Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Shoto Todoroki (II) x1 MSR

Foundation (42 cards)

    • Keen Observation x4 MR
    • In Danger x4 MR
    • Ice Gliding x4 MSR
    • Arrogant Disposition x4 MR
    • Calling For Backup x4 MR
    • Revel At His Masterpiece x4 MSR
    • Making A Stand x4 MSR
    • Cool Student x4 MR
    • Self-Assured x3 MR
    • Forcing Surrender x4 MSR
    • Irrefutable Force Of Nature x3 MR

Attack (21 cards - speed : 3.86 - dmg 4.19)

    • Half-Hot Ignition x4 MSR
    • Frigid Heatwave x1 MR
    • Giant Ice Wall x4 MR
    • Ice Storm x4 MR
    • Massive Flash Freeze x4 MR
    • Blue Flame Spiral x4 MSR

Asset (0 cards)

Action (5 cards)

    • Evil Gaze x4 MR
    • Sugar Rush Power-Up x1 MSR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (10 cards)

    • Dabi x1 MSR
    • Hellflame Javelin x4 MSR
    • Endeavor x1 MSR
    • Confident Counterstike x4 MSR

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Deck name changed2022-07-04 22:49:11
1x [Irrefutable Force Of Nature] removed from deck2022-07-04 22:33:43
2x [Irrefutable Force Of Nature] added to deck2022-07-04 22:33:32
1x [Self-Assured] removed from deck2022-07-04 22:32:02
3x [Sugar Rush Power-Up] removed from deck2022-07-04 22:07:37
4x [Confident Counterstike] added to deck2022-07-04 22:06:05
1x [Massive Flash Freeze] added to deck2022-07-04 22:05:50
Removed "Blue Flame Spiral"2022-07-04 22:05:41
4x [Blue Flame Spiral] added to deck2022-07-04 22:05:38
Removed "Crow and Frog Takedown"2022-07-04 22:05:30
Removed "Cinder Convection"2022-07-04 22:04:49
2x [Cinder Convection] added to deck2022-07-04 22:04:24
3x [Crow and Frog Takedown] added to deck2022-07-04 22:03:20
Removed "Confident Counterstike"2022-07-04 22:03:11
2x [Irrefutable Force Of Nature] added to deck2022-07-04 21:55:20
4x [Forcing Surrender] added to deck2022-07-04 21:55:04
1x [Massive Flash Freeze] removed from deck2022-07-04 21:53:48
1x [Endeavor] added to deck2022-07-04 21:52:42
Removed "League Interview"2022-07-04 21:51:53
Removed "Forcing Surrender"2022-07-04 21:51:15
Removed "Internship With Best Jeanist"2022-07-04 21:51:06
Removed "Crow and Frog Takedown"2022-07-04 21:50:33
Removed "Hellflame Javelin"2022-07-04 21:50:23
4x [Hellflame Javelin] added to deck2022-07-04 21:50:19
Removed "Blue Flame Spiral"2022-07-04 21:50:08
4x [Blue Flame Spiral] added to deck2022-07-04 21:50:04
4x [Self-Assured] added to deck2022-07-04 21:48:57
4x [Cool Student] added to deck2022-07-04 21:48:38
4x [Making A Stand] added to deck2022-07-04 21:46:56
4x [League Interview] added to deck2022-07-04 21:46:46
4x [Revel At His Masterpiece] added to deck2022-07-04 21:46:38
4x [Forcing Surrender] added to deck2022-07-04 21:46:24
4x [Calling For Backup] added to deck2022-07-04 21:46:05
4x [Arrogant Disposition] added to deck2022-07-04 21:45:50
4x [Ice Gliding] added to deck2022-07-04 21:45:39
4x [In Danger] added to deck2022-07-04 21:45:23
4x [Internship With Best Jeanist] added to deck2022-07-04 21:45:16
4x [Keen Observation] added to deck2022-07-04 21:41:18
3x [Crow and Frog Takedown] added to deck2022-07-04 21:40:25
4x [Massive Flash Freeze] added to deck2022-07-04 21:40:08
4x [Ice Storm] added to deck2022-07-04 21:39:27
4x [Giant Ice Wall] added to deck2022-07-04 21:39:24
1x [Frigid Heatwave] added to deck2022-07-04 21:34:49
4x [Confident Counterstike] added to deck2022-07-04 21:33:52
4x [Hellflame Javelin] added to deck2022-07-04 21:33:48
4x [Blue Flame Spiral] added to deck2022-07-04 21:33:37
4x [Half-Hot Ignition] added to deck2022-07-04 21:33:31
4x [Sugar Rush Power-Up] added to deck2022-07-04 21:33:17
4x [Evil Gaze] added to deck2022-07-04 21:33:13
1x [Dabi] added to deck2022-07-04 21:32:33
1x [Shoto Todoroki (II)] added to deck2022-07-04 21:32:29
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 2.05

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 68 68 2.19 2.15 4.4
Attack 21 21 1.81 4.43 3
Foundation 42 42 2.52 1.24 5.02
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 5 5 1 0.2 5
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 16 2.13 0
Mid 32 2.13 0
Low 20 2.35 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 69.12% 30.88% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 64.71% 4.41% 30.88% 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 5.88% 58.82% 4.41% 30.88% 0% 0% 0%
7 0% 5.88% 58.82% 4.41% 30.88% 0% 0%
8 0% 0% 5.88% 58.82% 4.41% 30.88% 0%
9 0% 0% 0% 5.88% 58.82% 4.41% 30.88%