Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Eraser Head (II) x1 M

Foundation (32 cards)

    • Prone to Dry Eyes x2 M
    • All Worked Up x4 M
    • It Can't Be Fixed x4 M
    • Night Watch x2 M
    • Specialist Of Sound x3 M
    • Advice For Winners x3 M
    • Binding Cloth Mastery x3 M
    • Chivalrous Competitor x3 M
    • Patient Observation x2 M
    • Showing Off x2 M
    • Preparing For Battle x4 M

Attack (20 cards - speed : 3.45 - dmg 5)

    • Total Erasure Binding x4 M
    • Binding Shoulder Rush x2 M
    • Binding Cloth Whiplash x4 M
    • Binding Cloth Precision x3 M
    • Staff Strike x4 M
    • Gutter Punk Elbow x3 M

Asset (0 cards)

Action (5 cards)

    • Flex Your Might x3 M
    • Capture Evil-Doers x2 L

Side (7 cards)

    • Villains Defeated x4 M
    • Dark Shadow Emergence x3 M

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3x [Dark Shadow Emergence] added to deck2022-10-10 05:03:43
1x [Staff Strike] added to deck2022-10-06 20:16:15
Removed "Create: Capturing Net"2022-10-06 20:15:56
3x [Create: Capturing Net] added to deck2022-10-06 20:15:44
1x [Staff Strike] removed from deck2022-10-06 20:15:31
1x [Gutter Punk Elbow] added to deck2022-10-06 17:41:33
1x [Binding Shoulder Rush] removed from deck2022-10-06 17:41:27
Removed "Carbo Loading"2022-10-06 17:06:07
Removed "Sudden Appearance"2022-10-06 17:05:56
Removed "Villains Defeated"2022-10-06 17:05:49
3x [Villains Defeated] added to deck2022-10-06 17:05:43
Removed "Quick Creation"2022-10-06 17:03:19
3x [Quick Creation] added to deck2022-10-06 17:02:28
1x [Advice For Winners] added to deck2022-10-06 17:00:39
1x [Patient Observation] removed from deck2022-10-06 17:00:35
1x [Flex Your Might] added to deck2022-10-06 16:57:46
1x [Flex Your Might] removed from deck2022-10-06 16:56:39
1x [Binding Cloth Mastery] added to deck2022-10-06 16:56:20
1x [Showing Off] removed from deck2022-10-06 16:56:17
4x [Preparing For Battle] added to deck2022-10-06 16:55:14
Removed "Destined For Mainstream Success"2022-10-06 16:54:53
1x [Binding Cloth Mastery] removed from deck2022-10-06 16:53:11
3x [Showing Off] added to deck2022-10-06 16:52:58
Removed "Late Riser"2022-10-06 16:52:03
1x [Late Riser] removed from deck2022-10-06 16:51:32
Removed "Villains Defeated"2022-10-06 16:51:24
Removed "Crow and Frog Takedown"2022-10-06 16:50:15
2x [Gutter Punk Elbow] added to deck2022-10-06 16:50:02
1x [Capture Evil-Doers] removed from deck2022-10-06 16:46:15
2x [Flex Your Might] added to deck2022-10-06 16:46:05
2x [Flex Your Might] removed from deck2022-10-06 16:46:01
1x [Binding Cloth Mastery] added to deck2022-10-06 16:45:56
1x [Villains Defeated] removed from deck2022-10-06 15:07:42
1x [Binding Cloth Precision] removed from deck2022-10-06 15:06:05
Removed "Student Of The Art"2022-10-05 13:37:37
2x [All Worked Up] added to deck2022-10-05 13:36:37
3x [Patient Observation] added to deck2022-10-05 13:36:28
4x [Student Of The Art] added to deck2022-10-05 13:36:11
Removed "Frigid Heatwave"2022-10-05 06:00:22
3x [Frigid Heatwave] added to deck2022-10-05 05:59:39
1x [Flex Your Might] removed from deck2022-10-05 04:35:46
3x [Chivalrous Competitor] added to deck2022-10-05 04:35:37
1x [Flex Your Might] added to deck2022-10-05 04:34:36
3x [Eraser Head (II)] removed from deck2022-10-05 03:29:27
1x [Total Erasure Binding] added to deck2022-10-05 03:08:43
1x [Binding Cloth Precision] added to deck2022-10-05 03:08:39
1x [Crow and Frog Takedown] removed from deck2022-10-05 03:08:29
1x [Capture Evil-Doers] removed from deck2022-10-05 03:07:53
1x [Flex Your Might] removed from deck2022-10-05 03:07:49
Removed "Exhausted Exclamation"2022-10-05 03:07:16
3x [Crow and Frog Takedown] added to deck2022-10-05 03:06:42
1x [Binding Cloth Precision] removed from deck2022-10-05 03:02:12
1x [Binding Shoulder Rush] removed from deck2022-10-05 03:01:53
1x [Total Erasure Binding] removed from deck2022-10-05 03:01:46
2x [Exhausted Exclamation] removed from deck2022-10-05 03:01:07
2x [Binding Cloth Mastery] added to deck2022-10-05 03:00:14
4x [Late Riser] added to deck2022-10-05 02:58:44
1x [Villains Defeated] removed from deck2022-10-05 02:56:53
Removed "Carbo Loading"2022-10-05 02:56:48
4x [Villains Defeated] added to deck2022-10-05 02:56:31
Removed "Sudden Appearance"2022-10-05 02:25:46
1x [Exhausted Exclamation] removed from deck2022-10-05 02:25:38
2x [Advice For Winners] removed from deck2022-10-05 02:25:35
1x [Specialist Of Sound] removed from deck2022-10-05 02:25:33
Removed "Villains Defeated"2022-10-05 02:25:26
4x [Villains Defeated] added to deck2022-10-05 02:25:23
2x [All Worked Up] removed from deck2022-10-05 02:25:16
1x [Destined For Mainstream Success] added to deck2022-10-05 02:25:13
2x [Night Watch] removed from deck2022-10-05 02:25:00
1x [Destined For Mainstream Success] removed from deck2022-10-05 02:24:57
Removed "Plug-In"2022-10-05 02:24:36
Removed "Chivalrous Competitor"2022-10-05 02:24:28
0x [All Worked Up] removed from deck2022-10-05 02:24:26
0x [All Worked Up] removed from deck2022-10-05 02:24:21
Removed "Homage To My Hero"2022-10-05 02:24:05
Removed "Patient Observation"2022-10-05 02:23:58
1x [Carbo Loading] removed from deck2022-10-05 02:23:52
4x [Homage To My Hero] added to deck2022-10-05 02:23:08
4x [Advice For Winners] added to deck2022-10-05 02:23:00
4x [Villains Defeated] added to deck2022-10-05 02:20:47
4x [Specialist Of Sound] added to deck2022-10-05 02:20:34
3x [Destined For Mainstream Success] added to deck2022-10-05 02:20:27
3x [Plug-In] added to deck2022-10-05 02:20:19
4x [Night Watch] added to deck2022-10-05 02:20:08
4x [It Can't Be Fixed] added to deck2022-10-05 02:19:39
4x [Capture Evil-Doers] added to deck2022-10-05 02:19:21
Removed "Capture Evil-Doers"2022-10-05 02:19:16
3x [Capture Evil-Doers] added to deck2022-10-05 02:19:12
4x [Staff Strike] added to deck2022-10-05 02:18:40
3x [Carbo Loading] added to deck2022-10-05 02:18:17
1x [Carbo Loading] added to deck2022-10-05 02:18:14
4x [Binding Cloth Precision] added to deck2022-10-05 02:17:46
4x [Binding Cloth Whiplash] added to deck2022-10-05 02:17:35
4x [Binding Shoulder Rush] added to deck2022-10-05 02:17:19
4x [Total Erasure Binding] added to deck2022-10-05 02:16:57
4x [Chivalrous Competitor] added to deck2022-10-05 02:16:29
4x [Sudden Appearance] added to deck2022-10-05 02:16:00
2x [Sudden Appearance] added to deck2022-10-05 02:15:57
4x [All Worked Up] added to deck2022-10-05 02:15:38
2x [Prone to Dry Eyes] added to deck2022-10-05 02:15:29
4x [Patient Observation] added to deck2022-10-05 02:15:23
4x [Exhausted Exclamation] added to deck2022-10-05 02:15:16
4x [Flex Your Might] added to deck2022-10-05 02:14:26
4x [Eraser Head (II)] added to deck2022-10-05 02:13:55
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.58

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 57 57 1.96 2.68 4.25
Attack 20 20 1.65 4.5 3
Foundation 32 32 2.31 1.47 4.91
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 5 5 1 3.2 5
Character 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 16 1.88 0
Mid 27 1.56 0
Low 14 2.86 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 64.91% 35.09% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 56.14% 8.77% 35.09% 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 3.51% 52.63% 8.77% 35.09% 0% 0% 0%
7 0% 3.51% 52.63% 8.77% 35.09% 0% 0%
8 0% 0% 3.51% 52.63% 8.77% 35.09% 0%
9 0% 0% 0% 3.51% 52.63% 8.77% 35.09%