Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Spinner x1 MSR

Foundation (32 cards)

    • Raiding The Villain Hideout x3 MSR
    • Rising Starlet x2 MR
    • Blade Expertise x3 MSR
    • Hack & Slash x3 MSR
    • Start With The Basics x2 MR
    • Dexterous Appendages x2 MSR
    • You're Finished x2 MSR
    • Celebrity Status x2 MR
    • Manly Passionate Guy x2 MR
    • Idol Work x3 MSR
    • Resistance x3 MR
    • Determined x3 MSR
    • One With Nature x2 R

Attack (21 cards - speed : 2.76 - dmg 4.29)

    • Measured Violence x4 MSR
    • Staff Strike x4 MR
    • Create: Bo Staff x4 MR
    • Create: Capturing Net x4 MR
    • Really Big Sword x2 MSR
    • Twin Sword Slicer x3 MSR

Asset (3 cards)

    • Quick Creation x3 MR

Action (3 cards)

    • Flex Your Might x2 MSR
    • I AM HERE! x1 MSR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (8 cards)

    • Going Out To Fight Some Villains x3 MSR
    • First Impressions x2 MSR
    • Symbol Of Peace x2 MSR
    • One With Nature x1 R

planning and high value shelved due to regional secondary restrictions
x3 hvt for x3 idol work
x3 prep for x3 resistance

Missing x1 symbol of peace (promo)

GLCartoon GLCartoon
1 Decks
0 Following
/ 2023-05-05 02:08:58

Nomu w. Endeavour back alley cards is still a big problem - stuns and constant damage buffs

GLCartoon GLCartoon
1 Decks
0 Following
/ 2023-05-09 18:09:38

Meek recommended:
Passing the torch
Contempt For Heroes

These cards can get cards in hand in a pinch

GLCartoon GLCartoon
1 Decks
0 Following
/ 2023-05-09 21:06:13

Post Regional Health Report: Webcam
Vs Nomu 0-2
Vs Jiro 1-1 (Saved by Bell!)
Vs Tokoyami 2-0

GLCartoon GLCartoon
1 Decks
0 Following
/ 2023-05-09 21:21:38
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1x [I AM HERE!] added to deck2023-05-09 21:11:58
2x [One With Nature] removed from deck2023-05-06 12:23:36
2x [One With Nature] added to deck2023-05-06 12:23:29
Removed "Effortless Movement"2023-05-05 02:11:21
Removed "One With Nature"2023-05-05 02:10:51
3x [One With Nature] added to deck2023-05-05 02:10:48
1x [First Impressions] added to deck2023-05-05 02:08:40
Removed "Earphone Jack"2023-05-05 02:08:29
Removed "Hype Man"2023-05-05 02:07:48
2x [Symbol Of Peace] added to deck2023-05-05 02:07:15
3x [One With Nature] added to deck2023-05-05 02:06:39
Removed "Determined"2023-05-01 20:21:49
3x [Determined] added to deck2023-05-01 20:21:46
Removed "Hype Man"2023-05-01 20:21:43
2x [Hype Man] added to deck2023-05-01 20:21:41
2x [Determined] added to deck2023-05-01 20:21:07
Removed "Preparing For Battle"2023-05-01 15:37:40
Deck description changed2023-05-01 15:37:35
3x [Resistance] added to deck2023-05-01 15:37:16
Deck description changed2023-05-01 15:35:35
Removed "High Value Target"2023-05-01 15:35:19
Removed "Idol Work"2023-05-01 15:35:14
3x [Idol Work] added to deck2023-05-01 15:35:12
Removed "Planning Ahead"2023-05-01 15:35:04
Deck description changed2023-05-01 15:35:00
1x [Raiding The Villain Hideout] removed from deck2023-05-01 15:29:46
Removed "Idol Work"2023-05-01 15:29:39
1x [Idol Work] added to deck2023-05-01 15:29:36
Removed "First Impressions"2023-05-01 15:29:33
1x [First Impressions] added to deck2023-05-01 15:29:30
Removed "Planning Ahead"2023-05-01 15:29:26
1x [Planning Ahead] added to deck2023-05-01 15:29:23
1x [Blade Expertise] removed from deck2023-05-01 15:29:19
1x [Dexterous Appendages] removed from deck2023-05-01 15:29:16
1x [Hype Man] removed from deck2023-05-01 15:29:12
1x [Start With The Basics] removed from deck2023-05-01 15:29:07
1x [Rising Starlet] removed from deck2023-05-01 15:29:05
1x [Hack & Slash] removed from deck2023-05-01 15:29:02
0x [Idol Work] removed from deck2023-05-01 15:28:58
1x [High Value Target] removed from deck2023-05-01 15:28:50
1x [Preparing For Battle] added to deck2023-05-01 15:28:47
2x [Preparing For Battle] removed from deck2023-05-01 15:28:41
1x [Manly Passionate Guy] removed from deck2023-05-01 15:28:38
1x [Celebrity Status] removed from deck2023-05-01 15:28:36
1x [You're Finished] removed from deck2023-05-01 15:28:33
1x [Quick Creation] added to deck2023-05-01 15:27:44
Removed "Earphone Jack"2023-05-01 15:27:16
1x [Earphone Jack] added to deck2023-05-01 15:27:14
1x [Quick Creation] removed from deck2023-05-01 15:25:37
1x [Dexterous Appendages] removed from deck2023-05-01 15:25:27
1x [Rising Starlet] removed from deck2023-05-01 15:25:13
1x [Idol Work] removed from deck2023-05-01 15:25:00
1x [Manly Passionate Guy] removed from deck2023-05-01 15:24:52
2x [First Impressions] removed from deck2023-05-01 15:24:19
4x [Manly Passionate Guy] added to deck2023-05-01 15:23:12
3x [Celebrity Status] added to deck2023-05-01 15:23:08
4x [High Value Target] added to deck2023-05-01 15:23:00
3x [Idol Work] added to deck2023-05-01 15:22:45
3x [You're Finished] added to deck2023-05-01 15:22:30
Main character changed2023-04-30 23:46:17
2x [Flex Your Might] added to deck2023-04-30 23:46:07
4x [Dexterous Appendages] added to deck2023-04-30 23:45:04
4x [First Impressions] added to deck2023-04-30 23:44:46
3x [Earphone Jack] added to deck2023-04-30 23:44:02
3x [Quick Creation] added to deck2023-04-30 23:43:41
3x [Start With The Basics] added to deck2023-04-30 23:43:26
3x [Going Out To Fight Some Villains] added to deck2023-04-30 23:42:38
Removed "Going Out To Fight Some Villains"2023-04-30 23:42:36
3x [Going Out To Fight Some Villains] added to deck2023-04-30 23:42:33
3x [Effortless Movement] added to deck2023-04-30 23:41:46
3x [Twin Sword Slicer] added to deck2023-04-30 23:40:06
2x [Really Big Sword] added to deck2023-04-30 23:39:42
4x [Hack & Slash] added to deck2023-04-30 23:39:31
4x [Blade Expertise] added to deck2023-04-30 23:39:25
4x [Rising Starlet] added to deck2023-04-30 23:38:58
4x [Preparing For Battle] added to deck2023-04-30 23:38:51
4x [Create: Capturing Net] added to deck2023-04-30 23:38:45
4x [Create: Bo Staff] added to deck2023-04-30 23:38:34
2x [Planning Ahead] added to deck2023-04-30 23:37:33
4x [Raiding The Villain Hideout] added to deck2023-04-30 23:37:20
4x [Staff Strike] added to deck2023-04-30 23:36:47
3x [Hype Man] added to deck2023-04-30 23:35:29
1x [Spinner] added to deck2023-04-30 23:32:35
4x [Measured Violence] added to deck2023-04-30 23:32:22
Removed "Mezo Shoji"2023-04-30 23:28:54
Removed "Final Exam Gut Shot"2023-04-30 23:28:48
0x [Final Exam Gut Shot] removed from deck2023-04-30 23:28:45
1x [Mezo Shoji] added to deck2023-04-30 23:17:15
Removed "Mezo Shoji"2023-04-30 23:17:12
1x [Mezo Shoji] added to deck2023-04-30 23:16:36
Removed "Prehensile Tail"2023-04-30 23:15:03
Removed "Focused Attack"2023-04-30 23:14:57
Removed "Counter Smash"2023-04-30 23:14:53
Removed "Final Smash"2023-04-30 23:14:50
Removed "Texas Smash"2023-04-30 23:14:47
Removed "Hardened Barrage"2023-04-30 23:14:43
Removed "Rapid Punches"2023-04-30 23:14:39
Removed "Copy: Harden"2023-04-30 23:14:33
Removed "Panache Shining Navel Blast"2023-04-30 23:14:30
Removed "Mighty Punch"2023-04-30 23:14:26
4x [Final Exam Gut Shot] added to deck2023-04-30 23:14:03
Removed "Valiant Assault"2023-04-30 23:11:29
Removed "Knee Smash"2023-04-30 23:11:26
Removed "Binding Shoulder Rush"2023-04-30 23:11:23
Removed "Cat Punch"2023-04-30 23:11:17
Removed "Final Exam Gut Shot"2023-04-30 23:11:14
Removed "Magne"2023-04-30 23:11:10
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.66

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 59 59 2.19 2.59 4.31
Attack 21 21 2.1 4.1 2.9
Foundation 32 32 2.38 1.56 5.09
Asset 3 3 2 2 5
Action 3 3 1 3.67 5
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 16 1.94 0
Mid 27 2.07 0
Low 16 2.63 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 96.61% 3.39% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 64.41% 32.2% 3.39% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 64.41% 0% 32.2% 3.39% 0% 0% 0%
6 5.08% 59.32% 0% 32.2% 3.39% 0% 0%
7 0% 5.08% 59.32% 0% 32.2% 3.39% 0%
8 0% 0% 5.08% 59.32% 0% 32.2% 3.39%
9 0% 0% 0% 5.08% 59.32% 0% 32.2%