Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Fumikage Tokoyami x1 MR

Foundation (37 cards)

    • Charged Up x2 MR
    • Requesting Assistance x4 MR
    • Shock Treatment x1 MR
    • Short Circuit x4 MR
    • Clever Distraction x3 MR
    • Cool Student x3 MR
    • Stronger In Darkness x4 R
    • Encouraging Training Partner x2 MR
    • Infinite Potential x3 MSR
    • Release x3 MR
    • Frozen x2 MR
    • Irrefutable Force Of Nature x4 MR
    • Precise Control x2 MR

Attack (20 cards - speed : 3.95 - dmg 4.8)

    • Dark Shadow Ruin x4 MR
    • Dark Shadow Talon x3 MR
    • Meteor Shower x4 MR
    • Zero Gravity Lift x4 MR
    • Frigid Heatwave x3 MR
    • Ice Storm x2 MR

Asset (0 cards)

Action (4 cards)

    • Summon Dark Shadow x4 MR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.83

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 61 61 2.36 2.34 4.3
Attack 20 20 2.2 4.55 3
Foundation 37 37 2.49 1.19 4.92
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 4 4 2 2 5
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 21 2.33 0
Mid 26 2.27 0
Low 14 2.57 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 67.21% 32.79% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 62.3% 4.92% 32.79% 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 0% 62.3% 4.92% 32.79% 0% 0% 0%
7 0% 0% 62.3% 4.92% 32.79% 0% 0%
8 0% 0% 0% 62.3% 4.92% 32.79% 0%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 62.3% 4.92% 32.79%