Forum Code Proxy List

Character (3 cards)

    • Mt. Lady x4 MR

Foundation (34 cards)

    • Celebrity Status x4 MR
    • Pull No Punches x2 MR
    • It Can't Be Fixed x2 MR
    • You're So Obvious x2 MR
    • Coordinated Effort x1 L
    • Harden x3 MR
    • Resistance x2 MR
    • Apathetic x2 MR
    • Shock Absorption x4 MR
    • Super Regeneration x4 MR
    • Glamorous x4 MR
    • Someone With Style x2 MR
    • Tight Lipped x2 MR

Attack (16 cards - speed : 4.13 - dmg 5.13)

    • Detroit Smash x2 MR
    • Hardened Pummel x4 MR
    • Merciless Rush x4 MR
    • Relentless Barrage x4 MR
    • Hardened Jab x2 MR

Asset (0 cards)

Action (0 cards)

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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1x [Coordinated Effort] removed from deck2021-10-30 09:57:50
1x [Pull No Punches] removed from deck2021-10-30 09:57:48
1x [Harden] removed from deck2021-10-30 09:57:36
2x [It Can't Be Fixed] removed from deck2021-10-30 09:57:33
2x [Resistance] removed from deck2021-10-30 09:57:22
Removed "Capture Evil-Doers"2021-10-30 09:56:58
2x [Tight Lipped] added to deck2021-10-30 09:56:47
2x [Someone With Style] added to deck2021-10-30 09:56:45
4x [Glamorous] added to deck2021-10-30 09:56:42
4x [Super Regeneration] added to deck2021-10-30 09:56:40
4x [Shock Absorption] added to deck2021-10-30 09:56:37
2x [Apathetic] added to deck2021-10-30 09:56:33
4x [Resistance] added to deck2021-10-30 09:56:30
4x [Harden] added to deck2021-10-30 09:56:26
2x [Coordinated Effort] added to deck2021-10-30 09:56:21
2x [You're So Obvious] added to deck2021-10-30 09:56:18
4x [It Can't Be Fixed] added to deck2021-10-30 09:56:15
3x [Pull No Punches] added to deck2021-10-30 09:56:08
4x [Celebrity Status] added to deck2021-10-30 09:56:02
2x [Hardened Jab] added to deck2021-10-30 09:55:18
3x [Mt. Lady] added to deck2021-10-30 09:54:35
4x [Relentless Barrage] added to deck2021-10-30 09:53:58
1x [Detroit Smash] removed from deck2021-10-30 09:53:09
4x [Merciless Rush] added to deck2021-10-30 09:52:15
Removed "One For All: Full Cowling 5% Strike"2021-10-30 09:51:47
Removed "Reverse Throw"2021-10-30 09:51:43
4x [Hardened Pummel] added to deck2021-10-30 09:50:27
1x [One For All: Full Cowling 5% Strike] removed from deck2021-10-30 09:49:31
3x [One For All: Full Cowling 5% Strike] added to deck2021-10-30 09:49:23
3x [Detroit Smash] added to deck2021-10-30 09:49:07
4x [Reverse Throw] added to deck2021-10-30 09:48:31
4x [Capture Evil-Doers] added to deck2021-10-30 09:47:39
1x [Mt. Lady] added to deck2021-10-30 09:46:23
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.57

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 53 53 1.81 2.77 4.36
Attack 16 16 0.88 4.75 2.88
Foundation 34 34 2.41 1.56 4.91
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 0 0 - - -
Character 3 3 0 6 6
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 19 2.11 0
Mid 24 1.42 0
Low 10 2.2 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 96.23% 3.77% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 69.81% 26.42% 3.77% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 62.26% 7.55% 26.42% 3.77% 0% 0% 0%
6 7.55% 54.72% 7.55% 26.42% 3.77% 0% 0%
7 0% 7.55% 54.72% 7.55% 26.42% 3.77% 0%
8 0% 0% 7.55% 54.72% 7.55% 26.42% 3.77%
9 0% 0% 0% 7.55% 54.72% 7.55% 26.42%