Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Tomura Shigaraki x1 M

Foundation (26 cards)

    • Quick To Act x3 M
    • Surviving The Final x3 M
    • Desperate Times x4 M
    • Sticky Balls x2 M
    • Apathetic x3 M
    • Royal Bodyguard x3 L
    • A New Master x2 L
    • Confronting Jedah x2 L
    • Fused with Lilith x1 L
    • Explosive Acrobatics x3 L

Attack (21 cards - speed : 3.67 - dmg 4.19)

    • Raptor Rush x4 L
    • Rando's Spirit Gun x3 L
    • Redemption x4 L
    • Astral Vision x3 L
    • Brutality x3 L
    • Scratch Glissando x4 L

Asset (3 cards)

    • Fiddlestix x2 L
    • Cormorant x1 L

Action (10 cards)

    • Evil Gaze x3 M
    • Revoke x4 L
    • The Toguro Brothers x3 L

Side (3 cards)

    • Power Struggles x1 L
    • Turn To Dust x1 M
    • Tongue Whip x1 M

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1x [Surviving The Final] added to deck2022-10-27 23:39:32
1x [Fiddlestix] added to deck2022-10-27 23:39:29
Removed "Born From Destruction"2022-10-27 23:39:25
1x [Fused with Lilith] removed from deck2022-10-27 23:38:33
Removed "Last of the Shirai Ryu"2022-10-27 23:37:39
1x [Surviving The Final] removed from deck2022-10-27 23:37:32
0x [Royal Bodyguard] removed from deck2022-10-27 23:37:20
Removed "Creepy Realization"2022-10-27 23:24:55
Removed "Avoiding Assassination"2022-10-27 23:24:41
0x [Avoiding Assassination] removed from deck2022-10-27 23:24:38
1x [Surviving The Final] removed from deck2022-10-27 23:24:35
1x [Evil Gaze] removed from deck2022-10-27 23:24:22
1x [Sticky Balls] added to deck2022-10-27 23:24:01
1x [Fused with Lilith] added to deck2022-10-27 23:23:59
2x [Apathetic] added to deck2022-10-27 23:23:54
2x [Creepy Realization] added to deck2022-10-27 23:23:53
2x [Royal Bodyguard] added to deck2022-10-27 23:23:49
1x [A New Master] added to deck2022-10-27 23:23:38
1x [Born From Destruction] added to deck2022-10-27 23:23:22
1x [Confronting Jedah] added to deck2022-10-27 23:23:15
Removed "The Snake Becomes The Dragon"2022-10-27 23:23:04
Removed "Keen Observation"2022-10-27 23:22:56
1x [Avoiding Assassination] added to deck2022-10-27 23:22:53
2x [Explosive Acrobatics] added to deck2022-10-27 23:22:51
2x [Quick To Act] added to deck2022-10-27 23:22:31
3x [Surviving The Final] added to deck2022-10-27 23:22:29
3x [Keen Observation] added to deck2022-10-27 23:22:26
3x [Desperate Times] added to deck2022-10-27 23:22:24
Removed "Hell's Reach"2022-10-27 23:22:21
Removed "Most Trusted Assassin"2022-10-27 23:22:16
Removed "Fallen Angels"2022-10-27 23:22:04
1x [Rando's Spirit Gun] removed from deck2022-10-27 23:18:02
1x [Scratch Glissando] added to deck2022-10-27 23:17:46
Removed "Villainous Waylay"2022-10-27 23:17:39
3x [Scratch Glissando] added to deck2022-10-27 23:17:19
1x [Raptor Rush] added to deck2022-10-27 23:13:32
2x [Astral Vision] added to deck2022-10-27 23:13:29
1x [Redemption] added to deck2022-10-27 23:13:24
Removed "Tongue Whip"2022-10-27 23:13:15
1x [Tongue Whip] added to deck2022-10-27 23:13:13
Removed "Turn To Dust"2022-10-27 23:13:07
1x [Turn To Dust] added to deck2022-10-27 23:13:05
2x [Raptor Rush] added to deck2022-10-27 23:12:24
Removed "Sudden Death Assault"2022-10-27 23:12:19
Removed "Piercing Needle"2022-10-27 23:12:16
1x [Villainous Waylay] added to deck2022-10-27 23:12:13
Removed "Scratch Glissando"2022-10-27 23:12:04
3x [Rando's Spirit Gun] added to deck2022-10-27 23:11:35
Removed "Flame Aura"2022-10-27 21:44:58
Removed "Skull"2022-10-27 21:44:42
Removed "Fan Throw"2022-10-27 21:44:18
2x [Redemption] added to deck2022-10-27 21:43:59
2x [Brutality] added to deck2022-10-27 21:43:53
Removed "Blood Offering Totem"2022-10-27 21:43:51
Removed "Virus Unchained"2022-10-27 21:43:36
Removed "Excited For Blood"2022-10-27 21:42:08
Removed "Nothing To See Here"2022-10-27 21:41:59
Removed "Cleansed By Blood"2022-10-27 21:41:00
Removed "English Aristocrat"2022-10-27 21:40:46
Removed "World Without Battle"2022-10-27 21:39:57
Removed "Outworld's Heiress"2022-10-27 21:39:31
Removed "Power Struggles"2022-10-27 21:39:14
1x [Power Struggles] added to deck2022-10-27 21:39:12
Removed "Memories of Fallen Warriors"2022-10-27 21:38:51
Removed "Calling Upon the Sun"2022-10-27 21:38:19
Removed "Profane Sanctuary "2022-10-27 21:37:48
Removed "Emperor of Outworld"2022-10-27 21:37:33
0x [Fallen Angels] removed from deck2022-10-27 21:37:21
Removed "Teddy Bomber"2022-10-27 21:37:14
Removed "Bleak Concerto: Finale"2022-10-27 21:36:25
0x [Flame Aura] removed from deck2022-10-27 21:35:55
Removed "Jupiter Jazz"2022-10-27 21:35:33
Removed "Fog Blanket"2022-10-27 21:35:04
0x [Brutality] removed from deck2022-10-27 21:34:29
Removed "Robot Masters"2022-10-27 21:33:31
1x [The Snake Becomes The Dragon] added to deck2022-10-27 21:32:47
1x [Fallen Angels] added to deck2022-10-27 21:31:20
1x [Avoiding Assassination] added to deck2022-10-27 21:30:47
1x [Explosive Acrobatics] added to deck2022-10-27 21:29:47
1x [Last of the Shirai Ryu] added to deck2022-10-27 21:28:58
1x [Outworld's Heiress] added to deck2022-10-27 21:27:31
1x [Emperor of Outworld] added to deck2022-10-27 21:20:32
1x [Calling Upon the Sun] added to deck2022-10-27 21:20:25
1x [Most Trusted Assassin] added to deck2022-10-27 21:19:54
1x [Power Struggles] added to deck2022-10-27 21:19:37
1x [Fused with Lilith] added to deck2022-10-27 21:19:21
1x [Confronting Jedah] added to deck2022-10-27 21:19:00
1x [World Without Battle] added to deck2022-10-27 21:18:50
1x [Cleansed By Blood] added to deck2022-10-27 21:17:31
1x [English Aristocrat] added to deck2022-10-27 21:16:25
1x [Hell's Reach] added to deck2022-10-27 21:15:49
1x [Profane Sanctuary ] added to deck2022-10-27 21:15:34
1x [A New Master] added to deck2022-10-27 21:13:35
1x [Born From Destruction] added to deck2022-10-27 21:13:28
1x [Memories of Fallen Warriors] added to deck2022-10-27 21:11:41
1x [Royal Bodyguard] added to deck2022-10-27 21:11:23
1x [Robot Masters] added to deck2022-10-27 21:11:00
1x [Keen Observation] added to deck2022-10-27 21:10:11
1x [Apathetic] added to deck2022-10-27 21:10:08
1x [Sticky Balls] added to deck2022-10-27 21:10:05
1x [Desperate Times] added to deck2022-10-27 21:10:03
1x [Creepy Realization] added to deck2022-10-27 21:10:01
1x [Surviving The Final] added to deck2022-10-27 21:09:55
1x [Excited For Blood] added to deck2022-10-27 21:09:53
1x [Nothing To See Here] added to deck2022-10-27 21:09:35
1x [Quick To Act] added to deck2022-10-27 21:09:28
1x [Jupiter Jazz] added to deck2022-10-27 21:09:17
1x [Virus Unchained] added to deck2022-10-27 21:07:10
1x [Brutality] added to deck2022-10-27 21:05:43
1x [Flame Aura] added to deck2022-10-27 21:04:52
1x [Skull] added to deck2022-10-27 21:03:11
1x [Blood Offering Totem] added to deck2022-10-27 21:00:45
1x [Fan Throw] added to deck2022-10-27 21:00:16
1x [Astral Vision] added to deck2022-10-27 20:59:33
1x [Fog Blanket] added to deck2022-10-27 20:58:41
1x [Redemption] added to deck2022-10-27 20:57:49
1x [Rando's Spirit Gun] added to deck2022-10-27 20:56:09
1x [Scratch Glissando] added to deck2022-10-27 20:55:22
1x [Bleak Concerto: Finale] added to deck2022-10-27 20:55:15
1x [Raptor Rush] added to deck2022-10-27 20:52:45
1x [Tongue Whip] added to deck2022-10-27 20:52:28
1x [Turn To Dust] added to deck2022-10-27 20:52:25
1x [Villainous Waylay] added to deck2022-10-27 20:52:13
1x [Piercing Needle] added to deck2022-10-27 20:52:08
1x [Sudden Death Assault] added to deck2022-10-27 20:52:04
2x [Teddy Bomber] added to deck2022-10-27 20:51:39
1x [Cormorant] added to deck2022-10-27 20:50:51
1x [Fiddlestix] added to deck2022-10-27 20:47:49
3x [The Toguro Brothers] added to deck2022-10-27 20:47:12
4x [Revoke] added to deck2022-10-27 20:46:36
4x [Evil Gaze] added to deck2022-10-27 20:46:33
1x [Tomura Shigaraki] added to deck2022-10-27 20:46:20
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.98

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 60 53 1.85 2.1 4.17
Attack 21 21 1.14 4 2.86
Foundation 26 23 2.52 1.23 4.92
Asset 3 3 2.33 2.33 5
Action 10 6 1.5 0.3 4.7
Character 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 15 2.67 0
Mid 23 1.48 0
Low 15 1.6 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 95% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 65% 30% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 55% 10% 30% 5% 0% 0% 0%
6 1.67% 53.33% 10% 30% 5% 0% 0%
7 0% 1.67% 53.33% 10% 30% 5% 0%
8 0% 0% 1.67% 53.33% 10% 30% 5%
9 0% 0% 0% 1.67% 53.33% 10% 30%