Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Momo Yaoyorozu (III) x1 MSR

Foundation (40 cards)

    • Researching the Answer x1 MSR
    • Steadfast Resolve x2 MSR
    • Team Stash x2 MSR
    • Defiant Stance x1 MSR
    • Resistance Training x1 MSR
    • Demon Plants x1 SR
    • The Power of Love x1 SR
    • Breaking the Cuffs x1 SR
    • Keiko's Aid x3 SR
    • Soulful Rendition x3 MSR
    • Surprising Skill x1 MSR
    • The Return of the Kings x2 MSR
    • Nice Try! x1 MSR
    • Fat Absorption x1 MSR
    • Keeping Eri Safe x3 MSR
    • Practical Studies x1 MSR
    • Body Rejuvenation x1 MSR
    • Broken Psyche x1 MSR
    • Raiding The Villain Hideout x1 MSR
    • You're Finished x1 MSR
    • Lost In Thought x1 MSR
    • Friend Of Animals x3 MSR
    • Adorable Telepath x1 MSR
    • New Training Method x4 MSR
    • High Value Target x1 MSR
    • Study Group Leader x1 MSR

Attack (21 cards - speed : 3.81 - dmg 4.43)

    • Canister Creation Strike x2 MSR
    • Net Launcher x3 MSR
    • Absorbed Energy Spirit Strike x2 SR
    • Spirit Sword Ultimate x1 SR
    • Cannon Blast x1 MSR
    • Tasty Riff x4 MSR
    • Double Trouble x4 MSR
    • Command Pigeon Flock x4 MSR

Asset (0 cards)

Action (4 cards)

    • Referee Juri x2 SR
    • Eri Smiles x2 MSR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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1x [Keeping Eri Safe] added to deck2024-05-26 16:06:06
1x [Keeping Eri Safe] added to deck2024-05-26 16:06:02
Removed "Go For The Win!"2024-05-26 16:05:55
1x [Double Trouble] added to deck2024-05-26 16:04:37
Removed "Twin Sword Slicer"2024-05-26 16:04:35
Removed "Juicebox Hero"2024-05-26 16:04:23
Removed "Spirit Beast Puu"2024-05-26 16:04:11
Removed "Kindle The Flames"2024-05-26 16:03:38
Removed "#7 Pro Hero"2024-05-26 16:03:23
Removed "Kindhearted"2024-05-26 16:03:12
Removed "Contempt For Heroes"2024-05-26 16:03:02
Removed "Always Cool"2024-05-26 16:02:56
Removed "Dance Routine"2024-05-26 16:02:53
1x [Demon Plants] removed from deck2024-05-26 16:02:48
1x [The Power of Love] removed from deck2024-05-26 16:02:12
1x [Juicebox Hero] removed from deck2024-05-26 16:02:02
0x [Team Stash] removed from deck2024-05-26 16:01:28
1x [Team Stash] removed from deck2024-05-26 16:01:05
Removed "Fruit Tart Gourmand"2024-05-26 16:01:00
1x [The Power of Love] removed from deck2024-05-26 16:00:49
Removed "Rejuvenating Smash"2024-05-26 16:00:33
Removed "Overhead Reversal"2024-05-26 16:00:16
Removed "Invisible Infiltration"2024-05-26 16:00:13
2x [Twin Sword Slicer] removed from deck2024-05-26 16:00:08
Removed "Bad Guy Round Up"2024-05-26 16:00:00
1x [Cannon Blast] removed from deck2024-05-26 15:59:52
Removed "Sword Get Longer"2024-05-26 15:59:48
Removed "Gecko Stomp"2024-05-26 15:59:45
1x [Spirit Sword Ultimate] removed from deck2024-05-26 15:59:43
Removed "Dramatic Slash"2024-05-26 15:59:11
1x [Study Group Leader] added to deck2024-05-26 15:58:35
1x [High Value Target] added to deck2024-05-26 15:58:30
4x [New Training Method] added to deck2024-05-26 15:58:28
1x [Adorable Telepath] added to deck2024-05-26 15:58:18
3x [Friend Of Animals] added to deck2024-05-26 15:58:05
1x [Lost In Thought] added to deck2024-05-26 15:58:02
1x [Contempt For Heroes] added to deck2024-05-26 15:57:55
1x [You're Finished] added to deck2024-05-26 15:57:50
1x [Raiding The Villain Hideout] added to deck2024-05-26 15:57:44
1x [Kindle The Flames] added to deck2024-05-26 15:57:24
1x [Broken Psyche] added to deck2024-05-26 15:56:49
1x [Body Rejuvenation] added to deck2024-05-26 15:56:44
1x [Practical Studies] added to deck2024-05-26 15:56:41
1x [Keeping Eri Safe] added to deck2024-05-26 15:56:39
1x [Fat Absorption] added to deck2024-05-26 15:56:33
Removed "Humble Hero"2024-05-26 15:55:47
1x [Humble Hero] added to deck2024-05-26 15:55:43
1x [Humble Hero] added to deck2024-05-26 15:55:35
1x [Nice Try!] added to deck2024-05-26 15:55:27
2x [The Return of the Kings] added to deck2024-05-26 15:55:23
1x [#7 Pro Hero] added to deck2024-05-26 15:55:20
1x [Surprising Skill] added to deck2024-05-26 15:54:49
3x [Soulful Rendition] added to deck2024-05-26 15:54:46
1x [Dance Routine] added to deck2024-05-26 15:54:43
3x [Always Cool] added to deck2024-05-26 15:54:00
3x [Keiko's Aid] added to deck2024-05-26 15:53:43
1x [Spirit Beast Puu] added to deck2024-05-26 15:53:39
1x [Breaking the Cuffs] added to deck2024-05-26 15:53:34
3x [The Power of Love] added to deck2024-05-26 15:53:30
3x [Kindhearted] added to deck2024-05-26 15:53:22
2x [Demon Plants] added to deck2024-05-26 15:53:15
1x [Resistance Training] added to deck2024-05-26 15:53:01
1x [Defiant Stance] removed from deck2024-05-26 15:52:56
2x [Defiant Stance] added to deck2024-05-26 15:52:52
2x [Fruit Tart Gourmand] added to deck2024-05-26 15:52:48
3x [Team Stash] added to deck2024-05-26 15:52:35
2x [Steadfast Resolve] added to deck2024-05-26 15:52:32
1x [Researching the Answer] added to deck2024-05-26 15:52:29
2x [Juicebox Hero] added to deck2024-05-26 15:52:02
Removed "Lightning Rod"2024-05-26 15:51:44
Removed "Dimension Sword"2024-05-26 15:51:36
3x [Overhead Reversal] added to deck2024-05-26 15:51:19
4x [Invisible Infiltration] added to deck2024-05-26 15:51:04
4x [Command Pigeon Flock] added to deck2024-05-26 15:51:02
3x [Double Trouble] added to deck2024-05-26 15:50:55
2x [Rejuvenating Smash] added to deck2024-05-26 15:50:31
2x [Bad Guy Round Up] added to deck2024-05-26 15:50:27
4x [Tasty Riff] added to deck2024-05-26 15:50:20
2x [Cannon Blast] added to deck2024-05-26 15:50:06
3x [Twin Sword Slicer] added to deck2024-05-26 15:50:02
Removed "Blade Rush"2024-05-26 15:49:57
3x [Gecko Stomp] added to deck2024-05-26 15:49:56
2x [Blade Rush] added to deck2024-05-26 15:49:52
2x [Dramatic Slash] added to deck2024-05-26 15:49:40
3x [Sword Get Longer] added to deck2024-05-26 15:49:19
2x [Spirit Sword Ultimate] added to deck2024-05-26 15:49:12
3x [Dimension Sword] added to deck2024-05-26 15:49:04
2x [Absorbed Energy Spirit Strike] added to deck2024-05-26 15:48:59
3x [Net Launcher] added to deck2024-05-26 15:48:17
3x [Lightning Rod] added to deck2024-05-26 15:48:10
1x [Canister Creation Strike] removed from deck2024-05-26 15:48:01
3x [Canister Creation Strike] added to deck2024-05-26 15:47:01
3x [Go For The Win!] added to deck2024-05-26 15:46:49
2x [Eri Smiles] added to deck2024-05-26 15:46:38
2x [Referee Juri] added to deck2024-05-26 15:46:29
1x [Momo Yaoyorozu (III)] added to deck2024-05-26 15:46:18
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.56

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 65 65 2.34 2.66 4.15
Attack 21 21 2.05 4.52 2.81
Foundation 40 40 2.53 1.7 4.83
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 4 4 2 2.5 4.5
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 28 2.29 0
Mid 24 2.21 0
Low 13 2.69 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 93.85% 6.15% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 67.69% 26.15% 6.15% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 53.85% 13.85% 26.15% 6.15% 0% 0% 0%
6 0% 53.85% 13.85% 26.15% 6.15% 0% 0%
7 0% 0% 53.85% 13.85% 26.15% 6.15% 0%
8 0% 0% 0% 53.85% 13.85% 26.15% 6.15%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 53.85% 13.85% 26.15%