Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Mei Hatsume (II) x1 MSR

Foundation (36 cards)

    • Prideless Negotiations x4 SR
    • Without a Vision x2 MSR
    • Thoughtful Classmate x2 MSR
    • Pure Dedication x2 MSR
    • The Final Test x4 SR
    • Partners in Crime x3 SR
    • Get the Scoop x2 SR
    • Always Cool x3 MSR
    • Hatsume's Designs x2 MSR
    • Pass Through Walls x2 MSR
    • You're Finished x3 MSR
    • Chivalrous Competitor x2 MSR
    • Award The Victor x3 MSR
    • Patient Observation x2 MSR

Attack (21 cards - speed : 3.76 - dmg 5.1)

    • Soundwave Blast x3 MSR
    • Heartbeat Surround x3 MSR
    • Audio Reverberation x4 MSR
    • Big Fist Bash x3 MSR
    • Dramatic Slash x4 MSR
    • 100% Power x1 SR
    • Amplifier Jack Attack x3 MSR

Asset (6 cards)

    • Cute Baby #202 x2 MSR
    • Box Full Of Babies x4 MSR

Action (5 cards)

    • Eri Smiles x1 MSR
    • Cremation x4 MSR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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2x [Patient Observation] added to deck2024-06-02 02:39:59
1x [Prideless Negotiations] added to deck2024-06-02 02:39:30
Removed "Settling Old Debts"2024-06-02 02:39:20
Removed "Determined"2024-06-02 02:39:08
Removed "Spirit Beast Puu"2024-06-02 02:38:46
Removed "#10 Pro Hero"2024-06-02 02:38:42
Removed "Hacker Extraordinaire"2024-06-02 02:38:29
1x [Thoughtful Classmate] removed from deck2024-06-02 02:38:08
Removed "#3 Pro Hero"2024-06-02 02:37:50
1x [Award The Victor] added to deck2024-06-02 02:37:26
Removed "Interdimensional Plants"2024-06-02 02:37:09
Removed "Cute Host Koto"2024-06-02 02:37:04
1x [Amplifier Jack Attack] removed from deck2024-06-02 02:36:05
1x [Amplifier Jack Attack] added to deck2024-06-02 02:35:59
Removed "Chronostasis Trigger"2024-06-02 02:35:56
1x [100% Power] removed from deck2024-06-02 02:35:33
1x [100% Power] removed from deck2024-06-02 02:35:27
Removed "Justice Rush"2024-06-02 02:35:09
3x [Amplifier Jack Attack] added to deck2024-06-02 02:34:00
Removed "Point Blank Shot"2024-06-02 02:32:56
Removed "Red Guard"2024-06-02 02:32:35
Removed "Somnambulism"2024-06-02 02:32:28
Removed "Repeated Seal Toss"2024-06-02 02:32:26
Removed "Disabling Shot"2024-06-02 02:32:23
Removed "Spirit Gun Final"2024-06-02 02:32:15
Removed "Electromagnetic Stomp"2024-06-02 02:32:09
2x [Justice Rush] added to deck2024-06-02 02:31:48
3x [100% Power] added to deck2024-06-02 02:31:35
1x [Heartbeat Surround] added to deck2024-06-02 02:31:31
2x [Audio Reverberation] added to deck2024-06-02 02:31:25
2x [Award The Victor] added to deck2024-06-02 02:24:48
2x [Chivalrous Competitor] added to deck2024-06-02 02:23:28
3x [You're Finished] added to deck2024-06-02 02:21:10
2x [Determined] added to deck2024-06-02 02:20:49
2x [Pass Through Walls] added to deck2024-06-02 02:19:56
2x [Hacker Extraordinaire] added to deck2024-06-02 02:19:38
2x [Hatsume's Designs] added to deck2024-06-02 02:17:02
2x [#10 Pro Hero] added to deck2024-06-02 02:16:46
3x [Always Cool] added to deck2024-06-02 02:16:31
Removed "Fashion Icon"2024-06-02 02:16:29
2x [Fashion Icon] added to deck2024-06-02 02:16:26
2x [#3 Pro Hero] added to deck2024-06-02 02:16:17
2x [Get the Scoop] added to deck2024-06-02 02:15:55
3x [Partners in Crime] added to deck2024-06-02 02:15:43
2x [Spirit Beast Puu] added to deck2024-06-02 02:15:19
2x [Settling Old Debts] added to deck2024-06-02 02:15:13
Removed "Split Body Control"2024-06-02 02:14:55
4x [The Final Test] added to deck2024-06-02 02:14:50
2x [Split Body Control] added to deck2024-06-02 02:14:45
1x [Pure Dedication] removed from deck2024-06-02 02:14:35
3x [Pure Dedication] added to deck2024-06-02 02:14:31
3x [Thoughtful Classmate] added to deck2024-06-02 02:14:21
2x [Without a Vision] added to deck2024-06-02 02:14:13
3x [Prideless Negotiations] added to deck2024-06-02 02:13:53
Removed "Punisher's Beam"2024-06-02 02:13:42
2x [Electromagnetic Stomp] added to deck2024-06-02 02:12:45
3x [Somnambulism] added to deck2024-06-02 02:12:38
2x [Red Guard] added to deck2024-06-02 02:12:17
2x [Point Blank Shot] added to deck2024-06-02 02:11:35
2x [Chronostasis Trigger] added to deck2024-06-02 02:11:32
3x [Repeated Seal Toss] added to deck2024-06-02 02:11:21
1x [Dramatic Slash] added to deck2024-06-02 02:10:50
3x [Dramatic Slash] added to deck2024-06-02 02:10:35
3x [Punisher's Beam] added to deck2024-06-02 02:10:13
2x [Disabling Shot] added to deck2024-06-02 02:10:03
2x [Spirit Gun Final] added to deck2024-06-02 02:09:32
3x [Big Fist Bash] added to deck2024-06-02 02:08:50
2x [Audio Reverberation] added to deck2024-06-02 02:08:47
2x [Heartbeat Surround] added to deck2024-06-02 02:08:43
3x [Soundwave Blast] added to deck2024-06-02 02:07:55
4x [Box Full Of Babies] added to deck2024-06-02 02:06:25
4x [Cremation] added to deck2024-06-02 02:06:18
1x [Eri Smiles] added to deck2024-06-02 02:05:57
2x [Interdimensional Plants] added to deck2024-06-02 02:05:55
2x [Cute Host Koto] added to deck2024-06-02 02:05:46
2x [Cute Baby #202] added to deck2024-06-02 02:05:35
1x [Mei Hatsume (II)] added to deck2024-06-02 02:05:26
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.85

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 68 68 2.32 2.38 4.4
Attack 21 21 2.14 4.57 2.95
Foundation 36 36 2.53 1.47 5.06
Asset 6 6 2 1 5
Action 5 5 2 1.4 5
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 21 2.24 0
Mid 24 2.21 0
Low 23 2.52 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 98.53% 1.47% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 69.12% 29.41% 1.47% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 66.18% 2.94% 29.41% 1.47% 0% 0% 0%
6 5.88% 60.29% 2.94% 29.41% 1.47% 0% 0%
7 0% 5.88% 60.29% 2.94% 29.41% 1.47% 0%
8 0% 0% 5.88% 60.29% 2.94% 29.41% 1.47%
9 0% 0% 0% 5.88% 60.29% 2.94% 29.41%