Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Himiko Toga x1 MSR

Foundation (38 cards)

    • Immortal Shapeshifter x4 SR
    • Mastering the Dragon x2 SR
    • Paying the Cost x4 SR
    • Unmatched Quickness x4 SR
    • Unsettling Aura x4 SR
    • Defying Fate x4 MSR
    • Bench Press x4 MSR
    • Floating Around My Babies x4 MSR
    • Excited For Blood x4 MSR
    • Surviving The Final x4 MSR

Attack (19 cards - speed : 4.05 - dmg 4.74)

    • Sword of the Darkness Flame x3 SR
    • 80% Power x2 SR
    • Living Spikes x4 MSR
    • Vile Seizing x4 MSR
    • Dragon of the Darkness Flame x1 SR
    • Low Blow x2 MSR
    • Chronostasis Trigger x2 MSR
    • Heroic Clash x1 MSR

Asset (3 cards)

    • Twisty Surroundings x3 MSR

Action (6 cards)

    • Barrier Shield x4 MSR
    • Showdown x2 MSR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (10 cards)

    • Run Away! x1 MSR
    • 100% Power x1 SR
    • True 100% Unleashed x2 SR
    • Invincible Clasp x1 MSR
    • Adaptable Anatomy x2 SR
    • League Handler x2 MSR
    • Blueflame Immolation x1 MSR

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1x [80% Power] removed from deck2024-04-26 05:18:28
1x [Run Away!] removed from deck2024-04-26 05:13:30
Removed "Heroic Clash"2024-04-26 05:13:06
1x [Heroic Clash] added to deck2024-04-26 05:13:02
Removed "Chronostasis Trigger"2024-04-26 05:12:43
3x [Chronostasis Trigger] added to deck2024-04-26 05:12:39
Removed "Fruit Of Our Labors"2024-04-26 05:12:27
Removed "Nothing To See Here"2024-04-26 05:12:23
Removed "Behind The Curtain"2024-04-26 05:12:16
Removed "Convenient Timing"2024-04-26 05:12:11
Removed "In Control"2024-04-26 05:12:06
Removed "All Smiles"2024-04-26 05:12:01
Removed "#2 Pro Hero"2024-04-26 05:11:54
Removed "Slashing Whirlwind"2024-04-26 05:11:44
Removed "Scorching Aura"2024-04-26 05:11:40
Removed "Low Blow"2024-04-26 05:11:34
Removed "Risho's Meteor"2024-04-26 05:11:29
Removed "60% Power"2024-04-26 05:11:21
Removed "Combination Charge"2024-04-26 05:11:16
1x [100% Power] removed from deck2024-04-26 05:11:02
Removed "True 100% Unleashed"2024-04-26 05:10:48
1x [True 100% Unleashed] added to deck2024-04-26 05:10:43
Removed "Blueflame Immolation"2024-04-26 05:10:31
2x [Blueflame Immolation] added to deck2024-04-26 05:10:23
Removed "Blueflame Torment"2024-04-26 05:10:18
2x [True 100% Unleashed] added to deck2024-04-26 05:10:09
Removed "Quick To Act"2024-04-19 04:08:30
1x [Unmatched Quickness] added to deck2024-04-19 04:08:26
1x [Sword of the Darkness Flame] added to deck2024-04-19 04:06:38
1x [Low Blow] removed from deck2024-04-19 04:06:36
Removed "Cooperation Offer"2024-04-19 04:02:31
1x [Living Spikes] added to deck2024-04-19 04:02:28
1x [Scorching Aura] added to deck2024-04-18 05:32:27
1x [Low Blow] added to deck2024-04-18 05:30:32
1x [Vile Seizing] added to deck2024-04-18 05:30:08
Removed "Double Fists of the Mortal Flame"2024-04-18 05:29:57
1x [80% Power] added to deck2024-04-18 05:29:49
Removed "Hate Fish"2024-04-18 05:29:45
1x [Mastering the Dragon] added to deck2024-04-18 05:29:19
2x [Mastering the Dragon] removed from deck2024-04-18 05:29:16
1x [Quick To Act] removed from deck2024-04-18 05:29:04
1x [Defying Fate] added to deck2024-04-18 05:28:59
Removed "In Control"2024-04-18 05:28:47
1x [60% Power] added to deck2024-04-18 05:28:08
1x [Slashing Whirlwind] added to deck2024-04-18 05:27:49
1x [Heroic Clash] added to deck2024-04-18 05:27:35
1x [Twisty Surroundings] added to deck2024-04-18 05:24:13
Removed "Eri"2024-04-18 05:24:09
Removed "Experimenting On Quirks"2024-04-18 05:23:33
Removed "Settling Old Debts"2024-04-18 05:23:28
1x [Bench Press] added to deck2024-04-18 05:23:20
1x [In Control] added to deck2024-04-18 05:23:15
Removed "Food"2024-04-18 05:23:08
Removed "#2 Pro Hero"2024-04-18 05:22:52
0x [#2 Pro Hero] removed from deck2024-04-18 05:22:49
1x [All Smiles] added to deck2024-04-18 05:21:18
1x [Food] added to deck2024-04-18 05:20:47
1x [Eri] added to deck2024-04-18 05:20:33
1x [Experimenting On Quirks] added to deck2024-04-18 05:20:22
Removed "A Master's Pride"2024-04-18 05:19:34
1x [#2 Pro Hero] added to deck2024-04-18 05:18:25
1x [Nothing To See Here] added to deck2024-04-18 05:17:49
1x [In Control] added to deck2024-04-18 05:17:28
1x [In Control] added to deck2024-04-18 05:17:23
1x [#2 Pro Hero] added to deck2024-04-18 05:16:55
1x [Unsettling Aura] added to deck2024-04-18 05:16:29
Removed "Experimenting On Quirks"2024-04-18 05:15:58
1x [Double Fists of the Mortal Flame] removed from deck2024-04-18 05:15:33
1x [A Master's Pride] added to deck2024-04-18 05:15:25
1x [A Master's Pride] removed from deck2024-04-18 05:15:22
1x [Paying the Cost] added to deck2024-04-18 05:15:16
Removed "Display of Power"2024-04-18 05:15:12
Removed "I Am the Dragon"2024-04-18 05:15:08
1x [Mastering the Dragon] added to deck2024-04-18 05:14:43
1x [Dragon of the Darkness Flame] removed from deck2024-04-18 05:13:59
1x [Hate Fish] added to deck2024-04-18 05:13:08
Removed "Blueflame Torment"2024-04-18 05:08:02
1x [Blueflame Torment] added to deck2024-04-18 05:07:58
2x [Chronostasis Trigger] added to deck2024-04-18 05:07:47
2x [Low Blow] added to deck2024-04-18 05:07:43
1x [Living Spikes] added to deck2024-04-18 05:07:36
Removed "Darkness Dragon Prowess"2024-04-18 05:07:31
Removed "Surging Crystal Darts"2024-04-18 05:07:19
Removed "Trace Eyes"2024-04-18 05:07:13
2x [Dragon of the Darkness Flame] added to deck2024-04-18 05:06:59
1x [Blueflame Immolation] added to deck2024-04-18 05:01:04
1x [Fruit Of Our Labors] added to deck2024-04-18 05:00:18
4x [Surviving The Final] added to deck2024-04-18 05:00:06
4x [Excited For Blood] added to deck2024-04-18 05:00:02
4x [Floating Around My Babies] added to deck2024-04-18 04:59:32
3x [Bench Press] added to deck2024-04-18 04:58:27
2x [Quick To Act] added to deck2024-04-18 04:58:00
2x [Convenient Timing] added to deck2024-04-18 04:57:32
1x [Behind The Curtain] added to deck2024-04-18 04:57:20
2x [A Master's Pride] added to deck2024-04-18 04:57:02
1x [Experimenting On Quirks] added to deck2024-04-18 04:56:17
2x [Cooperation Offer] added to deck2024-04-18 04:56:08
3x [Defying Fate] added to deck2024-04-18 04:56:01
2x [League Handler] added to deck2024-04-18 04:55:29
3x [Settling Old Debts] added to deck2024-04-18 04:55:17
2x [Display of Power] added to deck2024-04-18 04:55:12
3x [Unsettling Aura] added to deck2024-04-18 04:55:00
1x [Unmatched Quickness] added to deck2024-04-18 04:54:52
2x [Unmatched Quickness] added to deck2024-04-18 04:54:50
3x [Paying the Cost] added to deck2024-04-18 04:54:46
2x [Mastering the Dragon] added to deck2024-04-18 04:54:42
2x [I Am the Dragon] added to deck2024-04-18 04:54:36
4x [Immortal Shapeshifter] added to deck2024-04-18 04:54:30
0x [Adaptable Anatomy] removed from deck2024-04-18 04:54:24
2x [Adaptable Anatomy] added to deck2024-04-18 04:51:07
1x [Invincible Clasp] added to deck2024-04-18 04:50:46
1x [Low Blow] added to deck2024-04-18 04:49:32
3x [Vile Seizing] added to deck2024-04-18 04:49:24
1x [Combination Charge] added to deck2024-04-18 04:48:54
1x [Chronostasis Trigger] added to deck2024-04-18 04:48:36
2x [Surging Crystal Darts] added to deck2024-04-18 04:47:43
2x [Living Spikes] added to deck2024-04-18 04:47:08
2x [Blueflame Torment] added to deck2024-04-18 04:46:50
1x [True 100% Unleashed] added to deck2024-04-18 04:46:43
2x [Darkness Dragon Prowess] added to deck2024-04-18 04:46:37
2x [Risho's Meteor] added to deck2024-04-18 04:46:34
2x [100% Power] added to deck2024-04-18 04:46:27
2x [80% Power] added to deck2024-04-18 04:45:16
2x [Trace Eyes] added to deck2024-04-18 04:45:08
2x [Sword of the Darkness Flame] added to deck2024-04-18 04:44:58
3x [Double Fists of the Mortal Flame] added to deck2024-04-18 04:44:52
2x [Run Away!] added to deck2024-04-18 04:44:33
2x [Showdown] added to deck2024-04-18 04:44:04
2x [Twisty Surroundings] added to deck2024-04-18 04:43:58
4x [Barrier Shield] added to deck2024-04-18 04:43:52
1x [Himiko Toga] added to deck2024-04-18 04:42:17
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.75

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 66 66 2.33 2.45 4.29
Attack 19 19 1.58 4.58 2.84
Foundation 38 38 2.74 1.37 4.89
Asset 3 3 2 3 5
Action 6 6 2.33 2.33 4.67
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 28 2.36 0
Mid 25 2.28 0
Low 13 2.38 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 98.48% 1.52% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 96.97% 1.52% 1.52% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 71.21% 25.76% 1.52% 1.52% 0% 0% 0%
5 62.12% 9.09% 25.76% 1.52% 1.52% 0% 0%
6 0% 62.12% 9.09% 25.76% 1.52% 1.52% 0%
7 0% 0% 62.12% 9.09% 25.76% 1.52% 1.52%
8 0% 0% 0% 62.12% 9.09% 25.76% 1.52%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 62.12% 9.09% 25.76%