Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • All Might (I) x1 MR

Foundation (29 cards)

    • Charging One For All x1 MSR
    • Snack Time x4 R
    • Chivalrous Competitor x4 MSR
    • Night Watch x2 MR
    • Marrying Age x4 R
    • Never a Day Without Training x4 R
    • Hiding in Plain Sight x4 R
    • Wandering Pirate x2 R
    • Manji Ninjutsu x4 R

Attack (16 cards - speed : 3.75 - dmg 4.25)

    • Warp Gate Portal x4 MSR
    • Detroit Smash x4 MR
    • Death Knell x4 R
    • Fatality x4 L

Asset (0 cards)

Action (14 cards)

    • Cremation x4 MSR
    • Sugar Rush Power-Up x1 MSR
    • Spell Circle x1 R
    • Shikisoku Zeku! x4 R
    • Demon Realm Awakening x4 R

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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Removed "Easily Excited"2023-02-20 18:49:11
Removed "Destined For Mainstream Success"2023-02-20 18:48:02
0x [Never a Day Without Training] removed from deck2023-02-20 18:47:59
Removed "All A Dream"2023-02-20 18:47:50
Removed "Initiate Launch"2023-02-20 18:47:31
Removed "Radiation"2023-02-20 18:46:45
Removed "True Identity"2023-02-20 18:46:40
3x [Charging One For All] removed from deck2023-02-20 18:46:36
Removed "Hero Killer"2023-02-20 18:46:34
Removed "I AM HERE!"2023-02-20 18:46:22
4x [Demon Realm Awakening] added to deck2023-02-20 18:45:43
4x [Manji Ninjutsu] added to deck2023-02-20 18:43:59
2x [Wandering Pirate] added to deck2023-02-20 18:43:48
2x [Radiation] added to deck2023-02-20 18:43:22
1x [Initiate Launch] added to deck2023-02-20 18:43:15
1x [True Identity] added to deck2023-02-20 18:43:03
4x [Hiding in Plain Sight] added to deck2023-02-20 18:42:53
4x [Never a Day Without Training] added to deck2023-02-20 18:42:40
4x [Marrying Age] added to deck2023-02-20 18:42:37
4x [All A Dream] added to deck2023-02-20 18:42:18
Removed "Made For Speed"2023-02-20 18:41:54
4x [Made For Speed] added to deck2023-02-20 18:41:48
2x [Night Watch] added to deck2023-02-20 18:41:38
4x [Destined For Mainstream Success] added to deck2023-02-20 18:41:34
4x [Hero Killer] added to deck2023-02-20 18:41:14
4x [Chivalrous Competitor] added to deck2023-02-20 18:41:06
4x [Snack Time] added to deck2023-02-20 18:41:01
4x [Easily Excited] added to deck2023-02-20 18:40:07
4x [Charging One For All] added to deck2023-02-20 18:39:45
Removed "Plus Ultra Smash"2023-02-20 18:39:30
Removed "Guilty Throne"2023-02-20 18:39:21
Removed "Twin Flame Scourge"2023-02-20 18:39:18
4x [Fatality] added to deck2023-02-20 18:39:08
4x [Guilty Throne] added to deck2023-02-20 18:38:43
4x [Death Knell] added to deck2023-02-20 18:38:34
4x [Detroit Smash] added to deck2023-02-20 18:37:41
4x [Twin Flame Scourge] added to deck2023-02-20 18:37:24
4x [Warp Gate Portal] added to deck2023-02-20 18:37:20
4x [Plus Ultra Smash] added to deck2023-02-20 18:37:09
4x [Shikisoku Zeku!] added to deck2023-02-20 18:36:56
1x [Spell Circle] added to deck2023-02-20 18:36:36
1x [Sugar Rush Power-Up] added to deck2023-02-20 18:36:15
3x [I AM HERE!] added to deck2023-02-20 18:36:02
4x [Cremation] added to deck2023-02-20 18:35:54
1x [All Might (I)] added to deck2023-02-20 18:35:47
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.91

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 59 52 1.56 2.07 3.95
Attack 16 16 0.25 4.25 2
Foundation 29 27 2.37 1.45 4.79
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 14 9 1.44 0.86 4.43
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 27 1.44 0
Mid 17 1.29 0
Low 8 2.5 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 93.22% 6.78% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 79.66% 13.56% 6.78% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 66.1% 13.56% 13.56% 6.78% 0% 0% 0%
5 55.93% 10.17% 13.56% 13.56% 6.78% 0% 0%
6 0% 55.93% 10.17% 13.56% 13.56% 6.78% 0%
7 0% 0% 55.93% 10.17% 13.56% 13.56% 6.78%
8 0% 0% 0% 55.93% 10.17% 13.56% 13.56%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 55.93% 10.17% 13.56%