1x [Condescending Explanation] removed from deck2024-11-26 04:22:40
1x [Flashfire Fist: Jet Kindling] removed from deck2024-11-26 04:22:13
Removed "Surviving The Final"2024-11-26 04:21:08
1x [Weapon Clash] removed from deck2024-11-26 04:19:47
Removed "Expression of Friendship"2024-11-26 04:19:25
Removed "Ice Gliding"2024-11-26 04:19:19
Removed "Leaping Tongue Lash"2024-11-26 04:19:15
Removed "Fourth Wielder: Danger Sense"2024-11-26 04:19:06
Removed "Risky Encounter"2024-11-26 04:19:00
Removed "Maximum Viscosity"2024-11-26 04:18:54
Removed "Flustered"2024-11-26 04:18:50
Removed "Problem Solving"2024-11-26 04:18:47
3x [Problem Solving] added to deck2024-11-26 04:18:45
Removed "Quirk Expertise"2024-11-26 04:17:38
Removed "Double Trouble"2024-11-26 04:17:23
3x [Ice Sword Execution] added to deck2024-11-26 04:17:10
3x [Flashfire Fist: Jet Kindling] added to deck2024-11-26 04:16:57
3x [Leaping Tongue Lash] added to deck2024-11-26 04:15:45
Removed "History's Greatest Monster"2024-11-26 04:14:07
2x [History's Greatest Monster] added to deck2024-11-26 04:14:03
Removed "Fourth Wielder: Danger Sense"2024-11-26 04:13:39
2x [Fourth Wielder: Danger Sense] added to deck2024-11-26 04:13:36
3x [Problem Solving] added to deck2024-11-26 04:12:26
3x [Quirk Expertise] added to deck2024-11-26 04:12:08
1x [Flustered] added to deck2024-11-26 04:12:00
1x [Syndicate Target] added to deck2024-11-26 04:11:54
3x [Titanic Combat] added to deck2024-11-26 04:10:37
2x [History's Greatest Monster] added to deck2024-11-26 04:10:23
3x [Ecological Fighter] added to deck2024-11-26 04:09:26
3x [Tasty Riff] added to deck2024-11-26 04:07:46
1x [Fourth Wielder: Danger Sense] removed from deck2024-11-26 04:03:36
1x [Weapon Clash] added to deck2024-11-26 04:03:22
Removed "Sins of the Past"2024-11-26 04:02:59
Removed "Team Dr. Ichigaki"2024-11-26 04:02:34
Removed "The Attack Titan Emerges"2024-11-26 03:58:56
Removed "Risky Encounter"2024-11-26 03:58:51
3x [Double Trouble] added to deck2024-10-24 19:10:53
1x [Falling Skies] added to deck2024-10-24 19:09:37
Removed "Aura Slam"2024-10-24 19:07:46
1x [Team Dr. Ichigaki] removed from deck2024-10-24 19:01:16
1x [Idun Box] removed from deck2024-10-24 19:00:49
2x [Weapon Clash] added to deck2024-10-24 19:00:39
2x [Team Dr. Ichigaki] added to deck2024-10-24 19:00:25
Removed "Masho Concealment"2024-10-24 19:00:04
Removed "Broken Psyche"2024-10-24 18:57:17
1x [Broken Psyche] removed from deck2024-10-24 18:56:10
2x [Broken Psyche] added to deck2024-10-24 18:56:04
1x [Referee Juri] removed from deck2024-10-24 18:55:41
1x [Sins of the Past] added to deck2024-10-24 18:53:49
1x [Enormous Axe] removed from deck2024-10-24 18:52:30
1x [Falling Skies] removed from deck2024-10-24 18:52:13
0x [Struggling With Studies] removed from deck2024-10-24 18:51:56
Removed "Faith's Shield"2024-10-24 18:51:24
Removed "Zero Gravity Rush"2024-10-24 18:51:22
Removed "Big Fist Bash"2024-10-24 18:51:19
Removed "Masho Concealment"2024-10-24 18:51:10
2x [Risky Encounter] removed from deck2024-10-24 18:51:08
Removed "Ice Gliding"2024-10-24 18:51:03
3x [Ice Gliding] added to deck2024-10-24 18:51:01
1x [Fourth Wielder: Danger Sense] removed from deck2024-10-24 18:50:07
1x [Surviving The Final] added to deck2024-10-24 18:49:31
1x [Syndicate Target] added to deck2024-10-24 18:49:28
2x [Syndicate Target] removed from deck2024-10-24 18:49:24
Removed "Weapon Clash"2024-10-24 18:47:43
Removed "Skeptical"2024-10-24 18:46:55
2x [Skeptical] added to deck2024-10-24 18:46:10
4x [Fourth Wielder: Danger Sense] added to deck2024-10-24 18:46:03
Removed "Flustered"2024-10-24 18:42:30
3x [Risky Encounter] added to deck2024-10-24 16:09:37
Removed "Big Fist Bash"2024-10-24 16:09:29
1x [Big Fist Bash] added to deck2024-10-24 16:09:25
Removed "Tasty Riff"2024-10-24 16:09:20
3x [Referee Juri] added to deck2024-10-24 16:09:03
1x [Flustered] added to deck2024-10-24 16:06:33
3x [Flustered] added to deck2024-10-24 16:06:30
3x [Enormous Axe] added to deck2024-10-24 15:52:47
3x [Maximum Viscosity] added to deck2024-10-24 15:52:21
2x [The Attack Titan Emerges] added to deck2024-10-24 15:51:45
3x [Aura Slam] added to deck2024-10-24 15:51:26
1x [Ice Gliding] removed from deck2024-10-22 01:47:47
1x [Surviving The Final] removed from deck2024-10-22 01:47:37
1x [Masho Concealment] removed from deck2024-10-22 01:47:25
2x [Masho Concealment] added to deck2024-10-22 01:47:17
1x [Weapon Clash] removed from deck2024-10-22 01:46:36
0x [Quick Response] removed from deck2024-10-22 01:46:33
Removed "Cheerleader"2024-10-22 01:46:04
Removed "Sins of the Past"2024-10-22 01:45:58
Removed "Vast Hybrid Chimera Kraken"2024-10-22 01:45:01
3x [Vast Hybrid Chimera Kraken] added to deck2024-10-22 01:44:58
Removed "Risky Encounter"2024-10-22 01:44:53
3x [Risky Encounter] added to deck2024-10-22 01:44:51
1x [Battle Aura Release] added to deck2024-10-22 01:43:25
Removed "Shards of Winter"2024-10-22 01:37:36
1x [Cheerleader] removed from deck2024-10-22 01:37:30
1x [Basic Training] added to deck2024-10-22 01:37:08
1x [Surviving The Final] removed from deck2024-10-22 01:37:05
1x [Ferocious Attacker] added to deck2024-10-22 01:36:58
Removed "Flustered"2024-10-22 01:36:55
1x [Sins of the Past] removed from deck2024-10-22 01:36:35
Removed "Unexpected Outcomes"2024-10-22 01:36:20
Removed "Ravages of War"2024-10-22 01:36:17
Removed "Time for Rest"2024-10-22 01:35:31
Removed "Expression of Friendship"2024-10-22 01:35:25
2x [Expression of Friendship] added to deck2024-10-22 01:35:23
2x [Broken Psyche] added to deck2024-10-22 01:35:02
4x [Flustered] added to deck2024-10-22 01:34:29
1x [Syndicate Target] added to deck2024-10-22 01:34:22
1x [Fast Friendship] added to deck2024-10-22 01:34:16
2x [Masho Concealment] added to deck2024-10-22 01:33:59
3x [Weapon Clash] added to deck2024-10-22 01:33:57
2x [Cheerleader] added to deck2024-10-22 01:33:45
2x [Sins of the Past] added to deck2024-10-22 01:32:43
2x [Expression of Friendship] added to deck2024-10-22 01:31:53
Removed "Final Words"2024-10-22 01:31:12
0x [Time for Rest] removed from deck2024-10-22 01:31:10
Removed "Feelin' Cute"2024-10-22 01:30:55
1x [Ice Gliding] added to deck2024-10-22 01:30:51
Removed "Zero Gravity Rush"2024-10-22 01:30:38
3x [Zero Gravity Rush] added to deck2024-10-22 01:30:34
3x [Tasty Riff] added to deck2024-10-22 01:29:14
2x [Big Fist Bash] added to deck2024-10-22 01:28:35
3x [Risky Encounter] added to deck2024-10-22 01:28:03
Removed "Learned Technique"2024-10-22 01:26:15
Removed "Toothy Bite"2024-10-22 01:26:05
Removed "Female Titan Attacks!"2024-10-22 01:25:09
1x [Idun Box] added to deck2024-10-22 01:25:00
Removed "The Attack Titan Emerges"2024-10-22 01:24:54
Removed "Jaw Titan Attacks!"2024-10-22 01:24:51
Removed "Attack Titan Attacks!"2024-10-22 01:24:49
Removed "Display of Might"2024-10-22 01:24:47
Removed "Nape Strike"2024-10-22 01:24:44
Removed "Weight of Responsibility"2024-10-22 01:24:40
Removed "Ultrahard Steel"2024-10-22 01:24:33
1x [Condescending Explanation] added to deck2024-08-04 22:00:29
Removed "Masho Concealment"2024-08-04 22:00:20
Removed "Flustered"2024-08-04 21:59:42
3x [Ferocious Attacker] added to deck2024-08-04 21:59:34
3x [Flustered] added to deck2024-08-04 21:58:18
1x [Fast Friendship] removed from deck2024-08-04 21:56:57
1x [Dance Routine] removed from deck2024-08-04 21:56:55
1x [Toothy Bite] removed from deck2024-08-04 21:56:37
1x [Battle Aura Release] removed from deck2024-08-04 21:56:26
Removed "The Attack Titan Emerges"2024-08-04 21:56:02
2x [The Attack Titan Emerges] added to deck2024-08-04 21:56:00
2x [Toothy Bite] added to deck2024-08-04 21:55:48
2x [The Attack Titan Emerges] added to deck2024-08-04 21:55:41
1x [Falling Skies] added to deck2024-08-04 21:55:04
1x [Zero Gravity Rush] removed from deck2024-08-04 21:54:58
1x [Ice Gliding] removed from deck2024-08-04 21:54:41
1x [Zero Gravity Rush] removed from deck2024-08-04 21:53:51
3x [Shards of Winter] added to deck2024-08-04 21:53:30
Removed "Tasty Riff"2024-08-04 21:51:58
Removed "The Attack Titan Emerges"2024-08-04 21:51:27
Removed "Fight to the Death"2024-08-04 21:51:05
3x [Female Titan Attacks!] added to deck2024-08-04 21:50:40
3x [Learned Technique] added to deck2024-08-04 21:49:41
Removed "Tasty Riff"2024-08-04 21:44:56
3x [Tasty Riff] added to deck2024-08-04 21:44:53
Removed "Jaw Titan Attacks!"2024-08-04 21:44:51
2x [Jaw Titan Attacks!] added to deck2024-08-04 21:44:48
Removed "Sins of the Past"2024-08-04 21:44:25
Removed "Vast Hybrid Chimera Kraken"2024-08-04 21:43:32
0x [Vast Hybrid Chimera Kraken] removed from deck2024-08-04 21:43:24
Removed "Attack Titan Attacks!"2024-08-04 21:43:04
2x [Attack Titan Attacks!] added to deck2024-08-04 21:43:02
3x [Zero Gravity Rush] added to deck2024-08-04 21:42:46
2x [Jaw Titan Attacks!] added to deck2024-08-04 21:41:00
1x [Time for Rest] removed from deck2024-08-04 21:37:16
1x [Syndicate Target] removed from deck2024-08-04 21:37:13
Removed "Against a Tough Bunch"2024-08-04 21:36:39
0x [Kinoko Komori] removed from deck2024-08-04 21:36:06
Removed "A Refreshing Slice"2024-08-04 21:33:50
0x [Syndicate Target] removed from deck2024-08-04 21:33:36
Removed "Maximum Viscosity"2024-08-04 21:33:20
3x [Vast Hybrid Chimera Kraken] added to deck2024-08-04 21:32:53
Removed "Tasty Riff"2024-08-04 21:32:45
3x [Tasty Riff] added to deck2024-08-04 21:32:44
Removed "History's Greatest Monster"2024-08-04 21:32:31
Removed "Display of Might"2024-08-04 21:31:58
4x [Display of Might] added to deck2024-08-04 21:31:56
1x [Idun Box] added to deck2024-08-04 21:31:06
4x [Shroom-Shooter] added to deck2024-08-04 21:31:02
3x [Nape Strike] added to deck2024-08-04 21:30:57
4x [Surviving The Final] added to deck2024-08-04 21:30:29
4x [Ice Gliding] added to deck2024-08-04 21:30:23
3x [Struggling With Studies] added to deck2024-08-04 21:30:19
3x [Feelin' Cute] added to deck2024-08-04 21:30:11
3x [Basic Training] added to deck2024-08-04 21:30:03
2x [A Refreshing Slice] added to deck2024-08-04 21:29:47
4x [Dance Routine] added to deck2024-08-04 21:28:59
3x [Quick Response] added to deck2024-08-04 21:28:52
4x [Syndicate Target] added to deck2024-08-04 21:28:47
4x [Fast Friendship] added to deck2024-08-04 21:28:34
1x [Masho Concealment] added to deck2024-08-04 21:28:09
3x [Faith's Shield] added to deck2024-08-04 21:27:52
3x [Time for Rest] added to deck2024-08-04 21:27:42
1x [Condescending Explanation] added to deck2024-08-04 21:27:21
4x [Fungus Among Us] added to deck2024-08-04 21:27:13
3x [Maximum Viscosity] added to deck2024-08-04 21:27:06
2x [History's Greatest Monster] added to deck2024-08-04 21:26:46
1x [Sins of the Past] added to deck2024-08-04 21:25:42
3x [Final Words] added to deck2024-08-04 21:23:21
4x [Display of Might] added to deck2024-08-04 21:22:47
3x [Against a Tough Bunch] added to deck2024-08-04 21:21:12
Removed "Ravages of War"2024-08-04 21:20:53
2x [Ravages of War] added to deck2024-08-04 21:20:51
1x [Unexpected Outcomes] added to deck2024-08-04 21:19:07
3x [Weight of Responsibility] added to deck2024-08-04 21:18:42
3x [The Attack Titan Emerges] added to deck2024-08-04 21:18:31
3x [Fight to the Death] added to deck2024-08-04 21:18:08
2x [Attack Titan Attacks!] added to deck2024-08-04 21:17:06
2x [Ultrahard Steel] added to deck2024-08-04 21:16:28
3x [Vast Hybrid Chimera Kraken] added to deck2024-08-04 21:10:50
3x [Falling Skies] added to deck2024-08-04 21:10:42
3x [Tasty Riff] added to deck2024-08-04 21:10:35
4x [Battle Aura Release] added to deck2024-08-04 21:10:08
4x [Splitgill Lung Strike] added to deck2024-08-04 21:09:37
2x [Ravages of War] added to deck2024-08-04 21:06:38
1x [Kinoko Komori] added to deck2024-08-04 21:05:27
Number of cards | Cards with block | Average block modifier | Average difficulty | Average control | |
Total | 67 | 67 | 1.97 | 2.3 | 4.34 |
Attack | 20 | 20 | 1.8 | 4.35 | 2.85 |
Foundation | 40 | 40 | 2.15 | 1.33 | 5.03 |
Asset | 5 | 5 | 1.2 | 2 | 5 |
Action | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 4 |
Character | 0 | 0 | - | - | - |
Backup | 0 | 0 | - | - | - |
Total | Average Block Modifier | 0 | |
High | 24 | 2.08 | 0 |
Mid | 21 | 1.95 | 0 |
Low | 22 | 1.86 | 0 |
Difficulty / Commited fundation | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
2 | 100% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
3 | 95.52% | 4.48% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
4 | 70.15% | 25.37% | 4.48% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
5 | 62.69% | 7.46% | 25.37% | 4.48% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
6 | 5.97% | 56.72% | 7.46% | 25.37% | 4.48% | 0% | 0% |
7 | 0% | 5.97% | 56.72% | 7.46% | 25.37% | 4.48% | 0% |
8 | 0% | 0% | 5.97% | 56.72% | 7.46% | 25.37% | 4.48% |
9 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 5.97% | 56.72% | 7.46% | 25.37% |