Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

Foundation (2 cards)

    • Aiming For #1 x2 M

Attack (8 cards - speed : 3.63 - dmg 5.38)

    • YEEAAHHHHHH!!! x1 M
    • Dropkick Slicer x1 M
    • Joint Effort Offensive x2 M
    • Nitro Explosion: Ignition x1 M
    • One For All: Full Cowling 5% Strike x1 M
    • Gutter Punk Elbow x2 M

Asset (0 cards)

Action (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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Removed "Grape Rush Attack"2022-09-28 01:57:38
Removed "Howitzer Impact"2022-09-28 00:58:41
1x [One For All: Full Cowling 5% Strike] removed from deck2022-09-28 00:58:34
Removed "Slashing Whirlwind"2022-09-28 00:58:19
Removed "Mt. Lady"2022-09-28 00:58:14
1x [Dropkick Slicer] removed from deck2022-08-28 04:27:44
1x [Gutter Punk Elbow] removed from deck2022-08-24 16:28:12
1x [Howitzer Impact] removed from deck2022-08-08 21:00:42
Removed "Detroit Smash"2022-08-08 21:00:35
Removed "Ready, Get Set, GO!"2022-06-22 21:19:37
1x [Slashing Whirlwind] removed from deck2022-06-22 21:19:33
Removed "Frigid Heatwave"2022-06-22 21:19:23
Removed "Cinder Convection"2022-06-22 21:19:18
Removed "Tape Swing"2022-06-15 13:38:04
Removed "Grape Rush"2022-06-15 13:37:47
Removed "Hero Killer"2022-06-08 13:38:20
Removed "Frog Lashing"2022-05-28 19:53:23
1x [Aiming For #1] removed from deck2022-05-28 19:52:36
Removed "Excited For Blood"2022-05-28 19:52:22
Removed "Back Alley Haymaker"2022-05-28 19:52:20
Removed "Giant Bite Detention"2022-05-28 19:52:05
Removed "Confident Counterstike"2022-05-28 19:52:01
Removed "Sinister Paralyzation"2022-05-28 19:51:35
Removed "Searing Glacial Storm"2022-05-28 19:51:01
Removed "Double Jab Pummel"2022-05-28 19:50:29
Removed "Zero Gravity Barrier"2022-05-28 19:50:27
Removed "Acid Corrosion Breach"2022-05-28 19:49:43
Removed "Electromagnetic Stomp"2022-05-28 19:49:04
Removed "Airstream Driver"2022-05-28 19:48:40
1x [Detroit Smash] removed from deck2022-05-28 19:46:51
1x [Double Jab Pummel] removed from deck2022-05-26 13:47:38
1x [Frigid Heatwave] removed from deck2022-05-26 13:47:19
Removed "Navel Laser Beam"2022-05-26 13:47:12
Removed "Staff Strike"2022-05-26 13:47:07
1x [Detroit Smash] removed from deck2022-05-26 13:46:55
Removed "Back Alley Haymaker"2022-05-23 14:11:45
1x [Back Alley Haymaker] removed from deck2022-05-23 14:11:40
3x [Back Alley Haymaker] added to deck2022-05-23 14:11:32
1x [Ready, Get Set, GO!] removed from deck2022-05-23 14:11:22
Removed "Advice For Winners"2022-05-23 14:11:17
Removed "Revel At His Masterpiece"2022-05-23 14:10:57
Removed "Cheerful Uppercut"2022-05-21 20:44:00
Removed "Relentless Barrage"2022-05-21 20:41:43
2x [Grape Rush Attack] removed from deck2022-05-21 20:41:23
Removed "Heroic Lineage"2022-05-21 20:39:59
1x [Heroic Lineage] removed from deck2022-05-21 19:07:59
Removed "Sugar Rush Power-Up"2022-05-21 19:07:41
Removed "Invincible Clasp"2022-05-21 19:07:27
Removed "Blue Flame Spiral"2022-05-21 19:07:00
Removed "Learning The Standards"2022-05-21 19:06:54
Removed "Advice For Winners"2022-05-21 19:06:47
Removed ""Fusion""2022-05-21 19:06:42
Removed "Manly Passionate Guy"2022-05-14 23:46:20
2x [Invincible Clasp] removed from deck2022-05-14 23:45:33
1x [Navel Laser Beam] removed from deck2022-05-14 23:45:25
Removed "Amphibious Ambush"2022-05-14 23:45:18
Removed "Ice Storm"2022-05-14 23:45:08
1x [Heroic Lineage] removed from deck2022-05-14 21:57:54
2x [Hero Killer] removed from deck2022-05-14 21:57:42
1x ["Fusion"] removed from deck2022-05-14 21:57:36
1x [Invincible Clasp] removed from deck2022-05-14 18:06:38
1x [Dropkick Slicer] removed from deck2022-05-14 18:06:29
1x [YEEAAHHHHHH!!!] removed from deck2022-05-14 18:06:12
1x [Sinister Paralyzation] removed from deck2022-05-14 18:05:42
1x [Zero Gravity Barrier] removed from deck2022-05-14 18:04:40
1x [Electromagnetic Stomp] removed from deck2022-05-14 18:04:22
Removed "Finishing Blast"2022-05-14 18:04:18
Removed "Rebound Side Kick"2022-05-14 18:03:56
1x [Heroic Lineage] removed from deck2022-05-14 18:03:47
1x [Advice For Winners] removed from deck2022-05-14 18:03:38
Removed " "SPoOoOoOoKY!""2022-05-14 18:03:34
1x ["Fusion"] removed from deck2022-05-14 18:03:28
Removed "Excited For Blood"2022-05-14 18:03:25
1x [Hero Killer] added to deck2022-05-14 18:03:20
1x [Revel At His Masterpiece] removed from deck2022-05-14 18:03:16
Removed "New Training Method"2022-05-14 18:03:13
1x [Learning The Standards] removed from deck2022-05-14 17:27:07
1x [ "SPoOoOoOoKY!"] removed from deck2022-05-14 17:26:58
1x [Dropkick Slicer] removed from deck2022-05-14 17:24:54
1x [Grape Rush] removed from deck2022-05-14 17:24:10
1x [Cinder Convection] removed from deck2022-05-14 17:23:16
1x [Rebound Side Kick] removed from deck2022-05-14 17:22:27
Removed "Instant Shining Flash"2022-05-14 17:19:43
1x [Staff Strike] removed from deck2022-05-14 17:18:56
Removed "Hardened Jab"2022-05-14 17:18:08
1x [Mt. Lady] added to deck2022-05-11 23:32:08
3x [Gutter Punk Elbow] added to deck2022-05-11 23:32:01
2x [Amphibious Ambush] added to deck2022-05-11 23:31:52
2x [One For All: Full Cowling 5% Strike] added to deck2022-05-11 23:31:42
1x [Nitro Explosion: Ignition] added to deck2022-05-11 23:31:38
2x [Navel Laser Beam] added to deck2022-05-11 23:31:28
2x [Instant Shining Flash] added to deck2022-05-11 23:31:24
1x [Frog Lashing] added to deck2022-05-11 23:31:14
4x [Heroic Lineage] added to deck2022-05-11 23:31:03
1x [Ice Storm] added to deck2022-05-11 23:30:50
2x [Frigid Heatwave] added to deck2022-05-11 23:30:43
1x [Relentless Barrage] added to deck2022-05-11 23:30:20
0x [Staff Strike] removed from deck2022-05-11 23:30:10
2x [Staff Strike] added to deck2022-05-11 23:02:42
3x [Grape Rush Attack] added to deck2022-05-11 23:02:33
2x [Howitzer Impact] added to deck2022-05-11 23:02:15
1x [Tape Swing] added to deck2022-05-11 23:01:56
4x [Manly Passionate Guy] added to deck2022-05-11 23:01:16
4x [Hardened Jab] added to deck2022-05-11 23:01:09
3x [Detroit Smash] added to deck2022-05-11 23:00:55
3x [Learning The Standards] added to deck2022-05-11 23:00:26
4x [Advice For Winners] added to deck2022-05-11 23:00:21
2x [Advice For Winners] added to deck2022-05-11 23:00:18
4x [Invincible Clasp] added to deck2022-05-11 23:00:12
2x [Sugar Rush Power-Up] added to deck2022-05-11 23:00:06
1x [Joint Effort Offensive] added to deck2022-05-11 22:59:57
1x [Joint Effort Offensive] added to deck2022-05-11 22:59:52
4x [Dropkick Slicer] added to deck2022-05-11 22:59:49
2x [ "SPoOoOoOoKY!"] added to deck2022-05-11 22:59:42
3x [Aiming For #1] added to deck2022-05-11 22:59:35
2x [Giant Bite Detention] added to deck2022-05-11 22:59:27
2x [Confident Counterstike] added to deck2022-05-11 22:59:21
3x [Ready, Get Set, GO!] added to deck2022-05-11 22:59:13
4x ["Fusion"] added to deck2022-05-11 22:58:11
2x [YEEAAHHHHHH!!!] added to deck2022-05-11 22:58:03
2x [Grape Rush] added to deck2022-05-11 22:57:50
4x [Excited For Blood] added to deck2022-05-11 22:57:31
2x [Excited For Blood] added to deck2022-05-11 22:57:29
2x [Revel At His Masterpiece] added to deck2022-05-11 22:57:19
1x [Blue Flame Spiral] removed from deck2022-05-11 22:57:12
4x [Blue Flame Spiral] added to deck2022-05-11 22:57:09
2x [Hero Killer] added to deck2022-05-11 22:57:01
2x [Slashing Whirlwind] added to deck2022-05-11 22:56:52
4x [Sinister Paralyzation] added to deck2022-05-11 22:56:48
1x [Searing Glacial Storm] removed from deck2022-05-11 22:56:29
3x [Searing Glacial Storm] added to deck2022-05-11 22:55:04
2x [Cinder Convection] added to deck2022-05-11 22:54:56
4x [Zero Gravity Barrier] added to deck2022-05-11 22:54:43
4x [Double Jab Pummel] added to deck2022-05-11 22:54:36
2x [Cheerful Uppercut] added to deck2022-05-11 22:54:27
2x [Acid Corrosion Breach] added to deck2022-05-11 22:54:21
2x [Electromagnetic Stomp] added to deck2022-05-11 22:54:12
1x [Finishing Blast] added to deck2022-05-11 22:54:01
1x [New Training Method] added to deck2022-05-11 22:53:53
4x [Back Alley Haymaker] added to deck2022-05-11 22:53:43
2x [Rebound Side Kick] added to deck2022-05-11 22:53:31
3x [Airstream Driver] added to deck2022-05-11 22:53:18
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 0.66

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 10 10 1.2 4.4 2.9
Attack 8 8 1 4.75 2.38
Foundation 2 2 2 3 5
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 0 0 - - -
Character 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 2 1 0
Mid 6 1.33 0
Low 2 1 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 90% 10% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 60% 30% 10% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 20% 40% 30% 10% 0% 0% 0%
5 20% 0% 40% 30% 10% 0% 0%
6 0% 20% 0% 40% 30% 10% 0%
7 0% 0% 20% 0% 40% 30% 10%
8 0% 0% 0% 20% 0% 40% 30%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 20% 0% 40%