Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Vex'ahlia, Protector of the Wilds x1 SR

Foundation (36 cards)

    • A Trinket for Vex x4 SR
    • Beta Shift x4 SR
    • Elvish Tutoring x4 SR
    • Woodland Distraction x2 SR
    • Weightless x4 MSR
    • Hiding Out x4 ASR
    • Questionable Brew x2 SR
    • Wild Healing x2 SR
    • Summoned Home x2 SR
    • Hard to Kill x4 ASR
    • Adapting the Plan x4 ASR

Attack (20 cards - speed : 3.2 - dmg 6.2)

    • Hunter's Ally x4 SR
    • Swift Execution x4 ASR
    • Storm of Arrows x4 SR
    • Fallen Angel's Revenge x4 SR
    • Horse Toss x4 ASR

Asset (4 cards)

    • Trinket x4 SR

Action (8 cards)

    • Referee Juri x4 SR
    • City Rampage x4 SR

Backup (3 cards)

    • Jarett Howarth x1 SR
    • Shakaste x1 SR
    • Reani x1 SR

Side (15 cards)

    • Wielding One For All x4 MSR
    • Harpoon Vault x1 MSR
    • Facing Danger x1 MSR
    • Black Abyss x1 MSR
    • Soup x1 ASR
    • Horse Toss x1 ASR
    • Last-Second Rescue x1 ASR
    • Recuperation Time x1 ASR
    • Healing Spell x1 SR
    • Titan Injection x1 ASR
    • The Shobijin's Message x1 SR
    • A Mother's Embrace x1 SR

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Removed "Adapting the Plan"2025-02-20 20:10:06
4x [Adapting the Plan] added to deck2025-02-20 20:10:00
1x [Summoned Home] added to deck2025-02-20 13:56:59
1x [Questionable Brew] added to deck2025-02-20 13:56:09
1x [Wild Healing] added to deck2025-02-20 13:55:54
3x [Hard to Kill] added to deck2025-02-20 13:55:25
2x [Woodland Distraction] removed from deck2025-02-20 13:55:10
Removed "A Mother's Embrace"2025-02-20 13:54:20
1x [A Mother's Embrace] added to deck2025-02-20 13:54:13
Removed "Recuperation Time"2025-02-20 13:53:56
Removed "Soup"2025-02-20 13:53:43
3x [A Mother's Embrace] removed from deck2025-02-20 13:53:12
3x [A Mother's Embrace] added to deck2025-02-20 05:41:12
3x [Weightless] added to deck2025-02-20 05:40:32
3x [Weightless] removed from deck2025-02-20 05:39:30
3x [A Mother's Embrace] removed from deck2025-02-20 05:39:10
Removed "The Shobijin's Message"2025-02-17 04:10:36
1x [The Shobijin's Message] added to deck2025-02-17 04:10:28
1x [Titan Injection] added to deck2025-02-17 04:08:44
1x [Adapting the Plan] added to deck2025-02-17 04:08:36
1x [Soup] added to deck2025-02-17 04:05:23
1x [Recuperation Time] added to deck2025-02-17 04:04:47
1x [Hard to Kill] added to deck2025-02-17 04:04:20
1x [Summoned Home] added to deck2025-02-17 04:03:41
Removed "Healing Spell"2025-02-17 04:01:34
1x [Healing Spell] added to deck2025-02-17 04:01:21
1x [Wild Healing] added to deck2025-02-17 04:00:54
1x [Questionable Brew] added to deck2025-02-17 04:00:46
4x [Horse Toss] added to deck2025-02-11 05:29:31
1x [Recuperation Time] added to deck2025-02-11 05:22:29
1x [Last-Second Rescue] added to deck2025-02-11 05:22:10
1x [Horse Toss] added to deck2025-02-11 05:19:54
4x [Hiding Out] added to deck2025-02-10 19:54:11
Removed "Soup"2025-02-10 18:46:00
1x [Soup] added to deck2025-02-10 18:45:55
Removed "Black Abyss"2025-02-10 18:37:43
1x [Black Abyss] added to deck2025-02-10 18:37:35
Removed "Fallen Angel's Revenge"2025-02-10 18:36:27
4x [Fallen Angel's Revenge] added to deck2025-02-10 18:36:21
1x [Fallen Angel's Revenge] added to deck2025-02-10 18:36:10
1x [Facing Danger] added to deck2025-02-10 18:35:21
0x [Harpoon Vault] removed from deck2025-02-10 18:34:50
1x [Harpoon Vault] added to deck2025-02-10 18:34:49
4x [Wielding One For All] added to deck2025-02-10 18:34:17
4x [Weightless] added to deck2025-02-10 18:24:53
4x [Soup] added to deck2025-02-10 18:23:51
4x [Storm of Arrows] added to deck2025-02-10 06:09:11
0x [Swift Execution] removed from deck2025-02-10 06:04:12
4x [Swift Execution] added to deck2025-02-10 06:04:09
4x [A Mother's Embrace] added to deck2025-02-10 04:29:56
4x [Healing Spell] added to deck2025-02-10 04:21:23
4x [Woodland Distraction] added to deck2025-02-10 04:20:06
Removed "Eri"2025-02-10 04:15:45
1x [Eri] added to deck2025-02-10 04:15:22
4x [Elvish Tutoring] added to deck2025-02-10 04:07:21
4x [Beta Shift] added to deck2025-02-10 04:06:44
3x [The Shobijin's Message] added to deck2025-02-09 03:49:17
1x [Reani] added to deck2025-02-09 03:49:07
4x [City Rampage] added to deck2025-02-09 03:42:44
4x [Black Abyss] added to deck2025-02-09 03:40:05
4x [Referee Juri] added to deck2025-02-09 03:39:50
1x [The Shobijin's Message] added to deck2025-02-09 03:35:51
1x [Shakaste] added to deck2025-02-09 03:34:06
1x [Jarett Howarth] added to deck2025-02-09 03:32:55
4x [Hunter's Ally] added to deck2025-02-07 06:19:38
4x [Trinket] added to deck2025-02-07 06:17:32
0x [A Trinket for Vex] removed from deck2025-02-07 06:15:06
0x [A Trinket for Vex] removed from deck2025-02-07 06:15:05
4x [A Trinket for Vex] added to deck2025-02-07 06:14:55
1x [Vex'ahlia, Protector of the Wilds] added to deck2025-02-07 06:12:46
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.47

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 71 71 2.17 2.97 4.38
Attack 20 20 1.8 5.2 3
Foundation 36 36 2.56 1.67 5.06
Asset 4 4 2 2 5
Action 8 8 1.5 3.5 4.5
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 3 3 2 3.67 4.33


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 23 2.43 0
Mid 35 2.06 0
Low 13 2 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 71.83% 28.17% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 63.38% 8.45% 28.17% 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 2.82% 60.56% 8.45% 28.17% 0% 0% 0%
7 0% 2.82% 60.56% 8.45% 28.17% 0% 0%
8 0% 0% 2.82% 60.56% 8.45% 28.17% 0%
9 0% 0% 0% 2.82% 60.56% 8.45% 28.17%