Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Hood x1 MSR

Foundation (36 cards)

    • Quick To Act x3 MSR
    • Chivalrous Competitor x4 MSR
    • Manly Passionate Guy x2 MR
    • Heroic Endurance x3 MSR
    • Super Regeneration x4 MR
    • More...Power... x3 MSR
    • Ultra Regeneration x3 MSR
    • Dangerous Hybrid x4 MSR
    • Experimenting On Quirks x4 MSR
    • Surprise Interception x2 MSR
    • #23 Pro Hero x4 MSR

Attack (20 cards - speed : 3.2 - dmg 4.65)

    • Zero Gravity Rush x2 MSR
    • Flashfire Fist: Hell Spider x3 MSR
    • Berserker Bite x3 MSR
    • Living Spikes x3 MSR
    • Stretching Slam x2 MSR
    • Summon Nomus x4 MSR
    • Calorie Counter x3 MSR

Asset (0 cards)

Action (2 cards)

    • Maximum Hardening x2 MSR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (10 cards)

    • Mt Lady (II) x1 MSR
    • Canyon Cannon x4 MSR
    • Titan Cliff x4 MSR
    • Surprise Interception x1 MSR

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1x [Surprise Interception] added to deck2023-12-07 14:35:44
Removed "Sugar Rush Power-Up"2023-12-07 14:35:08
Removed "Sugar Rush Power-Up"2023-12-07 14:34:58
4x [Titan Cliff] added to deck2023-12-07 14:34:39
4x [Canyon Cannon] added to deck2023-12-07 14:34:29
1x [Mt Lady (II)] added to deck2023-12-07 14:31:53
2x [Sugar Rush Power-Up] added to deck2023-12-07 14:31:19
Removed "Nomu"2023-12-07 14:31:01
Removed "Seizing The Advantage"2023-12-07 14:30:57
Removed "#23 Pro Hero"2023-12-07 14:30:44
4x [#23 Pro Hero] added to deck2023-12-07 14:30:39
Removed "#23 Pro Hero"2023-12-07 14:30:33
4x [#23 Pro Hero] added to deck2023-12-07 14:27:33
Removed "New Training Method"2023-12-07 14:27:27
1x [Quick To Act] removed from deck2023-12-07 14:27:22
Removed "#23 Pro Hero"2023-12-05 22:12:52
2x [Dangerous Hybrid] added to deck2023-12-05 22:12:40
1x [Berserker Bite] added to deck2023-12-05 21:35:19
0x [Berserker Bite] removed from deck2023-12-05 21:35:14
1x [Summon Nomus] added to deck2023-12-05 21:35:08
1x [Calorie Counter] removed from deck2023-12-05 21:34:10
1x [Summon Nomus] added to deck2023-12-05 21:32:37
1x [Flashfire Fist: Hell Spider] added to deck2023-12-05 21:32:25
Removed "Looming Terror"2023-12-05 21:32:10
Removed "Weightless"2023-12-05 21:30:24
Removed "High End"2023-12-05 21:30:19
2x [High End] added to deck2023-12-05 21:28:14
2x [Weightless] added to deck2023-12-05 21:27:48
2x [Surprise Interception] added to deck2023-12-05 21:26:32
4x [Experimenting On Quirks] added to deck2023-12-05 21:26:17
2x [Flashfire Fist: Hell Spider] removed from deck2023-12-05 21:23:55
2x [Summon Nomus] removed from deck2023-12-05 21:23:48
2x [Stretching Slam] removed from deck2023-12-05 21:23:30
1x [Living Spikes] removed from deck2023-12-05 21:23:10
2x [Berserker Bite] removed from deck2023-12-05 21:23:04
1x [Zero Gravity Rush] removed from deck2023-12-05 21:22:58
Removed "Seizing The Advantage"2023-12-05 21:21:20
4x [Seizing The Advantage] added to deck2023-12-05 21:21:16
Removed "Prehensile Tail"2023-12-05 21:21:12
Removed "Unbreakable"2023-12-05 21:21:08
0x [Maximum Hardening] removed from deck2023-12-05 21:21:01
Removed "Twisty Surroundings"2023-12-05 21:20:42
Removed "Merciless Rush"2023-12-05 21:20:03
1x [Sugar Rush Power-Up] added to deck2023-12-05 21:19:50
Removed "Dragon Power"2023-12-05 21:19:17
Removed "Quirk Expertise"2023-12-05 21:19:02
1x [#23 Pro Hero] removed from deck2023-12-05 21:18:06
Removed "Learning To Harden"2023-12-05 21:17:59
Removed "Hulking Grimace"2023-12-05 21:11:40
Removed "Muscle Mauler"2023-12-05 21:11:30
1x [Looming Terror] removed from deck2023-12-05 21:11:25
Removed "Titan Cliff"2023-12-05 21:11:20
1x [More...Power...] removed from deck2023-12-05 21:09:48
1x [Ultra Regeneration] removed from deck2023-12-05 21:09:38
2x [Dangerous Hybrid] removed from deck2023-12-05 21:09:34
Removed "Learning The Standards"2023-12-05 21:08:40
Removed "Someone With Style"2023-12-05 21:08:35
Removed "Glamorous"2023-12-05 21:08:32
Removed "High End"2023-12-05 21:07:45
4x [Merciless Rush] added to deck2023-12-04 18:39:35
3x [Hulking Grimace] added to deck2023-12-04 18:31:16
2x [Muscle Mauler] added to deck2023-12-04 18:26:24
4x [Calorie Counter] added to deck2023-12-04 18:24:34
3x [Looming Terror] added to deck2023-12-04 18:23:55
4x [Titan Cliff] added to deck2023-12-04 18:23:07
4x [Summon Nomus] added to deck2023-12-04 18:21:59
4x [Stretching Slam] added to deck2023-12-04 18:21:32
4x [Living Spikes] added to deck2023-12-04 18:20:34
4x [Berserker Bite] added to deck2023-12-04 18:19:24
4x [Flashfire Fist: Hell Spider] added to deck2023-12-04 18:14:43
3x [Zero Gravity Rush] added to deck2023-12-04 18:14:18
4x [Dangerous Hybrid] added to deck2023-12-04 18:12:57
4x [Ultra Regeneration] added to deck2023-12-04 18:12:10
2x [Unbreakable] added to deck2023-12-04 18:11:28
4x [More...Power...] added to deck2023-12-04 18:11:17
2x [Someone With Style] added to deck2023-12-04 18:10:05
2x [Glamorous] added to deck2023-12-04 18:09:58
4x [Super Regeneration] added to deck2023-12-04 18:09:37
3x [Learning The Standards] added to deck2023-12-04 18:08:54
3x [New Training Method] added to deck2023-12-04 18:08:42
2x [Prehensile Tail] added to deck2023-12-04 18:08:29
3x [Learning To Harden] added to deck2023-12-04 18:07:41
1x [#23 Pro Hero] added to deck2023-12-04 18:06:45
3x [#23 Pro Hero] added to deck2023-12-04 18:06:37
3x [Heroic Endurance] added to deck2023-12-04 18:05:56
3x [Quirk Expertise] added to deck2023-12-04 18:04:46
2x [Manly Passionate Guy] added to deck2023-12-04 18:03:37
4x [Chivalrous Competitor] added to deck2023-12-04 18:03:09
4x [Dragon Power] added to deck2023-12-04 18:01:53
4x [High End] added to deck2023-12-04 18:01:25
4x [Quick To Act] added to deck2023-12-04 18:00:06
2x [Twisty Surroundings] added to deck2023-12-04 17:59:08
3x [Sugar Rush Power-Up] added to deck2023-12-04 17:58:19
3x [Seizing The Advantage] added to deck2023-12-04 17:57:57
2x [Maximum Hardening] added to deck2023-12-04 17:57:42
1x [Nomu] added to deck2023-12-04 17:54:02
1x [Hood] added to deck2023-12-04 17:53:01
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.47

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 58 58 2.43 3.02 4.43
Attack 20 20 1.95 4.8 3
Foundation 36 36 2.72 2.08 5.19
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 2 2 2 2 5
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 21 2.67 0
Mid 18 2.33 0
Low 19 2.26 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 65.52% 34.48% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 65.52% 0% 34.48% 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 12.07% 53.45% 0% 34.48% 0% 0% 0%
7 0% 12.07% 53.45% 0% 34.48% 0% 0%
8 0% 0% 12.07% 53.45% 0% 34.48% 0%
9 0% 0% 0% 12.07% 53.45% 0% 34.48%