Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • ·Faye· x1 R

Foundation (33 cards)

    • An Evening With Gren x4 R
    • Emergency Rations x4 R
    • Feigned Interest x1 R
    • Funny Valentine x4 R
    • Honky Tonk Woman x4 R
    • Not My Problem x4 R
    • Poker Alice x4 R
    • Useless Futility x4 R
    • Welcome to Woody's x4 R

Attack (15 cards - speed : 3.67 - dmg 4.87)

    • Faye's Cover Fire x2 R
    • Getaway Fire x1 R
    • Lights Out Bounty x2 R
    • NPYUU Distraction x2 R
    • Red Tail Gunfire x2 R
    • Red Tail Missiles x3 R
    • Surprising Shower x3 R

Asset (0 cards)

Action (2 cards)

    • Gateway Shuffle x2 R

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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1x [Lights Out Bounty] removed from deck2022-07-16 18:53:51
1x [Surprising Shower] removed from deck2022-07-16 18:53:48
1x [Getaway Fire] removed from deck2022-07-16 18:53:45
0x [NPYUU Distraction] removed from deck2022-07-16 18:53:42
1x [Red Tail Gunfire] removed from deck2022-07-16 18:53:39
1x [Red Tail Missiles] removed from deck2022-07-16 18:53:37
1x [Gateway Shuffle] removed from deck2022-07-16 18:53:35
2x [Feigned Interest] removed from deck2022-07-16 18:53:32
1x [Feigned Interest] added to deck2022-07-16 18:51:06
1x [Gateway Shuffle] added to deck2022-07-16 18:51:04
1x [Red Tail Missiles] added to deck2022-07-16 18:50:54
1x [Surprising Shower] added to deck2022-07-16 18:50:51
1x [Lights Out Bounty] added to deck2022-07-16 18:50:38
1x [Red Tail Gunfire] added to deck2022-07-16 18:50:34
1x [Getaway Fire] added to deck2022-07-16 18:50:30
0x [Gateway Shuffle] removed from deck2022-07-16 18:50:28
1x [Feigned Interest] added to deck2022-07-16 18:50:23
1x [Red Tail Missiles] added to deck2022-07-16 18:14:41
1x [Surprising Shower] added to deck2022-07-16 18:14:34
1x [Gateway Shuffle] added to deck2022-07-16 18:14:13
1x [Red Tail Missiles] added to deck2022-07-16 18:14:03
1x [Red Tail Gunfire] added to deck2022-07-16 18:14:02
1x [NPYUU Distraction] added to deck2022-07-16 18:14:00
1x [Lights Out Bounty] added to deck2022-07-16 18:13:58
1x [Surprising Shower] added to deck2022-07-16 18:13:56
1x [Faye's Cover Fire] added to deck2022-07-16 18:13:54
3x [Welcome to Woody's] added to deck2022-07-16 18:13:45
3x [Useless Futility] added to deck2022-07-16 18:13:44
3x [Poker Alice] added to deck2022-07-16 18:13:42
3x [Not My Problem] added to deck2022-07-16 18:13:40
3x [Honky Tonk Woman] added to deck2022-07-16 18:13:38
1x [Feigned Interest] removed from deck2022-07-16 18:13:36
2x [Feigned Interest] removed from deck2022-07-16 18:13:33
3x [Funny Valentine] added to deck2022-07-16 18:13:27
3x [Feigned Interest] added to deck2022-07-16 18:13:25
3x [Emergency Rations] added to deck2022-07-16 18:13:23
3x [An Evening With Gren] added to deck2022-07-16 18:13:21
1x [Welcome to Woody's] added to deck2022-07-16 18:13:09
1x [Useless Futility] added to deck2022-07-16 18:13:06
1x [Poker Alice] added to deck2022-07-16 18:13:04
1x [Not My Problem] added to deck2022-07-16 18:13:02
1x [Honky Tonk Woman] added to deck2022-07-16 18:13:00
1x [Funny Valentine] added to deck2022-07-16 18:12:57
1x [Feigned Interest] added to deck2022-07-16 18:12:54
1x [Emergency Rations] added to deck2022-07-16 18:12:52
1x [An Evening With Gren] added to deck2022-07-16 18:12:48
1x [Surprising Shower] added to deck2022-07-16 18:12:45
1x [Red Tail Missiles] added to deck2022-07-16 18:12:42
1x [Red Tail Gunfire] added to deck2022-07-16 18:12:40
1x [NPYUU Distraction] added to deck2022-07-16 18:12:36
1x [Lights Out Bounty] added to deck2022-07-16 18:12:34
1x [Getaway Fire] added to deck2022-07-16 18:12:31
1x [Faye's Cover Fire] added to deck2022-07-16 18:12:28
1x [Gateway Shuffle] added to deck2022-07-16 18:12:26
1x [·Faye·] added to deck2022-07-16 18:12:24
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.67

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 50 34 2.18 2.66 4.44
Attack 15 13 1.69 4.67 2.93
Foundation 33 21 2.48 1.79 5.09
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 2 0 - 2 5
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 12 2.17 0
Mid 15 2.47 0
Low 7 1.57 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 98% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 70% 28% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 68% 2% 28% 2% 0% 0% 0%
6 8% 60% 2% 28% 2% 0% 0%
7 0% 8% 60% 2% 28% 2% 0%
8 0% 0% 8% 60% 2% 28% 2%
9 0% 0% 0% 8% 60% 2% 28%