Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Byakko x1 SR

Foundation (57 cards)

    • One Man Inferno x2 MSR
    • Internship With Best Jeanist x3 MSR
    • #10 Pro Hero x4 MSR
    • Male Bonding x3 MSR
    • High Value Target x3 MSR
    • Fearsome Transformations x3 SR
    • Chivalrous Competitor x2 MSR
    • Toughest Punk in Junior High x4 SR
    • Faith's Shield x2 MSR
    • Learning The Standards x2 MSR
    • Prehensile Tail x2 MSR
    • New Training Method x3 MSR
    • Incredible Display x2 MSR
    • Weapon Clash x2 SR
    • Big Appetite x3 MSR
    • Tutoring Kirishima x4 MSR
    • Thunderous Roar x3 SR
    • Ultra Regeneration x3 MSR
    • Massive Size x4 SR
    • Dangerous Hybrid x2 MSR
    • The New #1 x1 MSR

Attack (25 cards - speed : 2.72 - dmg 5.28)

    • Titan Cliff x4 MSR
    • Tiger Scream x3 SR
    • Looming Terror x2 MSR
    • Creeping Vine Eruption x3 MSR
    • Stretching Slam x2 MSR
    • Ogre Boulder x3 SR
    • Double Overhead Hammer Fist x4 MSR
    • Zero Gravity Rush x4 MSR

Asset (0 cards)

Action (6 cards)

    • The Dark Tournament Looms x3 SR
    • Referee Juri x3 SR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (10 cards)

    • Body Memorization x2 SR
    • Faith's Shield x2 MSR
    • High Spirit Awareness x2 SR
    • Learning The Standards x2 MSR
    • Unbreakable x2 MSR

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1x [The New #1] added to deck2024-03-10 22:57:35
Main character changed2024-03-10 22:57:18
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.5

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 88 88 2.44 2.92 4.39
Attack 25 25 2.12 5.4 2.88
Foundation 57 57 2.63 1.98 5.04
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 6 6 2 1.5 4.5
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 22 2.18 0
Mid 40 2.68 0
Low 26 2.31 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 96.59% 3.41% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 71.59% 25% 3.41% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 62.5% 9.09% 25% 3.41% 0% 0% 0%
6 7.95% 54.55% 9.09% 25% 3.41% 0% 0%
7 0% 7.95% 54.55% 9.09% 25% 3.41% 0%
8 0% 0% 7.95% 54.55% 9.09% 25% 3.41%
9 0% 0% 0% 7.95% 54.55% 9.09% 25%