Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Eijiro Kirishima (II) x1 MSR

Foundation (36 cards)

    • Battle Resolve x4 MSR
    • High Value Target x4 MSR
    • Faith's Shield x2 MSR
    • Internship With Best Jeanist x4 MSR
    • Learning The Standards x2 MSR
    • Celebrity Status x4 MR
    • Pull No Punches x4 MR
    • Apathetic x3 MR
    • Super Regeneration x2 MR
    • Glamorous x3 MR
    • Rescue Completed x4 MR

Attack (19 cards - speed : 3.68 - dmg 4.26)

    • Hardened Chop x3 MR
    • Hardened Jab x4 MR
    • Texas Smash x4 MR
    • Back Alley Haymaker x4 R
    • Leaping Right Hook x2 MSR
    • Specialized Sound Waves x2 MR

Asset (0 cards)

Action (2 cards)

    • Sugar Rush Power-Up x2 MSR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (10 cards)

    • Creeping Vine Eruption x4 MSR
    • Faith's Shield x2 MSR
    • Apathetic x1 MR
    • Forcing Surrender x3 MSR

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2x [Specialized Sound Waves] added to deck2022-06-15 10:13:44
4x [Rescue Completed] added to deck2022-06-15 10:10:44
Deck name changed2022-06-14 12:35:13
1x [Creeping Vine Eruption] added to deck2022-06-14 11:39:16
1x [Celebrity Status] added to deck2022-06-14 11:39:04
1x [Hardened Chop] removed from deck2022-06-14 11:38:51
Removed "Harden"2022-06-14 11:37:55
2x [Harden] removed from deck2022-06-14 11:37:48
2x [Sugar Rush Power-Up] removed from deck2022-06-14 11:12:51
1x [Celebrity Status] removed from deck2022-06-14 11:11:42
1x [Super Regeneration] removed from deck2022-06-14 11:11:22
2x [Leaping Right Hook] added to deck2022-06-14 11:11:08
3x [Forcing Surrender] added to deck2022-06-14 11:11:02
3x [Glamorous] added to deck2022-06-14 11:09:45
3x [Super Regeneration] added to deck2022-06-14 11:09:04
1x [Apathetic] added to deck2022-06-14 11:08:58
3x [Apathetic] added to deck2022-06-14 11:08:55
4x [Harden] added to deck2022-06-14 11:08:49
2x [Celebrity Status] added to deck2022-06-14 11:08:40
4x [Pull No Punches] added to deck2022-06-14 11:08:35
2x [Celebrity Status] added to deck2022-06-14 11:08:30
2x [Learning The Standards] added to deck2022-06-14 11:08:13
4x [Internship With Best Jeanist] added to deck2022-06-14 11:08:01
2x [Faith's Shield] added to deck2022-06-14 11:07:42
2x [Faith's Shield] added to deck2022-06-14 11:07:39
Removed "Creeping Vine Eruption"2022-06-14 11:07:08
3x [Creeping Vine Eruption] added to deck2022-06-14 11:07:06
Removed "Tres Chic Cape"2022-06-14 11:06:53
Main character changed2022-06-14 11:06:49
4x [High Value Target] added to deck2022-06-14 11:06:31
4x [Battle Resolve] added to deck2022-06-14 11:06:29
4x [Sugar Rush Power-Up] added to deck2022-06-14 11:06:08
1x [Tres Chic Cape] added to deck2022-06-14 11:05:56
1x [Eijiro Kirishima (II)] added to deck2022-06-14 11:05:30
4x [Back Alley Haymaker] added to deck2022-06-14 11:05:06
2x [Creeping Vine Eruption] removed from deck2022-06-14 11:04:33
4x [Texas Smash] added to deck2022-06-14 11:03:55
4x [Hardened Jab] added to deck2022-06-14 11:03:47
4x [Hardened Chop] added to deck2022-06-14 11:03:44
4x [Creeping Vine Eruption] added to deck2022-06-14 11:02:52
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.73

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 57 57 2.25 2.44 4.21
Attack 19 19 1.47 4.26 2.89
Foundation 36 36 2.72 1.56 4.86
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 2 2 1 1 5
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 19 2.05 0
Mid 25 2.24 0
Low 13 2.54 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 96.49% 3.51% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 66.67% 29.82% 3.51% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 57.89% 8.77% 29.82% 3.51% 0% 0% 0%
6 0% 57.89% 8.77% 29.82% 3.51% 0% 0%
7 0% 0% 57.89% 8.77% 29.82% 3.51% 0%
8 0% 0% 0% 57.89% 8.77% 29.82% 3.51%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 57.89% 8.77% 29.82%