1x [Acrobatic Style] added to deck2025-01-21 23:13:45
1x [Acrobatic Style] removed from deck2025-01-21 23:13:34
Deck name changed2025-01-21 23:12:06
Main character changed2025-01-21 18:08:57
Removed "Ice Gliding"2025-01-21 18:08:38
Removed "Elasticity"2025-01-21 18:05:19
Removed "Sampaguita Pilot"2025-01-21 18:05:15
Removed "Purge the Evil"2025-01-21 18:04:45
Removed "Master of Drunken Fighting"2025-01-21 18:04:37
Removed "Childlike Appearance"2025-01-21 17:59:03
Removed "Hacker Extraordinaire"2025-01-21 17:59:00
Removed "Ready for a Rematch"2025-01-21 17:58:48
0x [Badgey, Vengeful Pal] removed from deck2025-01-21 17:57:41
Removed "Team Dr. Ichigaki"2025-01-21 17:57:34
1x [What Is a Symbol?] added to deck2025-01-21 17:56:23
3x [Seasoned Brawler] added to deck2025-01-21 17:56:01
Removed "Lust For Battle"2025-01-21 17:55:50
1x [Lust For Battle] added to deck2025-01-21 17:55:47
1x [Idol Work] added to deck2025-01-21 17:55:38
3x [Acrobatic Style] added to deck2025-01-21 17:55:18
1x [Attention to Detail] added to deck2025-01-21 17:55:10
Removed "Attitude Selector"2025-01-21 17:54:16
1x [Dial Adjustment] added to deck2025-01-21 17:53:18
2x [Dial Adjustment] added to deck2025-01-21 17:53:14
Removed "The New #1"2025-01-21 17:50:31
1x [Icy Blade] added to deck2025-01-21 17:36:44
Removed "Eren's Trial"2025-01-21 17:36:41
Removed "One Man Inferno"2025-01-21 17:30:11
Removed "Roar"2025-01-21 17:30:05
4x [Ice Gliding] added to deck2025-01-21 16:44:09
1x [Idol Work] added to deck2025-01-21 16:44:01
4x [Foresight] added to deck2025-01-21 16:43:04
1x [Lust For Battle] added to deck2025-01-21 16:41:09
1x [Seasoned Brawler] added to deck2025-01-21 16:41:00
1x [What Is a Symbol?] added to deck2025-01-21 16:40:56
1x [Hacker Extraordinaire] added to deck2025-01-21 16:40:53
1x [Incompatible Quirks] added to deck2025-01-21 16:40:49
1x [Elasticity] added to deck2025-01-21 16:40:21
1x [One Man Inferno] added to deck2025-01-21 16:40:15
1x [The New #1] added to deck2025-01-21 16:40:13
4x [Botan's Coaching] added to deck2025-01-21 16:37:47
1x [Icy Blade] added to deck2025-01-21 16:37:43
1x [Childlike Appearance] added to deck2025-01-21 16:37:37
1x [Acrobatic Style] added to deck2025-01-21 16:37:28
1x [Master of Drunken Fighting] added to deck2025-01-21 16:36:01
2x [Ready for a Rematch] removed from deck2025-01-21 16:35:40
3x [Ready for a Rematch] added to deck2025-01-21 16:35:17
3x [Stars in Her Eyes] added to deck2025-01-21 16:34:47
1x [Juicebox Hero] added to deck2025-01-21 16:34:26
1x [Necessity] added to deck2025-01-21 16:32:33
1x [Eren's Trial] added to deck2025-01-21 16:32:10
1x [Roar] added to deck2025-01-21 16:27:13
1x [Mikasa Defeats the Female Titan] added to deck2025-01-21 16:27:07
1x [Wildlife Protection Agent] added to deck2025-01-21 16:24:58
1x [Purge the Evil] added to deck2025-01-21 16:24:19
1x [Jun's Flowing Strikes] added to deck2025-01-21 16:23:48
1x [Angelic Heart] added to deck2025-01-21 16:23:11
1x [Erwin's Ruse] added to deck2025-01-21 16:22:11
2x [Levi's Relentless Spirit] added to deck2025-01-21 16:20:13
1x [Shutdown] added to deck2025-01-21 16:19:45
1x [Sampaguita Pilot] added to deck2025-01-21 16:17:58
Removed "Sampaguita Pilot"2025-01-21 16:17:09
1x [Sampaguita Pilot] added to deck2025-01-21 16:17:06
4x [Memory Upgrade] added to deck2025-01-21 16:14:49
1x [Attitude Selector] added to deck2025-01-21 16:14:24
1x [Attention to Detail] added to deck2025-01-21 16:13:19
2x [Attention to Detail] added to deck2025-01-21 16:13:13
1x [Team Dr. Ichigaki] added to deck2025-01-21 15:55:38
1x [Idun Box] added to deck2025-01-21 15:55:35
1x [Skillful Maneuvers] added to deck2025-01-21 15:50:37
1x [Badgey, Vengeful Pal] added to deck2025-01-21 15:49:51
1x [Treasure Hunting] added to deck2025-01-21 15:49:17
1x [Sam Rutherford, Devron Racer] added to deck2025-01-21 15:44:47
2x [Tuning In] added to deck2025-01-21 15:42:25
1x [Soundwave Blast] added to deck2025-01-21 15:41:41
1x [Amplifier Jack Attack] added to deck2025-01-21 15:41:35
Removed "Tuning In"2025-01-21 15:41:22
1x [Tuning In] added to deck2025-01-21 15:41:20
1x [Tuning In] added to deck2025-01-21 15:41:14
Removed "Alchemical Satchel Toss"2025-01-21 15:41:00
1x [Alchemical Satchel Toss] added to deck2025-01-21 15:40:58
0x [Soundwave Blast] removed from deck2025-01-21 15:40:40
2x [Amplifier Jack Attack] added to deck2025-01-21 15:39:13
1x [Soundwave Blast] removed from deck2025-01-21 15:39:06
2x [Soundwave Blast] added to deck2025-01-21 15:38:58
1x [Patchwork Baby] removed from deck2025-01-21 15:38:51
3x [Heartbeat Surround] added to deck2025-01-21 15:38:48
Removed "Betraying Shove"2025-01-21 15:38:43
1x [Betraying Shove] added to deck2025-01-21 15:38:42
Removed "Neelix Cheese"2025-01-21 15:38:18
1x [Neelix Cheese] added to deck2025-01-21 15:38:15
3x [Patchwork Baby] added to deck2025-01-21 15:37:46
2x [Okey Dokey!] added to deck2025-01-21 15:37:20
2x [Alchemical Satchel Toss] added to deck2025-01-21 15:37:18
3x [Patchwork Baby] removed from deck2025-01-21 15:35:57
Removed "Audio Reverberation"2025-01-21 15:35:18
1x [Audio Reverberation] added to deck2025-01-21 15:35:16
1x [Point Blank Shot] added to deck2025-01-21 15:32:51
1x [Audio Reverberation] added to deck2025-01-21 15:29:45
4x [Patchwork Baby] added to deck2025-01-21 15:29:01
1x [Soundwave Blast] added to deck2025-01-21 15:28:49
1x [Heartbeat Surround] added to deck2025-01-21 15:28:39
1x [Amplifier Jack Attack] added to deck2025-01-21 15:28:37
1x [Dial Adjustment] added to deck2025-01-21 15:27:58
1x [Okey Dokey!] added to deck2025-01-21 15:26:59
1x [Neelix Cheese] added to deck2025-01-21 15:26:40
1x [Alchemical Satchel Toss] added to deck2025-01-21 15:25:58
1x [Betraying Shove] added to deck2025-01-21 15:25:46
1x [Cyborg Slap] added to deck2025-01-21 15:25:42
4x [Charged Alien Sploof] added to deck2025-01-21 15:25:18
Number of cards | Cards with block | Average block modifier | Average difficulty | Average control | |
Total | 64 | 64 | 2.34 | 2.33 | 4.27 |
Attack | 23 | 23 | 1.87 | 4.3 | 3 |
Foundation | 40 | 40 | 2.65 | 1.18 | 4.98 |
Asset | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
Action | 0 | 0 | - | - | - |
Character | 0 | 0 | - | - | - |
Backup | 0 | 0 | - | - | - |
Total | Average Block Modifier | 0 | |
High | 21 | 2.1 | 0 |
Mid | 21 | 2.24 | 0 |
Low | 22 | 2.68 | 0 |
Difficulty / Commited fundation | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
2 | 100% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
3 | 100% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
4 | 64.06% | 35.94% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
5 | 56.25% | 7.81% | 35.94% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
6 | 6.25% | 50% | 7.81% | 35.94% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
7 | 0% | 6.25% | 50% | 7.81% | 35.94% | 0% | 0% |
8 | 0% | 0% | 6.25% | 50% | 7.81% | 35.94% | 0% |
9 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 6.25% | 50% | 7.81% | 35.94% |