Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Spike, Bounty Hunter x1 SR

Foundation (38 cards)

    • Fast Friendship x4 SR
    • Syndicate Target x4 SR
    • Hot Pursuit x4 MSR
    • Surprising Skill x3 MSR
    • #10 Pro Hero x3 MSR
    • Cooperation Offer x4 MSR
    • Keeping Eri Safe x3 MSR
    • Nejire-Chan Of The Big 3 x2 MSR
    • Wild Wild Pussycats x4 MSR
    • New Training Method x4 MSR
    • Faith's Shield x3 MSR

Attack (22 cards - speed : 3.05 - dmg 4.32)

    • Fallen Angel's Revenge x3 SR
    • Falling Heel Strike x4 SR
    • Jaw Jammer x4 SR
    • Rewind Throttle x2 MSR
    • Nejire Wave x2 MSR
    • Spiral Blasts x3 MSR
    • Overhead Reversal x4 MSR

Asset (4 cards)

    • Ein x2 SR
    • Interdimensional Plants x2 SR

Action (2 cards)

    • Welcome To Space Land x2 SR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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1x [Hot Pursuit] added to deck2024-01-08 23:50:45
Removed "Soulful Rendition"2024-01-08 23:50:43
2x [Interdimensional Plants] added to deck2024-01-08 23:50:26
Removed "I'll Protect You"2024-01-08 23:44:38
1x [I'll Protect You] removed from deck2024-01-08 23:41:20
1x [Jaw Jammer] added to deck2024-01-08 23:41:02
Removed "Prideless Negotiations"2024-01-08 23:40:51
Removed "Incredible Display"2024-01-08 23:40:27
Removed "Vast Strength"2024-01-08 23:40:22
Removed "Stalking Her Prey"2024-01-08 23:40:17
Removed "Experimenting On Quirks"2024-01-08 23:40:00
Removed "Training Weights"2024-01-08 23:34:34
Removed "Air Force Gloves"2024-01-08 23:34:30
Removed "Muscle Mauler"2024-01-08 23:34:14
Removed "Questioning Threat"2024-01-08 23:34:08
1x [Jaw Jammer] added to deck2024-01-08 23:33:58
Removed "Command Pigeon Flock"2024-01-08 23:33:56
1x [Fallen Angel's Revenge] added to deck2024-01-08 23:33:53
Removed "Rejuvenating Smash"2024-01-08 23:33:51
Removed "Tasty Riff"2024-01-08 23:33:45
Removed "Last Second Release"2024-01-08 23:33:43
Removed "Full Cowling Impact"2024-01-08 23:33:38
Removed "Muscle Rush"2024-01-08 23:33:35
3x [Faith's Shield] added to deck2024-01-08 23:33:22
4x [New Training Method] added to deck2024-01-08 23:33:16
4x [Wild Wild Pussycats] added to deck2024-01-08 23:32:54
3x [I'll Protect You] added to deck2024-01-08 23:32:51
2x [Stalking Her Prey] added to deck2024-01-08 23:32:44
2x [Nejire-Chan Of The Big 3] added to deck2024-01-08 23:32:37
3x [Keeping Eri Safe] added to deck2024-01-08 23:32:27
2x [Experimenting On Quirks] added to deck2024-01-08 23:32:16
4x [Cooperation Offer] added to deck2024-01-08 23:32:11
1x [Incredible Display] added to deck2024-01-08 23:32:07
2x [Vast Strength] added to deck2024-01-08 23:32:03
3x [#10 Pro Hero] added to deck2024-01-08 23:32:00
3x [Surprising Skill] added to deck2024-01-08 23:31:58
3x [Soulful Rendition] added to deck2024-01-08 23:31:55
3x [Hot Pursuit] added to deck2024-01-08 23:31:47
2x [Prideless Negotiations] added to deck2024-01-08 23:31:27
4x [Syndicate Target] added to deck2024-01-08 23:31:21
4x [Fast Friendship] added to deck2024-01-08 23:31:17
4x [Overhead Reversal] added to deck2024-01-08 23:30:46
1x [Command Pigeon Flock] added to deck2024-01-08 23:30:27
1x [Full Cowling Impact] added to deck2024-01-08 23:30:15
1x [Muscle Rush] added to deck2024-01-08 23:30:04
1x [Muscle Mauler] removed from deck2024-01-08 23:29:54
2x [Muscle Mauler] added to deck2024-01-08 23:29:52
3x [Spiral Blasts] added to deck2024-01-08 23:29:32
2x [Nejire Wave] added to deck2024-01-08 23:29:26
2x [Rewind Throttle] added to deck2024-01-08 23:29:24
1x [Rejuvenating Smash] added to deck2024-01-08 23:29:20
2x [Tasty Riff] added to deck2024-01-08 23:28:31
1x [Last Second Release] added to deck2024-01-08 23:28:26
2x [Jaw Jammer] added to deck2024-01-08 23:28:13
4x [Falling Heel Strike] added to deck2024-01-08 23:28:09
2x [Fallen Angel's Revenge] added to deck2024-01-08 23:28:07
2x [Questioning Threat] added to deck2024-01-08 23:28:05
2x [Training Weights] added to deck2024-01-08 23:27:47
1x [Air Force Gloves] removed from deck2024-01-08 23:27:35
2x [Air Force Gloves] added to deck2024-01-08 23:27:33
2x [Welcome To Space Land] added to deck2024-01-08 23:27:27
2x [Ein] added to deck2024-01-08 23:27:25
1x [Spike, Bounty Hunter] added to deck2024-01-08 23:27:18
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.89

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 66 66 2.3 2.27 4.3
Attack 22 22 2.45 4.27 3
Foundation 38 38 2.26 1.05 5
Asset 4 4 2 2.5 5
Action 2 2 2 3 4
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 31 2.23 0
Mid 27 2.78 0
Low 8 1 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 66.67% 33.33% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 53.03% 13.64% 33.33% 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 10.61% 42.42% 13.64% 33.33% 0% 0% 0%
7 0% 10.61% 42.42% 13.64% 33.33% 0% 0%
8 0% 0% 10.61% 42.42% 13.64% 33.33% 0%
9 0% 0% 0% 10.61% 42.42% 13.64% 33.33%