Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Eijiro Kirishima (III) x1 MSR

Foundation (36 cards)

    • Learning To Harden x3 MSR
    • Unbreakable x3 MSR
    • Foresight x2 MSR
    • Confession x1 MSR
    • In Control x2 MSR
    • Nothing To See Here x2 MSR
    • Snack Time x2 R
    • Surviving The Final x3 MSR
    • Excited For Blood x2 MSR
    • Encouragement x2 MR
    • Latent Skill x2 MR
    • Let's Fight Bad Guys! x2 MR
    • Keen Observation x3 MR
    • Tight Lipped x3 MR
    • First Day of Class x2 MR
    • Struggling With Studies x2 MSR

Attack (19 cards - speed : 3.32 - dmg 5.16)

    • Full Cowling Impact x4 MSR
    • Vile Seizing x3 MSR
    • Decaying Palm Slam x2 MSR
    • Red Riot Unbreakable x4 MSR
    • Hardened Fist x2 MSR
    • Stun Grenade x2 MSR
    • Turn To Dust x2 MR

Asset (0 cards)

Action (2 cards)

    • Evil Gaze x2 MR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (10 cards)

    • Detailing The Plan x2 MSR
    • Food x2 MSR
    • Learning The Standards x2 MSR
    • Go For The Win! x2 MSR
    • Forcing Surrender x2 MSR

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1x [Hardened Fist] added to deck2023-06-10 01:31:02
Removed "Howitzer Impact Cyclone"2023-06-10 01:30:59
Removed "Merciless Rush"2023-06-10 01:30:50
1x [Howitzer Impact Cyclone] removed from deck2023-06-10 01:30:30
1x [Turn To Dust] added to deck2023-06-10 01:30:28
1x [Red Riot Unbreakable] added to deck2023-06-10 01:30:25
1x [Decaying Palm Slam] added to deck2023-06-10 01:30:22
Removed "Howitzer Impact"2023-06-10 01:30:20
Removed "Shock Absorption"2023-06-10 01:29:18
1x [Learning To Harden] removed from deck2023-06-10 01:29:07
Removed "Forcing Surrender"2023-06-10 01:28:42
2x [Forcing Surrender] added to deck2023-06-10 01:28:41
Removed "Struggling With Studies"2023-06-10 01:28:38
2x [Struggling With Studies] added to deck2023-06-10 01:28:36
Removed "Struggling With Studies"2023-06-10 01:28:25
1x [Confession] removed from deck2023-06-10 01:28:13
Removed "Internship With Best Jeanist"2023-06-10 01:27:34
1x [Keen Observation] removed from deck2023-06-10 01:27:32
2x [Tight Lipped] added to deck2023-06-10 01:27:26
2x [Foresight] removed from deck2023-06-10 01:26:51
2x [Surviving The Final] added to deck2023-06-10 01:26:49
Removed "Arrogant Disposition"2023-06-10 01:26:42
1x [Let's Fight Bad Guys!] removed from deck2023-06-10 01:26:36
0x [Struggling With Studies] removed from deck2023-06-10 01:26:32
2x [Struggling With Studies] added to deck2023-06-10 01:26:29
1x [Snack Time] removed from deck2023-06-10 01:26:27
Removed "Red Riot's The Coolest"2023-06-10 01:26:16
2x [Learning To Harden] added to deck2023-06-10 01:26:10
Removed "Brute Strength"2023-06-10 01:25:45
Removed "Graceful Maneuvers"2023-06-10 01:25:36
1x [Encouragement] removed from deck2023-06-10 01:25:33
1x [Food] added to deck2023-06-10 01:25:11
1x [Learning The Standards] added to deck2023-06-10 01:25:07
1x [Go For The Win!] added to deck2023-06-10 01:25:05
2x [Evil Gaze] removed from deck2023-06-10 01:24:58
Removed "Go For The Win!"2023-06-10 01:24:51
1x [Go For The Win!] added to deck2023-06-10 01:24:50
Removed "Grenadier Bracers"2023-06-10 01:24:24
Removed "Suited Up"2023-06-10 01:24:22
1x [Excited For Blood] added to deck2023-06-10 01:24:09
1x [Unbreakable] added to deck2023-06-10 01:24:07
2x [Learning To Harden] removed from deck2023-06-10 01:24:00
2x [In Control] removed from deck2023-06-10 01:23:58
Removed "Conflict of Ideologies"2023-06-10 01:23:55
Removed "Exploding Pride"2023-06-10 01:23:49
Removed "Desperate Struggle"2023-06-10 01:23:45
1x [Vile Seizing] removed from deck2023-06-10 01:22:44
1x [Stun Grenade] added to deck2023-06-10 01:22:41
Removed "Nitro Explosion: Ignition"2023-06-10 01:22:37
Removed "Instant Explosive Release"2023-06-10 01:22:36
2x [First Day of Class] added to deck2023-06-10 01:22:02
1x [Tight Lipped] added to deck2023-06-10 01:21:54
4x [Keen Observation] added to deck2023-06-10 01:21:46
2x [Shock Absorption] added to deck2023-06-10 01:21:44
1x [Brute Strength] removed from deck2023-06-10 01:21:42
3x [Brute Strength] added to deck2023-06-10 01:21:38
3x [Let's Fight Bad Guys!] added to deck2023-06-10 01:21:36
2x [Latent Skill] added to deck2023-06-10 01:21:34
3x [Encouragement] added to deck2023-06-10 01:21:32
1x [Arrogant Disposition] added to deck2023-06-10 01:21:17
1x [Learning The Standards] added to deck2023-06-10 01:19:52
1x [Excited For Blood] added to deck2023-06-10 01:19:47
1x [Surviving The Final] added to deck2023-06-10 01:19:45
1x [Struggling With Studies] added to deck2023-06-10 01:19:39
2x [Graceful Maneuvers] added to deck2023-06-10 01:19:37
2x [Forcing Surrender] added to deck2023-06-10 01:19:14
1x [Internship With Best Jeanist] added to deck2023-06-10 01:19:12
3x [Snack Time] added to deck2023-06-10 01:18:33
2x [Conflict of Ideologies] added to deck2023-06-10 01:18:23
2x [Nothing To See Here] added to deck2023-06-10 01:18:07
1x [Desperate Struggle] added to deck2023-06-10 01:17:57
4x [In Control] added to deck2023-06-10 01:17:18
1x [Food] added to deck2023-06-10 01:17:03
2x [Confession] added to deck2023-06-10 01:16:28
4x [Foresight] added to deck2023-06-10 01:16:02
2x [Detailing The Plan] added to deck2023-06-10 01:15:53
1x [Red Riot's The Coolest] added to deck2023-06-10 01:15:40
2x [Unbreakable] added to deck2023-06-10 01:15:35
4x [Learning To Harden] added to deck2023-06-10 01:15:25
4x [Evil Gaze] added to deck2023-06-10 01:15:09
1x [Go For The Win!] added to deck2023-06-10 01:15:05
1x [Grenadier Bracers] added to deck2023-06-10 01:14:54
1x [Suited Up] added to deck2023-06-10 01:14:48
1x [Exploding Pride] added to deck2023-06-10 01:13:10
2x [Instant Explosive Release] added to deck2023-06-10 01:13:04
1x [Merciless Rush] added to deck2023-06-10 01:12:37
1x [Nitro Explosion: Ignition] added to deck2023-06-10 01:12:25
1x [Turn To Dust] added to deck2023-06-10 01:11:14
2x [Howitzer Impact] added to deck2023-06-10 01:09:57
3x [Howitzer Impact Cyclone] added to deck2023-06-10 01:09:34
1x [Stun Grenade] added to deck2023-06-10 01:08:47
1x [Hardened Fist] added to deck2023-06-10 01:08:12
3x [Red Riot Unbreakable] added to deck2023-06-10 01:08:05
1x [Decaying Palm Slam] added to deck2023-06-10 01:07:58
4x [Vile Seizing] added to deck2023-06-10 01:07:55
4x [Full Cowling Impact] added to deck2023-06-10 01:07:52
1x [Eijiro Kirishima (III)] added to deck2023-06-10 01:07:08
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.83

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 57 57 1.95 2.35 4.3
Attack 19 19 1.42 4.53 3
Foundation 36 36 2.28 1.33 4.94
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 2 2 1 0 5
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 20 2.1 0
Mid 27 1.67 0
Low 10 2.4 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 66.67% 33.33% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 63.16% 3.51% 33.33% 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 0% 63.16% 3.51% 33.33% 0% 0% 0%
7 0% 0% 63.16% 3.51% 33.33% 0% 0%
8 0% 0% 0% 63.16% 3.51% 33.33% 0%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 63.16% 3.51% 33.33%