Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Nezu x1 M

Foundation (32 cards)

    • All Worked Up x4 M
    • Honorable Forfeit x3 M
    • Chivalrous Competitor x4 M
    • Successful Results x3 M
    • Petty Squabble x2 M
    • Struggling With Studies x2 M
    • League Interview x3 M
    • Final Exam Failures x3 M
    • Requesting Assistance x4 M
    • First Day of Class x2 M
    • Cool And Tough x2 M

Attack (20 cards - speed : 3.3 - dmg 4.8)

    • Sudden Death Assault x3 M
    • Double Jab Pummel x4 M
    • Electric Jolt x4 M
    • Dark Shadow Ruin x3 M
    • Zero Gravity Lift x3 M
    • Twisting Azure Inferno x3 M

Asset (0 cards)

Action (4 cards)

    • Summon Dark Shadow x4 M

Side (17 cards)

    • Evil Vs Good x4 M
    • Recovery Time x4 M
    • Freezer Burn x4 M
    • YEEAAHHHHHH!!! x4 M
    • Indiscriminate Shock 1,300,000 Volts x1 M

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2x [Cool And Tough] added to deck2022-11-13 23:55:54
1x [Dark Shadow Ruin] removed from deck2022-11-13 23:53:40
1x [Twisting Azure Inferno] removed from deck2022-11-13 23:53:16
Main character changed2022-11-13 23:52:22
0x [Nezu] removed from deck2022-11-13 23:52:08
1x [Nezu] added to deck2022-11-13 23:51:36
1x [Struggling With Studies] removed from deck2022-11-13 23:47:41
1x [Final Exam Failures] removed from deck2022-11-13 23:47:20
1x [Honorable Forfeit] removed from deck2022-11-13 23:47:15
2x [Petty Squabble] removed from deck2022-11-13 23:47:11
Removed "One With Nature"2022-11-13 23:46:13
Removed "Cool Student"2022-11-13 23:46:04
Removed "Clever Distraction"2022-11-13 23:45:34
Removed "Basic Training"2022-11-13 23:45:26
Removed "Release"2022-11-13 23:45:20
Removed "Training With Gunhead"2022-11-13 23:44:47
Removed "Self-Assured"2022-11-13 23:44:01
Removed "Wealthy Aspirations"2022-11-13 23:43:53
Removed "Irrefutable Force Of Nature"2022-11-13 23:43:44
Removed "Resting Between Bouts"2022-11-13 23:43:39
Removed "Graceful Maneuvers"2022-11-13 23:43:34
Removed "Nothing To See Here"2022-11-13 23:43:28
Removed "Shadow's Aid"2022-11-13 23:43:17
Removed "Award The Victor"2022-11-13 23:43:13
1x [Zero Gravity Lift] removed from deck2022-11-13 23:41:23
1x [Sudden Death Assault] removed from deck2022-11-13 23:41:16
Removed "Meteor Shower"2022-11-13 23:40:07
Removed "Home Run Comet"2022-11-13 23:39:30
Removed "Dark Shadow Emergence"2022-11-13 23:39:05
Removed "Ice Storm"2022-11-13 23:38:20
Removed "Float Combo"2022-11-13 23:32:00
Removed "Death Arms Wallop"2022-11-13 23:31:39
1x [Twisting Azure Inferno] added to deck2022-11-13 23:31:32
1x [Sudden Death Assault] added to deck2022-11-13 23:31:27
1x [Meteor Shower] added to deck2022-11-13 23:31:22
2x [Home Run Comet] added to deck2022-11-13 23:31:18
Removed "Pillar Swing"2022-11-13 23:30:06
Removed "Sticky Ball Pitch"2022-11-13 23:29:52
Removed "Indiscriminate Shock"2022-11-13 23:29:41
Removed "Electric Surge"2022-11-13 23:29:24
Removed "Easily Excited"2022-11-13 13:53:09
Removed "U.A. High"2022-11-13 13:53:02
2x [Award The Victor] added to deck2022-11-13 13:50:29
4x [One With Nature] added to deck2022-11-13 13:48:58
1x [Easily Excited] added to deck2022-11-13 13:48:20
2x [Nothing To See Here] added to deck2022-11-13 13:48:07
2x [First Day of Class] added to deck2022-11-13 13:47:25
2x [Self-Assured] added to deck2022-11-13 13:47:05
3x [Irrefutable Force Of Nature] added to deck2022-11-13 13:46:50
4x [Wealthy Aspirations] added to deck2022-11-13 13:46:41
2x [Release] added to deck2022-11-13 13:46:17
4x [Cool Student] added to deck2022-11-13 13:45:33
4x [Clever Distraction] added to deck2022-11-13 13:45:24
4x [Requesting Assistance] added to deck2022-11-13 13:44:33
4x [Final Exam Failures] added to deck2022-11-13 13:44:23
3x [Resting Between Bouts] added to deck2022-11-13 13:43:43
3x [League Interview] added to deck2022-11-13 13:43:23
4x [Training With Gunhead] added to deck2022-11-13 13:43:07
3x [Struggling With Studies] added to deck2022-11-13 13:42:23
4x [Graceful Maneuvers] added to deck2022-11-13 13:41:39
4x [Petty Squabble] added to deck2022-11-13 13:41:18
3x [Successful Results] added to deck2022-11-13 13:40:58
4x [Chivalrous Competitor] added to deck2022-11-13 13:40:44
1x [Shadow's Aid] added to deck2022-11-13 13:40:27
4x [Honorable Forfeit] added to deck2022-11-13 13:40:11
4x [Basic Training] added to deck2022-11-13 13:39:43
4x [All Worked Up] added to deck2022-11-13 13:39:32
Removed "Zero Gravity Barrier"2022-11-13 13:37:26
Removed "Acid Corrosion Breach"2022-11-13 13:37:10
Removed "Command Pigeon Flock"2022-11-13 13:37:05
4x [Electric Surge] added to deck2022-11-13 13:36:46
3x [Twisting Azure Inferno] added to deck2022-11-13 13:35:56
4x [Sticky Ball Pitch] added to deck2022-11-13 13:35:44
3x [Indiscriminate Shock] added to deck2022-11-13 13:33:14
1x [Acid Corrosion Breach] added to deck2022-11-13 13:32:38
4x [Dark Shadow Emergence] added to deck2022-11-13 13:31:35
4x [Pillar Swing] added to deck2022-11-13 13:30:23
4x [Float Combo] added to deck2022-11-13 13:30:04
4x [Ice Storm] added to deck2022-11-13 13:29:41
4x [Zero Gravity Lift] added to deck2022-11-13 13:28:53
3x [Meteor Shower] added to deck2022-11-13 13:28:28
2x [Home Run Comet] added to deck2022-11-13 13:28:18
4x [Dark Shadow Ruin] added to deck2022-11-13 13:28:05
1x [Indiscriminate Shock 1,300,000 Volts] added to deck2022-11-13 13:27:57
4x [Electric Jolt] added to deck2022-11-13 13:27:52
4x [YEEAAHHHHHH!!!] added to deck2022-11-13 13:27:35
1x [Zero Gravity Barrier] added to deck2022-11-13 13:26:39
4x [Double Jab Pummel] added to deck2022-11-13 13:26:16
4x [Freezer Burn] added to deck2022-11-13 13:25:08
4x [Death Arms Wallop] added to deck2022-11-13 13:24:47
3x [Sudden Death Assault] added to deck2022-11-13 13:24:21
4x [Command Pigeon Flock] added to deck2022-11-13 13:24:07
4x [Recovery Time] added to deck2022-11-13 13:23:44
1x [U.A. High] added to deck2022-11-13 13:22:42
4x [Evil Vs Good] added to deck2022-11-13 13:22:12
4x [Summon Dark Shadow] added to deck2022-11-13 13:21:59
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.76

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 56 56 2.13 2.46 4.34
Attack 20 20 1.8 4.45 3
Foundation 32 32 2.34 1.28 5.09
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 4 4 2 2 5
Character 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 21 1.95 0
Mid 19 2 0
Low 16 2.5 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 64.29% 35.71% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 64.29% 0% 35.71% 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 5.36% 58.93% 0% 35.71% 0% 0% 0%
7 0% 5.36% 58.93% 0% 35.71% 0% 0%
8 0% 0% 5.36% 58.93% 0% 35.71% 0%
9 0% 0% 0% 5.36% 58.93% 0% 35.71%