Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • ·C. Viper· x1 L

Foundation (35 cards)

    • Unlikely Romance x4 L
    • S.I.N. Battle Suit x3 L
    • Betrayed by Family x2 L
    • Edge of Death x1 L
    • Passing the Torch x2 M
    • Faye-Faye! x4 L
    • Malfestation x3 L
    • Marrying Age x3 L
    • Winter Rose x3 L
    • Requesting Assistance x4 M
    • Desperate Times x4 M
    • Final Exam Failures x2 M

Attack (24 cards - speed : 3.42 - dmg 4.75)

    • Burst Time x4 L
    • Stake Out x4 L
    • Raptor Rush x4 L
    • Lightning Fang x2 L
    • Nouveau Soleil x4 L
    • Royal Poison x2 L
    • Indiscriminate Shock 1,300,000 Volts x4 M

Asset (2 cards)

    • Scarlet Thunder x2 L

Action (2 cards)

    • Demon Realm Awakening x2 L

Side (9 cards)

    • Drained by a Kiss x3 L
    • Ridding the World of Outsiders x4 L
    • Symphony of the Deep x2 L

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2x [Symphony of the Deep] added to deck2022-11-11 19:08:59
4x [Ridding the World of Outsiders] added to deck2022-11-11 19:08:44
3x [Drained by a Kiss] added to deck2022-11-11 19:08:21
Removed "Charged Up"2022-11-11 19:06:00
2x [Indiscriminate Shock 1,300,000 Volts] added to deck2022-11-11 19:04:49
Removed "Indiscriminate Shock 1,300,000 Volts"2022-11-11 19:04:43
Removed "Focused Attack"2022-11-11 19:04:39
Removed "Electric Surge"2022-11-11 19:04:36
3x [Focused Attack] added to deck2022-10-29 16:44:58
2x [Indiscriminate Shock 1,300,000 Volts] added to deck2022-10-29 16:33:59
2x [Final Exam Failures] added to deck2022-10-21 20:15:26
Removed "Think Fast!"2022-10-21 20:15:17
4x [Electric Surge] added to deck2022-10-21 08:01:51
2x [Think Fast!] added to deck2022-10-21 07:48:51
Removed "Possessed by a Demon"2022-10-21 07:47:53
Removed "Refusing to Let Go"2022-10-17 23:47:54
Deck name changed2022-10-10 17:46:01
4x [Desperate Times] added to deck2022-10-09 21:41:10
4x [Requesting Assistance] added to deck2022-10-09 21:40:59
Removed "Lin Kuei Grandmaster"2022-10-09 21:38:45
Removed "Freezing the City"2022-10-09 21:38:43
2x [Scarlet Thunder] added to deck2022-10-09 21:34:22
2x [Demon Realm Awakening] added to deck2022-10-09 21:30:57
1x [S.I.N. Battle Suit] removed from deck2022-10-09 21:25:55
Removed "Rockin' Attitude"2022-10-09 21:25:41
Removed "Azwel's Little Doll"2022-10-09 21:21:47
2x [Azwel's Little Doll] added to deck2022-10-09 21:19:39
3x [Winter Rose] added to deck2022-10-09 21:18:54
3x [Marrying Age] added to deck2022-10-09 21:18:32
3x [Malfestation] added to deck2022-10-09 21:18:08
4x [Faye-Faye!] added to deck2022-10-09 21:17:53
2x [Possessed by a Demon] added to deck2022-10-09 21:17:43
2x [Passing the Torch] added to deck2022-10-09 21:17:16
1x [Edge of Death] added to deck2022-10-09 21:16:56
1x [Refusing to Let Go] added to deck2022-10-09 21:16:30
3x [Lin Kuei Grandmaster] added to deck2022-10-09 21:14:13
4x [Freezing the City] added to deck2022-10-09 21:14:04
2x [Betrayed by Family] added to deck2022-10-09 21:13:16
Removed "Drowning In Resentment"2022-10-09 21:11:41
Removed "Making A Stand"2022-10-09 21:11:35
4x [S.I.N. Battle Suit] added to deck2022-10-09 20:58:26
4x [Unlikely Romance] added to deck2022-10-09 20:57:56
3x [Charged Up] added to deck2022-10-09 20:57:39
3x [Rockin' Attitude] added to deck2022-10-09 20:57:26
3x [Drowning In Resentment] added to deck2022-10-09 20:57:07
3x [Making A Stand] added to deck2022-10-09 20:57:04
2x [Indiscriminate Shock 1,300,000 Volts] added to deck2022-10-09 20:56:04
2x [Royal Poison] added to deck2022-10-09 20:52:41
4x [Nouveau Soleil] added to deck2022-10-09 20:52:33
2x [Lightning Fang] added to deck2022-10-09 20:49:59
Removed "Stairwell Escape Shot"2022-10-09 20:48:42
4x [Raptor Rush] added to deck2022-10-09 20:48:04
4x [Stairwell Escape Shot] added to deck2022-10-09 20:48:01
4x [Stake Out] added to deck2022-10-09 20:47:22
4x [Burst Time] added to deck2022-10-09 20:47:05
1x [·C. Viper·] added to deck2022-10-09 20:44:22
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.81

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 63 60 2.05 2.33 4.22
Attack 24 24 1.83 4.42 2.83
Foundation 35 32 2.22 1 5.09
Asset 2 2 3 2 5
Action 2 2 1 1 5
Character 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 16 1.63 0
Mid 19 2.16 0
Low 25 2.24 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 93.65% 6.35% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 61.9% 31.75% 6.35% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 57.14% 4.76% 31.75% 6.35% 0% 0% 0%
6 9.52% 47.62% 4.76% 31.75% 6.35% 0% 0%
7 0% 9.52% 47.62% 4.76% 31.75% 6.35% 0%
8 0% 0% 9.52% 47.62% 4.76% 31.75% 6.35%
9 0% 0% 0% 9.52% 47.62% 4.76% 31.75%