Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Tomura Shigaraki (III) x1 MSR

Foundation (43 cards)

    • Fighting for Control x4 MSR
    • Botan's Coaching x4 SR
    • Hacker Extraordinaire x2 MSR
    • League Invitation x3 MSR
    • Saving Bakugo x4 MSR
    • Idol Work x3 MR
    • Ice Gliding x4 MR
    • Time for Rest x3 MSR
    • Foresight x3 MSR
    • Unexpected Hero x3 MR
    • Kindle The Flames x3 MSR
    • Strategic Meeting x2 MSR
    • Elasticity x3 MSR
    • The New #1 x2 MSR

Attack (23 cards - speed : 3.52 - dmg 4.22)

    • Walk The Dog x4 SR
    • Vile Seizing x4 MSR
    • Shards of Winter x3 SR
    • Inverted Knife Throw x3 MSR
    • Flashfire Fist: Jet Kindling x3 MSR
    • Patchwork Baby x3 MSR
    • Lightning Rod x3 MSR

Asset (2 cards)

    • Idun Box x1 SR
    • Psychic Spirit Glass x1 SR

Action (2 cards)

    • Showdown x2 MSR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (10 cards)

    • Showdown x2 MSR
    • Hacker Extraordinaire x1 MSR
    • Award The Victor x2 MR
    • Gigantification Swing x3 MSR
    • Chronostasis Trigger x2 MSR

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1x [Gigantification Swing] added to deck2024-07-11 19:11:44
1x [Showdown] added to deck2024-07-11 19:11:41
Removed "Gigantification Swing"2024-07-11 19:11:29
3x [Gigantification Swing] added to deck2024-07-11 19:11:19
0x [Showdown] removed from deck2024-07-11 19:11:16
2x [Chronostasis Trigger] added to deck2024-07-11 19:10:53
0x [Gigantification Swing] removed from deck2024-07-11 19:10:06
2x [Gigantification Swing] added to deck2024-07-11 19:10:06
2x [Award The Victor] added to deck2024-07-11 19:09:46
0x [Award The Victor] removed from deck2024-07-11 19:09:46
1x [Hacker Extraordinaire] added to deck2024-07-11 19:08:53
Removed "Flashfire Fist: Hell Spider"2024-07-11 19:07:26
Removed "The New #1"2024-07-11 19:07:24
2x [Showdown] removed from deck2024-07-11 19:07:21
1x [Showdown] removed from deck2024-07-10 04:23:31
Removed "What Is a Symbol?"2024-07-10 04:23:22
2x [The New #1] added to deck2024-07-10 04:22:46
3x [Showdown] added to deck2024-07-10 04:22:40
Removed "Genkai's Guidance"2024-07-10 04:22:36
1x [Strategic Meeting] removed from deck2024-07-10 04:22:28
1x [Hacker Extraordinaire] added to deck2024-07-10 04:22:25
2x [Hacker Extraordinaire] removed from deck2024-07-10 04:22:22
Removed "Determined"2024-07-10 04:15:22
3x [Elasticity] added to deck2024-07-10 04:12:15
3x [Strategic Meeting] added to deck2024-07-10 04:09:07
Removed "Flashfire Fist: Hell Spider"2024-07-10 04:08:15
3x [Flashfire Fist: Hell Spider] added to deck2024-07-10 04:08:10
1x [Kindle The Flames] removed from deck2024-07-10 04:07:20
Removed "Kindle The Flames"2024-07-10 04:07:06
4x [Kindle The Flames] added to deck2024-07-10 04:07:01
1x [Determined] removed from deck2024-07-10 04:04:18
Removed "The Final Test"2024-07-10 04:03:09
3x [Lightning Rod] added to deck2024-07-10 04:00:28
3x [Patchwork Baby] added to deck2024-07-10 04:00:19
Removed "Chronostasis Trigger"2024-07-10 03:59:41
2x [What Is a Symbol?] added to deck2024-07-09 15:18:48
1x [Idun Box] removed from deck2024-07-09 04:54:51
3x [Showdown] added to deck2024-07-09 04:54:14
1x [Psychic Spirit Glass] added to deck2024-07-09 04:53:50
Removed "He's Still Fighting!"2024-07-09 04:51:59
1x [Saving Bakugo] added to deck2024-07-09 04:51:43
1x [Ice Gliding] added to deck2024-07-09 04:51:22
Removed "Gently Rebound"2024-07-09 04:51:02
Removed "Gigantification Swing"2024-07-09 04:50:43
Removed "The New #1"2024-07-09 04:50:31
2x [The New #1] added to deck2024-07-09 04:50:28
Removed "Kindle The Flames"2024-07-09 04:50:04
3x [Kindle The Flames] added to deck2024-07-09 04:50:02
3x [Gigantification Swing] added to deck2024-07-09 04:45:07
3x [Flashfire Fist: Jet Kindling] added to deck2024-07-09 04:44:48
Removed "Mastermind's Apprentice"2024-07-09 04:06:46
1x [Idol Work] removed from deck2024-07-09 04:06:16
Removed "Fruit Of Our Labors"2024-07-09 04:06:13
Removed "Elasticity"2024-07-09 04:06:05
3x [The Final Test] added to deck2024-07-09 04:05:21
1x [Fruit Of Our Labors] added to deck2024-07-09 04:04:35
3x [Unexpected Hero] added to deck2024-07-09 04:04:18
3x [Determined] added to deck2024-07-09 04:02:18
3x [Foresight] added to deck2024-07-09 04:01:37
1x [Genkai's Guidance] added to deck2024-06-28 21:49:33
2x [Idun Box] added to deck2024-06-28 21:49:15
2x [He's Still Fighting!] added to deck2024-06-28 21:48:56
3x [Time for Rest] added to deck2024-06-28 21:48:25
3x [Chronostasis Trigger] added to deck2024-06-28 21:47:02
3x [Inverted Knife Throw] added to deck2024-06-28 21:46:49
3x [Gently Rebound] added to deck2024-06-28 21:45:31
Removed "Absorbed Energy Spirit Strike"2024-06-28 21:36:47
Removed "Flashfire Fist: Jet Kindling"2024-06-28 21:36:43
Removed "Award The Victor"2024-06-28 20:56:02
1x [Hacker Extraordinaire] removed from deck2024-06-28 20:55:57
2x [Award The Victor] added to deck2024-06-28 20:55:33
3x [Ice Gliding] added to deck2024-06-28 20:54:52
4x [Idol Work] added to deck2024-06-28 20:54:42
3x [Saving Bakugo] added to deck2024-06-28 20:54:21
2x [Mastermind's Apprentice] added to deck2024-06-28 20:54:14
3x [League Invitation] added to deck2024-06-28 20:54:02
3x [Kindle The Flames] added to deck2024-06-28 20:53:30
4x [Hacker Extraordinaire] added to deck2024-06-28 20:53:08
3x [Elasticity] added to deck2024-06-28 20:46:54
2x [The New #1] added to deck2024-06-28 20:46:41
4x [Botan's Coaching] added to deck2024-06-28 20:46:30
4x [Fighting for Control] added to deck2024-06-28 20:46:06
3x [Shards of Winter] added to deck2024-06-28 20:45:29
3x [Absorbed Energy Spirit Strike] added to deck2024-06-28 20:45:11
3x [Flashfire Fist: Jet Kindling] added to deck2024-06-28 20:44:42
4x [Vile Seizing] added to deck2024-06-28 20:43:37
3x [Flashfire Fist: Hell Spider] added to deck2024-06-28 20:43:12
4x [Walk The Dog] added to deck2024-06-28 20:43:01
1x [Tomura Shigaraki (III)] added to deck2024-06-28 20:42:06
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.61

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 70 70 2.44 2.6 4.19
Attack 23 23 1.7 4.83 2.87
Foundation 43 43 2.81 1.42 4.86
Asset 2 2 2.5 2 5
Action 2 2 3 3 4
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 26 2.35 0
Mid 24 2.54 0
Low 20 2.45 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 95.71% 4.29% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 67.14% 28.57% 4.29% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 55.71% 11.43% 28.57% 4.29% 0% 0% 0%
6 0% 55.71% 11.43% 28.57% 4.29% 0% 0%
7 0% 0% 55.71% 11.43% 28.57% 4.29% 0%
8 0% 0% 0% 55.71% 11.43% 28.57% 4.29%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 55.71% 11.43% 28.57%