Forum Code Proxy List

Character (6 cards)

    • All For One x2 MSR
    • All Might (VI) x2 MSR
    • Mr. Compress x2 MSR

Foundation (7 cards)

    • Forced Quirk Activation x2 MSR
    • Charging One For All x2 MSR
    • A Refreshing Slice x3 MSR

Attack (27 cards - speed : 3.78 - dmg 5.33)

    • Chronostasis Trigger x2 MSR
    • Repeated 100% Smash x3 MSR
    • Tetra-Terror Onslaught x1 MSR
    • Ultimate Combination x2 MSR
    • Final Smash x2 MSR
    • Flame Flicker x1 MSR
    • Razor Deluge x1 MSR
    • Double Overhead Hammer Fist x1 MSR
    • Decaying Palm Slam x1 MSR
    • Vile Seizing x1 MSR
    • Double Trouble x1 MSR
    • Needle Stab x3 MSR
    • United States Of Smash x2 MSR
    • Valiant Assault x2 MSR
    • Nitro Explosion: Ignition x2 MR
    • One For All: Full Cowling 5% Strike x2 MR

Asset (0 cards)

Action (15 cards)

    • A Spear And A Shield x2 MSR
    • Manifest x3 MSR
    • Bright Future x3 MSR
    • Hold Hostage x2 MSR
    • The Future Is Now! x1 MSR
    • Run Away! x4 MSR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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Removed "Phantom Threat"2023-09-10 19:43:15
2x [Tetra-Terror Onslaught] removed from deck2023-09-10 19:42:50
Removed "Rejuvenating Smash"2023-09-10 19:42:30
Removed "Surging Crystal Darts"2023-09-10 19:42:23
1x [Rejuvenating Smash] removed from deck2023-09-10 19:16:20
Removed "Dupe-Plex"2023-09-10 15:42:04
Removed "One For All 1,000,000% Delaware Detroit Smash"2023-09-10 15:41:57
Removed "Masterminding"2023-09-10 15:41:36
Removed "Gran Torino Agency"2023-09-10 15:41:25
Removed "Create: Insulation Cloth"2023-09-10 15:41:13
Removed "Blazing Icicle"2023-09-10 15:40:57
Removed "Throwing Knife Lunge"2023-09-10 15:40:43
2x [The Future Is Now!] removed from deck2023-09-10 15:40:32
1x [Surging Crystal Darts] removed from deck2023-09-10 15:36:09
Removed "Dark Shadow Surge"2023-09-10 15:36:00
1x [Decaying Palm Slam] removed from deck2023-09-10 14:29:27
Removed "Haughty"2023-09-08 21:18:31
1x [The Future Is Now!] added to deck2023-09-05 22:58:58
Removed "Twisty Surroundings"2023-08-12 20:45:19
Removed "Vast Hybrid Chimera Kraken"2023-08-12 17:05:02
2x [One For All: Full Cowling 5% Strike] added to deck2023-07-31 04:38:30
2x [Nitro Explosion: Ignition] added to deck2023-07-31 04:38:28
1x [Twisty Surroundings] removed from deck2023-07-31 03:28:20
Removed "Storm Of Blades"2023-07-31 03:28:14
Removed "Repeated Seal Toss"2023-07-31 03:28:08
Removed "BMI Buster"2023-07-31 03:28:02
Removed ""Borrowed" Goods"2023-07-31 03:27:53
Removed "Dark Shadow Berserk"2023-07-31 03:27:46
4x [Haughty] added to deck2023-07-31 03:03:49
4x [Throwing Knife Lunge] added to deck2023-07-31 03:03:47
4x [One For All 1,000,000% Delaware Detroit Smash] added to deck2023-07-31 03:03:42
4x [Dupe-Plex] added to deck2023-07-31 03:03:38
4x [Dark Shadow Surge] added to deck2023-07-31 03:03:35
4x [Create: Insulation Cloth] added to deck2023-07-31 03:03:33
4x [Blazing Icicle] added to deck2023-07-31 03:03:29
4x [Gran Torino Agency] added to deck2023-07-31 03:03:27
4x [Run Away!] added to deck2023-07-31 03:03:24
4x [Masterminding] added to deck2023-07-31 03:03:21
2x [The Future Is Now!] added to deck2023-07-31 03:03:18
3x [A Refreshing Slice] added to deck2023-07-31 03:03:05
2x [Valiant Assault] added to deck2023-07-31 03:03:03
2x [Mr. Compress] added to deck2023-07-31 03:02:56
2x [United States Of Smash] added to deck2023-07-31 03:02:53
2x [Hold Hostage] added to deck2023-07-31 03:02:50
3x [Needle Stab] added to deck2023-07-31 03:02:37
1x [Dark Shadow Berserk] added to deck2023-07-31 03:02:10
1x [Double Trouble] added to deck2023-07-31 03:02:03
1x [Vile Seizing] added to deck2023-07-31 03:01:27
2x [Decaying Palm Slam] added to deck2023-07-31 03:01:24
1x [Double Overhead Hammer Fist] added to deck2023-07-31 02:56:45
1x [Razor Deluge] added to deck2023-07-31 02:56:42
1x [Flame Flicker] added to deck2023-07-31 02:56:04
2x [Charging One For All] added to deck2023-07-31 02:55:55
2x [Final Smash] added to deck2023-07-31 02:55:24
2x [All Might (VI)] added to deck2023-07-31 02:55:20
2x [Forced Quirk Activation] added to deck2023-07-31 02:55:15
2x [Ultimate Combination] added to deck2023-07-31 02:55:09
2x [All For One] added to deck2023-07-31 02:54:59
3x [Bright Future] added to deck2023-07-31 02:33:58
3x [Tetra-Terror Onslaught] added to deck2023-07-31 02:33:52
3x [Repeated 100% Smash] added to deck2023-07-31 02:33:48
2x [Phantom Threat] added to deck2023-07-31 02:33:31
2x [Chronostasis Trigger] added to deck2023-07-31 02:33:27
3x [Manifest] added to deck2023-07-31 02:33:24
2x [A Spear And A Shield] added to deck2023-07-31 02:33:20
1x [Storm Of Blades] added to deck2023-07-31 02:32:26
2x ["Borrowed" Goods] added to deck2023-07-31 02:31:08
2x [Twisty Surroundings] added to deck2023-07-31 02:30:50
2x [Surging Crystal Darts] added to deck2023-07-31 02:30:12
1x [Vast Hybrid Chimera Kraken] added to deck2023-07-31 02:29:52
2x [Repeated Seal Toss] added to deck2023-07-31 02:29:25
3x [Rejuvenating Smash] added to deck2023-07-31 02:28:45
1x [BMI Buster] added to deck2023-07-31 02:28:16
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 0.93

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 55 55 1.62 4.13 3.84
Attack 27 27 1.56 4.85 2.93
Foundation 7 7 2 1.57 4.29
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 15 15 2.2 3.27 4.4
Character 6 6 0 6 6
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 7 1.43 0
Mid 35 1.69 0
Low 13 1.54 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 96.36% 3.64% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 50.91% 45.45% 3.64% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 25.45% 25.45% 45.45% 3.64% 0% 0% 0%
6 10.91% 14.55% 25.45% 45.45% 3.64% 0% 0%
7 0% 10.91% 14.55% 25.45% 45.45% 3.64% 0%
8 0% 0% 10.91% 14.55% 25.45% 45.45% 3.64%
9 0% 0% 0% 10.91% 14.55% 25.45% 45.45%