Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • ··Cervantes·· x1 L

Foundation (44 cards)

    • Resurrected Evil x3 L
    • Fates Intervene x2 L
    • Voice of Reason x3 L
    • Protecting Yukina x1 L
    • Immortal Knowledge x3 L
    • Quest for Vengeance x2 L
    • Telepathic Warrior x1 L
    • Esoteric Yoga x1 L
    • Unexpected Hero x4 M
    • Remembrance x3 L
    • Tape x3 M
    • Calling For Backup x4 M
    • Conquest of Terror x2 L
    • Think Fast! x1 M
    • The Three Eyes of Hiei x2 L
    • Face of a Monster x4 L
    • Strength in Numbers x2 L
    • Fulfilled My Duty x1 M
    • Harden x2 M

Attack (20 cards - speed : 2.95 - dmg 3.9)

    • Grasping Tape Toss x2 M
    • Biles Lunges x2 L
    • Geo Da Ray x3 L
    • Zero Gravity Barrier x2 M
    • Rapid Strikes x1 L
    • Sansetsukon Kougeki x4 L
    • Genocidal Culverin x2 L
    • Merry Mantis x4 L

Asset (3 cards)

    • Acheron & Nirvana x1 L
    • Psychic Spirit Glass x1 L
    • Vânator x1 L

Action (3 cards)

    • Spell Circle x1 L
    • The Toguro Brothers x2 L

Side (0 cards)

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1x [Remembrance] added to deck2022-05-04 20:32:10
1x [Resurrected Evil] removed from deck2022-05-04 20:32:04
1x [Calling For Backup] added to deck2022-05-04 20:31:34
1x [Tape] removed from deck2022-05-04 20:31:32
Deck name changed2022-05-04 17:35:51
2x [Harden] added to deck2022-05-04 17:33:12
1x [Fulfilled My Duty] added to deck2022-05-04 17:33:06
1x [Immortal Knowledge] removed from deck2022-05-04 17:31:45
1x [Voice of Reason] removed from deck2022-05-04 17:31:42
2x [Strength in Numbers] added to deck2022-05-04 17:31:00
1x [The Toguro Brothers] removed from deck2022-05-04 17:30:33
0x [Spell Circle] removed from deck2022-05-04 17:30:31
1x [Protecting Yukina] removed from deck2022-05-04 17:29:44
1x [Calling For Backup] removed from deck2022-05-04 17:29:27
1x [Face of a Monster] added to deck2022-05-04 17:29:14
1x [Face of a Monster] removed from deck2022-05-04 17:29:05
1x [The Three Eyes of Hiei] added to deck2022-05-04 17:29:00
Removed "Strength in Numbers"2022-05-04 17:28:26
2x [Face of a Monster] added to deck2022-05-04 17:28:22
1x [The Toguro Brothers] removed from deck2022-05-04 17:27:51
2x [Strength in Numbers] added to deck2022-05-04 17:26:16
2x [Face of a Monster] added to deck2022-05-04 17:26:01
1x [The Three Eyes of Hiei] added to deck2022-05-04 17:25:52
1x [Think Fast!] added to deck2022-05-04 17:25:44
1x [Calling For Backup] added to deck2022-05-04 17:25:21
2x [Quest for Vengeance] removed from deck2022-05-04 17:25:08
1x [Fates Intervene] removed from deck2022-05-04 17:24:59
1x [Calling For Backup] added to deck2022-05-04 17:24:05
1x [Remembrance] removed from deck2022-05-04 17:23:46
2x [Tape] added to deck2022-05-04 17:23:28
Removed "Resistance"2022-05-04 17:23:24
2x [The Toguro Brothers] added to deck2022-05-04 17:21:30
1x [Vânator] added to deck2022-05-04 17:21:15
1x [Psychic Spirit Glass] added to deck2022-05-04 17:21:02
1x [Acheron & Nirvana] added to deck2022-05-04 17:20:53
Removed "Revoke"2022-05-04 17:20:10
2x [Revoke] added to deck2022-05-04 17:20:07
2x [The Toguro Brothers] added to deck2022-05-04 17:19:41
1x [Spell Circle] added to deck2022-05-04 17:19:19
2x [Conquest of Terror] added to deck2022-05-04 17:18:31
2x [Calling For Backup] added to deck2022-05-04 17:17:50
2x [Tape] added to deck2022-05-04 17:17:45
2x [Resistance] added to deck2022-05-04 17:17:41
1x [Fates Intervene] removed from deck2022-05-04 17:14:56
3x [Remembrance] added to deck2022-05-04 17:13:53
4x [Unexpected Hero] added to deck2022-05-04 17:11:58
2x [Quest for Vengeance] added to deck2022-05-04 17:11:21
1x [Esoteric Yoga] added to deck2022-05-04 17:10:34
1x [Telepathic Warrior] added to deck2022-05-04 17:10:06
2x [Quest for Vengeance] added to deck2022-05-04 17:09:28
4x [Immortal Knowledge] added to deck2022-05-04 17:08:43
2x [Protecting Yukina] added to deck2022-05-04 17:08:23
4x [Voice of Reason] added to deck2022-05-04 17:08:16
4x [Fates Intervene] added to deck2022-05-04 17:07:40
4x [Resurrected Evil] added to deck2022-05-04 17:07:32
2x [Merry Mantis] added to deck2022-05-04 17:06:54
2x [Merry Mantis] removed from deck2022-05-04 17:04:26
2x [Merry Mantis] added to deck2022-05-04 17:04:11
2x [Merry Mantis] added to deck2022-05-04 17:03:34
2x [Genocidal Culverin] added to deck2022-05-04 17:03:01
1x [Rapid Strikes] removed from deck2022-05-04 16:58:32
1x [Geo Da Ray] removed from deck2022-05-04 16:58:21
1x [Biles Lunges] removed from deck2022-05-04 16:58:10
1x [Zero Gravity Barrier] removed from deck2022-05-04 16:53:05
4x [Sansetsukon Kougeki] added to deck2022-05-04 16:52:43
2x [Rapid Strikes] added to deck2022-05-04 16:52:30
1x [Biles Lunges] removed from deck2022-05-04 16:51:22
1x [Zero Gravity Barrier] removed from deck2022-05-04 16:51:19
2x [Grasping Tape Toss] removed from deck2022-05-04 16:50:51
4x [Zero Gravity Barrier] added to deck2022-05-04 16:49:35
4x [Geo Da Ray] added to deck2022-05-04 16:41:01
4x [Biles Lunges] added to deck2022-05-04 16:39:36
4x [Grasping Tape Toss] added to deck2022-05-04 16:39:32
1x [··Cervantes··] added to deck2022-05-04 16:37:01
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 2.02

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 70 65 2.29 2.16 4.36
Attack 20 20 1.9 3.55 2.9
Foundation 44 40 2.53 1.57 4.98
Asset 3 3 2 2 5
Action 3 2 2 1.67 4.33
Character 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 10 2.1 0
Mid 40 2.15 0
Low 15 2.8 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 97.14% 2.86% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 71.43% 25.71% 2.86% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 62.86% 8.57% 25.71% 2.86% 0% 0% 0%
6 4.29% 58.57% 8.57% 25.71% 2.86% 0% 0%
7 0% 4.29% 58.57% 8.57% 25.71% 2.86% 0%
8 0% 0% 4.29% 58.57% 8.57% 25.71% 2.86%
9 0% 0% 0% 4.29% 58.57% 8.57% 25.71%