Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Grog Strongjaw, Mighty Half-Giant x1 SR

Foundation (111 cards)

    • Unrelenting Brute x4 SR
    • Arrogant Smirk x4 SR
    • Futile Attempts x4 ASR
    • Willing Recruits x4 ASR
    • The Greater Goal x4 ASR
    • Titanic Combat x4 SR
    • Dragon's Fortitude x4 MSR
    • Faith's Shield x4 MSR
    • Will of Steel x2 MSR
    • Weapon Clash x4 SR
    • Concern For A Friend x4 MSR
    • Warm and Bubbly x4 MSR
    • Dangerous Hybrid x3 MSR
    • Prepared for an Ambush x4 SR
    • Nature Calls x4 SR
    • Pushing the Limits x4 ASR
    • Last-Second Dodge x4 ASR
    • Ferocious Attacker x4 SR
    • Grape Buckler x4 MSR
    • Split Body Control x4 MSR
    • Shameless Haggler x4 SR
    • Fearsome Transformations x4 SR
    • Thunderous Roar x4 SR
    • Massive Size x2 SR
    • One Man Inferno x4 MSR
    • #10 Pro Hero x4 MSR
    • Defending Pageant Queen x2 MSR
    • Incredible Display x2 MSR
    • Cooperation Offer x4 MSR
    • Saving Bakugo x4 MSR

Attack (25 cards - speed : 2.8 - dmg 4.76)

    • Close-Combat Tackle x4 ASR
    • Strike, Throw, Submit x2 ASR
    • Aura Slam x4 SR
    • Berserker Bite x3 MSR
    • Creeping Vine Eruption x4 MSR
    • Piercing Thorn Lances x4 MSR
    • Hunters' Pursuit x4 SR

Asset (0 cards)

Action (11 cards)

    • Scanlan's Hand x3 SR
    • Referee Juri x4 SR
    • The Dark Tournament Looms x4 SR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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4x [Saving Bakugo] added to deck2025-03-06 20:21:05
4x [Cooperation Offer] added to deck2025-03-06 20:20:48
2x [Incredible Display] added to deck2025-03-06 20:20:39
2x [Defending Pageant Queen] added to deck2025-03-06 20:20:33
4x [#10 Pro Hero] added to deck2025-03-06 20:20:20
4x [One Man Inferno] added to deck2025-03-06 20:20:11
2x [Massive Size] added to deck2025-03-06 20:19:54
4x [Thunderous Roar] added to deck2025-03-06 20:19:48
4x [Fearsome Transformations] added to deck2025-03-06 20:19:38
4x [Shameless Haggler] added to deck2025-03-06 20:19:29
4x [Split Body Control] added to deck2025-03-06 20:19:16
4x [Grape Buckler] added to deck2025-03-06 20:19:03
4x [Ferocious Attacker] added to deck2025-03-06 20:18:20
4x [Last-Second Dodge] added to deck2025-03-06 20:18:00
4x [Pushing the Limits] added to deck2025-03-06 20:16:40
4x [Nature Calls] added to deck2025-03-06 20:16:19
4x [Prepared for an Ambush] added to deck2025-03-06 20:15:59
3x [Dangerous Hybrid] added to deck2025-03-05 03:27:05
4x [Warm and Bubbly] added to deck2025-03-05 03:26:56
4x [Concern For A Friend] added to deck2025-03-05 03:26:49
4x [Weapon Clash] added to deck2025-03-05 03:26:24
2x [Will of Steel] added to deck2025-03-05 03:26:09
4x [Faith's Shield] added to deck2025-03-05 03:26:07
4x [Dragon's Fortitude] added to deck2025-03-05 03:25:47
4x [Titanic Combat] added to deck2025-03-05 03:25:33
4x [The Greater Goal] added to deck2025-03-05 03:25:10
4x [Willing Recruits] added to deck2025-03-05 03:24:52
4x [Futile Attempts] added to deck2025-03-05 03:24:34
4x [Arrogant Smirk] added to deck2025-03-05 03:23:30
4x [Unrelenting Brute] added to deck2025-03-05 03:23:10
Removed "Battle Aura Release"2025-03-05 03:21:25
Removed "Titan Cliff"2025-03-05 03:21:13
Removed "Electric Moth"2025-03-05 03:20:48
1x [Berserker Bite] removed from deck2025-03-04 19:54:07
1x [Electric Moth] removed from deck2025-03-04 19:54:04
1x [Titan Cliff] removed from deck2025-03-04 19:53:58
2x [Electric Moth] removed from deck2025-03-04 19:53:35
2x [Battle Aura Release] removed from deck2025-03-04 19:53:31
Removed "Reconstructed Wrecker"2025-03-04 19:53:27
1x [Titan Cliff] removed from deck2025-03-04 19:53:20
0x [Battle Aura Release] removed from deck2025-03-04 19:53:06
0x [Reconstructed Wrecker] removed from deck2025-03-04 19:52:59
4x [Reconstructed Wrecker] added to deck2025-03-04 19:50:54
4x [Titan Cliff] added to deck2025-03-04 19:49:16
4x [Hunters' Pursuit] added to deck2025-03-04 19:49:01
4x [Battle Aura Release] added to deck2025-03-04 19:48:50
4x [Piercing Thorn Lances] added to deck2025-03-04 19:48:36
4x [Electric Moth] added to deck2025-03-04 19:48:07
4x [Creeping Vine Eruption] added to deck2025-03-04 19:42:54
4x [Berserker Bite] added to deck2025-03-04 19:42:43
4x [Aura Slam] added to deck2025-03-04 19:42:36
2x [Strike, Throw, Submit] added to deck2025-03-04 19:42:20
4x [Close-Combat Tackle] added to deck2025-03-04 19:41:18
Removed "Genkai's Guidance"2025-03-04 19:40:28
4x [The Dark Tournament Looms] added to deck2025-03-04 19:38:50
4x [Referee Juri] added to deck2025-03-04 19:38:44
3x [Scanlan's Hand] added to deck2025-03-04 19:38:36
4x [Genkai's Guidance] added to deck2025-03-04 19:37:10
1x [Grog Strongjaw, Mighty Half-Giant] added to deck2025-03-04 19:36:04
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 2.07

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 147 147 2.56 2.24 4.63
Attack 25 25 2.6 4.64 3
Foundation 111 111 2.61 1.76 5
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 11 11 2 1.64 4.64
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 33 2.55 0
Mid 94 2.52 0
Low 20 2.8 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 82.99% 17.01% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 77.55% 5.44% 17.01% 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 2.72% 74.83% 5.44% 17.01% 0% 0% 0%
7 0% 2.72% 74.83% 5.44% 17.01% 0% 0%
8 0% 0% 2.72% 74.83% 5.44% 17.01% 0%
9 0% 0% 0% 2.72% 74.83% 5.44% 17.01%