Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Tomura Shigaraki x1 MR

Foundation (37 cards)

    • Snack Time x3 R
    • Graceful Maneuvers x4 MSR
    • Struggling With Studies x4 MSR
    • Surviving The Final x4 MSR
    • "SPoOoOoOoKY!" x2 MSR
    • Night Watch x2 MR
    • Arrogant Disposition x4 MR
    • Apathetic x4 MR
    • Keen Observation x4 MR
    • Shock Absorption x2 MR
    • Villainous Entrance x2 MR
    • Glamorous x2 MR

Attack (21 cards - speed : 3.95 - dmg 4.48)

    • Sudden Death Assault x2 MSR
    • Villainous Waylay x4 MSR
    • Cheerful Uppercut x4 MSR
    • Touch of Decay x4 MR
    • Decaying Grip x3 MR
    • Turn To Dust x4 MR

Asset (2 cards)

    • Tres Chic Cape x2 MR

Action (6 cards)

    • Evil Gaze x4 MR
    • Plus Ultra! x2 MR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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Removed "Learning The Standards"2022-11-06 19:55:56
Removed "Battle Arena"2022-11-06 19:55:53
Removed "Forcing Surrender"2022-11-06 19:54:40
1x [Plus Ultra!] removed from deck2022-11-06 19:47:04
1x [Villainous Entrance] removed from deck2022-11-06 19:46:55
1x [Graceful Maneuvers] added to deck2022-11-06 19:46:48
2x [Battle Arena] removed from deck2022-11-06 19:46:44
Removed "Excited For Blood"2022-11-06 19:46:41
Removed "Living Up To His Example"2022-11-06 19:46:37
Removed "Let's Fight Bad Guys!"2022-11-06 19:46:27
2x [Glamorous] added to deck2022-11-06 19:45:48
3x [Villainous Entrance] added to deck2022-11-06 19:45:45
2x [Shock Absorption] added to deck2022-11-06 19:45:41
4x [Keen Observation] added to deck2022-11-06 19:45:39
4x [Apathetic] added to deck2022-11-06 19:45:34
2x [Let's Fight Bad Guys!] added to deck2022-11-06 19:45:31
4x [Arrogant Disposition] added to deck2022-11-06 19:45:26
2x [Night Watch] added to deck2022-11-06 19:45:00
2x [Learning The Standards] added to deck2022-11-06 19:44:54
2x [ "SPoOoOoOoKY!"] added to deck2022-11-06 19:44:48
4x [Surviving The Final] added to deck2022-11-06 19:44:43
2x [Excited For Blood] added to deck2022-11-06 19:44:41
4x [Struggling With Studies] added to deck2022-11-06 19:44:37
3x [Graceful Maneuvers] added to deck2022-11-06 19:43:51
2x [Forcing Surrender] added to deck2022-11-06 19:43:44
3x [Snack Time] added to deck2022-11-06 19:43:27
1x [Sudden Death Assault] removed from deck2022-11-06 19:39:35
1x [Decaying Grip] removed from deck2022-11-06 19:38:57
Removed "Piercing Needle"2022-11-06 19:38:48
Removed "Navel Laser Beam"2022-11-06 19:38:43
Removed "Float Combo"2022-11-06 19:03:52
Removed "Exploding Pride"2022-11-06 19:03:43
Removed "Nitro Explosion: Ignition"2022-11-06 19:03:37
Removed "Sludge"2022-11-06 18:58:47
Removed "Gigantic Explosion"2022-11-06 18:58:44
Removed "Flamethrower"2022-11-06 18:58:43
0x [Flamethrower] removed from deck2022-11-06 18:58:40
Removed "Stun Grenade"2022-11-06 18:58:37
4x [Float Combo] added to deck2022-11-06 18:58:26
3x [Nitro Explosion: Ignition] added to deck2022-11-06 18:58:20
4x [Navel Laser Beam] added to deck2022-11-06 18:57:45
4x [Turn To Dust] added to deck2022-11-06 18:57:43
4x [Decaying Grip] added to deck2022-11-06 18:57:36
4x [Touch of Decay] added to deck2022-11-06 18:57:34
4x [Exploding Pride] added to deck2022-11-06 18:57:26
4x [Cheerful Uppercut] added to deck2022-11-06 18:55:09
4x [Villainous Waylay] added to deck2022-11-06 18:55:04
4x [Gigantic Explosion] added to deck2022-11-06 18:55:02
4x [Flamethrower] added to deck2022-11-06 18:55:00
4x [Sludge] added to deck2022-11-06 18:54:52
4x [Stun Grenade] added to deck2022-11-06 18:54:44
4x [Piercing Needle] added to deck2022-11-06 18:54:40
3x [Sudden Death Assault] added to deck2022-11-06 18:54:15
3x [Living Up To His Example] added to deck2022-11-06 18:54:08
3x [Plus Ultra!] added to deck2022-11-06 18:53:03
2x [Tres Chic Cape] added to deck2022-11-06 18:52:57
4x [Evil Gaze] added to deck2022-11-06 18:52:53
3x [Battle Arena] added to deck2022-11-06 18:52:47
0x [Tomura Shigaraki] removed from deck2022-11-06 18:52:28
1x [Tomura Shigaraki] added to deck2022-11-06 18:52:02
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.99

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 66 66 2.44 2.17 4.3
Attack 21 21 1.81 4.48 2.81
Foundation 37 37 2.73 1.16 5
Asset 2 2 4 1 5
Action 6 6 2.33 0.67 5
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 23 2.65 0
Mid 25 2.24 0
Low 18 2.44 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 93.94% 6.06% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 68.18% 25.76% 6.06% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 62.12% 6.06% 25.76% 6.06% 0% 0% 0%
6 6.06% 56.06% 6.06% 25.76% 6.06% 0% 0%
7 0% 6.06% 56.06% 6.06% 25.76% 6.06% 0%
8 0% 0% 6.06% 56.06% 6.06% 25.76% 6.06%
9 0% 0% 0% 6.06% 56.06% 6.06% 25.76%