Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Jester Lavorre, Prankster Priestess x1 SR

Foundation (38 cards)

    • Playing Pranks x4 SR
    • The Best Detectives x3 SR
    • Fearsome Transformations x4 SR
    • Hiding in Plain Sight x3 SR
    • A Master's Pride x4 MSR
    • Forced Quirk Activation x1 MSR
    • Easily Excited x4 MR
    • Chivalrous Competitor x3 MR
    • Struggling With Studies x2 MR
    • Strategic Meeting x2 MSR
    • Teacher's Guidance x4 MSR
    • Basic Training x4 MR

Attack (20 cards - speed : 4.8 - dmg 4.8)

    • Big Freakin' Explosion x4 SR
    • Duplicitious Attack x4 SR
    • Spirit Lollipop x2 SR
    • Targeting Blast x4 SR
    • Rando's Spirit Gun x2 SR
    • Black Abyss x4 MSR

Asset (2 cards)

    • Cape of No Return x2 SR

Action (4 cards)

    • Wound / Restore x4 SR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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4x [Basic Training] added to deck2024-05-25 19:50:13
3x [Teacher's Guidance] added to deck2024-05-25 19:49:20
Removed "Broken Psyche"2024-05-25 19:49:18
1x [Strategic Meeting] added to deck2024-05-25 19:49:04
Removed "Vast Hybrid"2024-05-25 19:49:02
1x [Teacher's Guidance] added to deck2024-05-25 19:48:38
1x [Strategic Meeting] added to deck2024-05-25 19:47:46
3x [Black Abyss] added to deck2024-05-25 19:46:58
Removed "Walk The Dog"2024-05-25 19:46:56
1x [Black Abyss] removed from deck2024-05-25 19:45:53
2x [Black Abyss] added to deck2024-05-25 19:45:51
1x [Cape of No Return] added to deck2024-04-27 20:40:55
Removed "Battle Arena"2024-04-27 20:40:50
1x [Fearsome Transformations] added to deck2024-03-31 21:10:46
1x [Chivalrous Competitor] removed from deck2024-03-31 21:10:43
Deck name changed2024-03-31 21:00:02
Removed "Run Away!"2024-03-31 20:58:44
1x [Wound / Restore] added to deck2024-03-31 20:44:09
1x [Run Away!] removed from deck2024-03-31 20:44:07
Removed "Nothing To See Here"2024-03-31 20:41:12
1x [Broken Psyche] added to deck2024-03-31 20:41:07
Removed "Nothing To See Here"2024-03-31 20:41:04
4x [Nothing To See Here] added to deck2024-03-31 20:41:00
Removed "Basic Training"2024-03-31 19:44:51
1x [Hiding in Plain Sight] added to deck2024-03-31 19:44:33
1x [Easily Excited] added to deck2024-03-31 19:44:31
Removed "Unbreakable Cheer"2024-03-31 19:44:24
1x [Nothing To See Here] removed from deck2024-03-31 19:43:18
Removed "Mischievous Doodler"2024-03-31 19:43:14
Removed "Dangerous Combatant"2024-03-31 19:42:45
Removed "Helping Tomura"2024-03-31 19:42:43
Removed "The Big 3"2024-03-31 19:41:53
Removed "Fiery Confrontation"2024-03-31 19:41:50
Removed "Decoy Duplicate"2024-03-31 19:41:44
Removed "Incredible Display"2024-03-31 19:41:41
Removed "The Traveler's Favorite"2024-03-31 19:41:36
1x [Struggling With Studies] added to deck2024-03-31 19:41:23
3x [Chivalrous Competitor] added to deck2024-03-31 19:41:20
1x [Helping Tomura] added to deck2024-03-31 19:41:18
1x [The Big 3] added to deck2024-03-31 19:41:16
1x [Dangerous Combatant] added to deck2024-03-31 19:41:14
1x [Fiery Confrontation] added to deck2024-03-31 19:41:12
Removed "No Remorse"2024-03-31 19:41:10
Removed "Internet Sensation"2024-03-31 19:41:07
2x [Fearsome Transformations] added to deck2024-03-31 19:41:04
2x [The Best Detectives] added to deck2024-03-31 19:40:57
1x [Nothing To See Here] added to deck2024-03-31 19:40:53
1x [Decoy Duplicate] added to deck2024-03-31 19:40:50
Removed "Nice Try!"2024-03-31 19:40:48
2x [Broken Psyche] added to deck2024-03-31 19:40:46
Removed "Elasticity"2024-03-31 19:40:43
1x [Hiding in Plain Sight] added to deck2024-03-31 19:40:41
1x [Mischievous Doodler] added to deck2024-03-31 19:40:38
3x [Playing Pranks] added to deck2024-03-31 19:40:36
1x [The Traveler's Favorite] added to deck2024-03-31 19:40:32
1x [Unbreakable Cheer] added to deck2024-03-31 19:40:28
Removed "Power of the Serpent Yo-Yos"2024-03-31 19:39:24
1x [Vast Hybrid] added to deck2024-03-31 19:39:22
Removed "Save A Million"2024-03-31 19:39:06
1x [Easily Excited] removed from deck2024-03-31 19:39:03
3x [Easily Excited] added to deck2024-03-31 19:38:59
3x [A Master's Pride] added to deck2024-03-31 19:38:58
1x [Struggling With Studies] added to deck2024-03-31 19:38:18
1x [Chivalrous Competitor] added to deck2024-03-31 19:38:13
1x [Easily Excited] added to deck2024-03-31 19:38:08
1x [Basic Training] added to deck2024-03-31 19:38:03
1x [Nothing To See Here] added to deck2024-03-31 19:38:00
1x [Decoy Duplicate] added to deck2024-03-31 19:37:46
1x [Helping Tomura] added to deck2024-03-31 19:37:18
1x [Forced Quirk Activation] added to deck2024-03-31 19:37:16
1x [A Master's Pride] added to deck2024-03-31 19:37:12
1x [Broken Psyche] added to deck2024-03-31 19:37:08
1x [Vast Hybrid] added to deck2024-03-31 19:37:04
1x [The Big 3] added to deck2024-03-31 19:36:53
1x [Save A Million] added to deck2024-03-31 19:36:51
1x [Nice Try!] added to deck2024-03-31 19:36:44
1x [Incredible Display] added to deck2024-03-31 19:36:37
1x [Internet Sensation] added to deck2024-03-31 19:36:08
1x [Elasticity] added to deck2024-03-31 19:36:05
1x [No Remorse] added to deck2024-03-31 19:35:57
1x [Fiery Confrontation] added to deck2024-03-31 19:35:53
1x [Dangerous Combatant] added to deck2024-03-31 19:35:45
1x [Hiding in Plain Sight] added to deck2024-03-31 19:35:00
1x [Power of the Serpent Yo-Yos] added to deck2024-03-31 19:34:34
1x [Fearsome Transformations] added to deck2024-03-31 19:34:17
1x [Unbreakable Cheer] added to deck2024-03-31 19:33:55
1x [The Traveler's Favorite] added to deck2024-03-31 19:33:43
1x [The Best Detectives] added to deck2024-03-31 19:33:24
1x [Playing Pranks] added to deck2024-03-31 19:33:10
1x [Mischievous Doodler] added to deck2024-03-31 19:32:47
Removed "Cremation"2024-03-31 19:31:50
1x [Run Away!] added to deck2024-03-31 19:31:46
1x [Wound / Restore] removed from deck2024-03-31 19:31:42
1x [Cape of No Return] removed from deck2024-03-31 19:31:30
Removed "Nott's Flask"2024-03-31 19:31:24
1x [Cremation] added to deck2024-03-31 19:31:02
Removed "Recovery Time"2024-03-31 19:30:59
Removed "Manifest"2024-03-31 19:30:56
1x [Battle Arena] added to deck2024-03-31 19:30:40
1x [Recovery Time] added to deck2024-03-31 19:30:37
1x [Run Away!] added to deck2024-03-31 19:30:28
1x [Cremation] added to deck2024-03-31 19:30:23
1x [Manifest] added to deck2024-03-31 19:30:10
Removed "Battle Arena"2024-03-31 19:27:19
1x [Battle Arena] added to deck2024-03-31 19:26:54
1x [Nott's Flask] added to deck2024-03-31 19:26:40
1x [Cape of No Return] added to deck2024-03-31 19:26:10
1x [Cape of No Return] added to deck2024-03-31 19:26:08
1x [Rando's Spirit Gun] added to deck2024-03-31 19:25:51
Removed "Rapid Speed Slash"2024-03-31 19:25:49
1x [Rando's Spirit Gun] added to deck2024-03-31 19:25:41
2x [Rapid Speed Slash] added to deck2024-03-31 19:23:04
4x [Walk The Dog] added to deck2024-03-31 19:22:35
Removed "Armor of the Wolf"2024-03-31 19:21:34
Removed "Armor of the Phoenix"2024-03-31 19:21:32
1x [Wound / Restore] added to deck2024-03-31 19:20:49
2x [Spirit Lollipop] removed from deck2024-03-31 19:19:14
2x [Armor of the Phoenix] added to deck2024-03-31 19:19:06
4x [Armor of the Wolf] added to deck2024-03-31 19:18:09
Removed "Flaming Arrow"2024-03-31 19:11:49
Removed "Trickster's Blessing"2024-03-31 19:11:01
Removed "Mark Your Prey"2024-03-31 19:10:55
2x [Wound / Restore] added to deck2024-03-31 19:10:53
3x [Targeting Blast] added to deck2024-03-31 19:10:20
3x [Spirit Lollipop] added to deck2024-03-31 19:10:18
3x [Duplicitious Attack] added to deck2024-03-31 19:10:16
3x [Big Freakin' Explosion] added to deck2024-03-31 19:10:12
3x [Flaming Arrow] added to deck2024-03-31 19:10:10
Removed "Storm of Arrows"2024-03-31 19:10:07
Main character changed2024-03-31 19:09:52
1x [Trickster's Blessing] added to deck2024-03-31 19:09:40
1x [Targeting Blast] added to deck2024-03-31 19:09:13
1x [Spirit Lollipop] added to deck2024-03-31 19:09:10
1x [Duplicitious Attack] added to deck2024-03-31 19:09:04
1x [Big Freakin' Explosion] added to deck2024-03-31 19:09:01
1x [Wound / Restore] added to deck2024-03-31 19:08:56
1x [Jester Lavorre, Prankster Priestess] added to deck2024-03-31 19:08:49
1x [Storm of Arrows] added to deck2024-03-31 19:08:34
1x [Flaming Arrow] added to deck2024-03-31 19:08:28
1x [Mark Your Prey] added to deck2024-03-31 19:08:14
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.78

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 64 64 2.36 2.38 4.23
Attack 20 20 1.5 4.6 2.9
Foundation 38 38 2.71 1.11 4.97
Asset 2 2 3 3 4
Action 4 4 3 3 4
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 21 2.62 0
Mid 26 2.19 0
Low 17 2.29 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 96.88% 3.13% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 68.75% 28.13% 3.13% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 57.81% 10.94% 28.13% 3.13% 0% 0% 0%
6 0% 57.81% 10.94% 28.13% 3.13% 0% 0%
7 0% 0% 57.81% 10.94% 28.13% 3.13% 0%
8 0% 0% 0% 57.81% 10.94% 28.13% 3.13%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 57.81% 10.94% 28.13%