck2024-04-15 18:52:50
1x [A Refreshing Slice] added to deck2024-04-15 18:52:39
3x [Human Garbage] added to deck2024-04-15 18:52:37
2x [Taking The Gloves Off] added to deck2024-04-15 18:52:36
Removed "Happy-Go-Lucky"2024-04-15 18:52:32
1x [Fruit Of Our Labors] added to deck2024-04-15 18:52:11
1x [Happy-Go-Lucky] added to deck2024-04-15 18:52:06
1x [Full-On Attack Mode!] added to deck2024-04-15 18:52:03
1x [A Refreshing Slice] added to deck2024-04-15 18:51:27
1x [House Of Cards] added to deck2024-04-15 18:51:23
1x [Human Garbage] added to deck2024-04-15 18:51:15
1x [Taking The Gloves Off] added to deck2024-04-15 18:51:11
1x [Personal Reload] added to deck2024-04-15 18:50:53
1x [Perceived Weakness] added to deck2024-04-15 18:50:40
1x [Excited For Blood] removed from deck2024-04-15 18:50:15
0x [Excited For Blood] removed from deck2024-04-15 18:50:11
3x [Excited For Blood] added to deck2024-04-15 18:50:08
1x [Excited For Blood] added to deck2024-04-15 18:49:55
Removed "Floating Around My Babies"2024-04-15 18:49:29
3x [Surviving The Final] added to deck2024-04-15 18:49:26
3x [Quick To Act] added to deck2024-04-15 18:49:25
1x [Surviving The Final] added to deck2024-04-15 18:49:19
1x [Floating Around My Babies] added to deck2024-04-15 18:49:16
1x [Quick To Act] added to deck2024-04-15 18:49:13
1x [Cute Baby #202] added to deck2024-04-15 18:48:08
1x [Box Full Of Babies] removed from deck2024-04-15 18:48:02
1x [Twisty Surroundings] added to deck2024-04-15 18:47:46
1x [Twisty Surroundings] removed from deck2024-04-15 18:47:42
Removed "Cute Baby #202"2024-04-15 18:47:33
Removed "Eri"2024-04-15 18:47:30
1x [Twisty Surroundings] added to deck2024-04-15 18:47:28
1x [Box Full Of Babies] added to deck2024-04-15 18:47:24
1x [Cute Baby #202] removed from deck2024-04-15 18:47:00
1x [Cute Baby #202] added to deck2024-04-15 18:46:56
1x [Box Full Of Babies] added to deck2024-04-15 18:46:45
1x [Twisty Surroundings] added to deck2024-04-15 18:46:29
1x [Eri] added to deck2024-04-15 18:46:24
4x [Barrier Shield] added to deck2024-04-15 18:46:21
1x [Cute Baby #202] added to deck2024-04-15 18:45:59
Removed "Point Blank Shot"2024-04-15 18:45:39
1x [Net Gun Surprise!] added to deck2024-04-15 18:45:36
2x [Electromagnetic Stomp] removed from deck2024-04-15 18:45:33
3x [Electromagnetic Stomp] added to deck2024-04-15 18:45:29
3x [Piercing Needle] added to deck2024-04-15 18:45:18
3x [Chronostasis Trigger] added to deck2024-04-15 18:45:15
Removed "Feather Storm"2024-04-15 18:45:03
Removed "Toga's Knife Toss"2024-04-15 18:45:02
Removed "Soaring Bullet"2024-04-15 18:45:00
3x [Double Blade Slash] added to deck2024-04-15 18:44:58
3x [Patchwork Baby] added to deck2024-04-15 18:44:53
1x [Double Blade Slash] added to deck2024-04-15 18:42:03
1x [Net Gun Surprise!] added to deck2024-04-15 18:41:59
1x [Electromagnetic Stomp] added to deck2024-04-15 18:41:57
1x [Piercing Needle] added to deck2024-04-15 18:41:52
1x [Chronostasis Trigger] added to deck2024-04-15 18:41:42
1x [Point Blank Shot] added to deck2024-04-15 18:41:28
1x [Feather Storm] added to deck2024-04-15 18:41:14
1x [Patchwork Baby] added to deck2024-04-15 18:40:53
1x [Soaring Bullet] added to deck2024-04-15 18:40:49
1x [Toga's Knife Toss] added to deck2024-04-15 18:40:42
1x [Mei Hatsume (II)] added to deck2024-04-15 18:39:38
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.79

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 62 62 2.08 2.37 4.24
Attack 20 20 1.3 4.4 3
Foundation 34 34 2.56 1.26 4.79
Asset 4 4 2 2 5
Action 4 4 2 2 5
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 25 2.04 0
Mid 19 1.89 0
Low 18 2.33 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 67.74% 32.26% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 56.45% 11.29% 32.26% 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 0% 56.45% 11.29% 32.26% 0% 0% 0%
7 0% 0% 56.45% 11.29% 32.26% 0% 0%
8 0% 0% 0% 56.45% 11.29% 32.26% 0%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 56.45% 11.29% 32.26%