Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Jacky Tang x1 L

Foundation (38 cards)

    • Lord of the Makai x4 L
    • Whereabouts Unknown x4 L
    • Soul of Ling-Sheng Su x4 L
    • Chasing After the Power x4 L
    • Stained Honor x3 L
    • Dancing Battle Kabuki x3 L
    • Hwang's Protection x4 L
    • The Red Lotus of the Sun x4 L
    • Gyulkus x4 L
    • Dread Pirate x4 L

Attack (18 cards - speed : 3.61 - dmg 7.28)

    • Messatsu-Gorasen x3 L
    • Curse of the Ancient Mariner x4 L
    • Shadow Flare x4 L
    • Earth Divide x4 L
    • Assassin's Secret x3 L

Asset (2 cards)

    • Temperance x2 L

Action (6 cards)

    • Power Up x3 L
    • Psycho Focus x3 L

Side (0 cards)

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1x [Psycho Focus] added to deck2022-07-18 02:34:30
1x [Power Up] removed from deck2022-07-18 02:34:28
Removed "Tsuji Goe"2022-07-18 02:34:21
2x [Psycho Focus] added to deck2022-07-18 02:34:14
2x [Tsuji Goe] added to deck2022-07-18 02:26:09
Removed "Psycho Focus"2022-07-18 02:25:59
1x [Stained Honor] removed from deck2022-07-18 02:24:49
1x [Temperance] added to deck2022-07-18 02:23:15
1x [Psycho Focus] removed from deck2022-07-18 02:23:12
Removed "Homerun!"2022-07-18 02:22:43
1x [Temperance] removed from deck2022-07-18 02:22:40
Removed "Powerful Style"2022-07-18 02:22:14
Removed "Forethought"2022-07-18 02:21:55
4x [Dread Pirate] added to deck2022-07-18 02:20:59
4x [Gyulkus] added to deck2022-07-18 02:20:39
4x [The Red Lotus of the Sun] added to deck2022-07-18 02:19:20
4x [Hwang's Protection] added to deck2022-07-18 02:18:39
3x [Dancing Battle Kabuki] added to deck2022-07-18 02:17:58
4x [Forethought] added to deck2022-07-18 02:17:47
4x [Stained Honor] added to deck2022-07-18 02:17:26
4x [Powerful Style] added to deck2022-07-18 02:17:05
2x [Temperance] added to deck2022-07-18 02:14:50
1x [Homerun!] removed from deck2022-07-18 02:14:07
2x [Homerun!] added to deck2022-07-18 02:13:57
3x [Psycho Focus] added to deck2022-07-18 02:12:40
1x [Messatsu-Gorasen] removed from deck2022-07-18 02:10:27
3x [Assassin's Secret] added to deck2022-07-18 02:10:10
4x [Power Up] added to deck2022-07-18 02:09:15
4x [Earth Divide] added to deck2022-07-18 02:08:28
4x [Shadow Flare] added to deck2022-07-18 02:07:29
4x [Curse of the Ancient Mariner] added to deck2022-07-18 02:07:25
4x [Messatsu-Gorasen] added to deck2022-07-18 02:06:21
4x [Chasing After the Power] added to deck2022-07-18 02:05:53
4x [Soul of Ling-Sheng Su] added to deck2022-07-18 02:05:45
4x [Whereabouts Unknown] added to deck2022-07-18 02:05:37
0x [Lord of the Makai] removed from deck2022-07-18 02:05:29
4x [Lord of the Makai] added to deck2022-07-18 02:04:12
1x [Jacky Tang] added to deck2022-07-18 02:03:58
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.43

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 64 57 2.37 2.86 4.09
Attack 18 18 2.89 5.28 2
Foundation 38 34 2 1.55 5.03
Asset 2 2 3 4 4
Action 6 3 3 3.5 4.5
Character 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 19 2.42 0
Mid 24 2.5 0
Low 14 2.07 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 95.31% 4.69% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 76.56% 18.75% 4.69% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 71.88% 4.69% 18.75% 4.69% 0% 0% 0%
5 53.13% 18.75% 4.69% 18.75% 4.69% 0% 0%
6 12.5% 40.63% 18.75% 4.69% 18.75% 4.69% 0%
7 0% 12.5% 40.63% 18.75% 4.69% 18.75% 4.69%
8 0% 0% 12.5% 40.63% 18.75% 4.69% 18.75%
9 0% 0% 0% 12.5% 40.63% 18.75% 4.69%