Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Hawks x1 MSR

Foundation (35 cards)

    • Requesting Assistance x4 MR
    • Tape x3 MR
    • Self Sacrifice x2 MR
    • Internet Sensation x3 MSR
    • Ice Gliding x4 MSR
    • "Fusion" x1 MSR
    • Feather Control x4 MSR
    • Shock Treatment x2 MR
    • Heroic Lineage x3 MR
    • Hero Killer x2 MSR
    • Can't Escape Me x2 MSR
    • Hacker Extraordinaire x3 MSR
    • The New #1 x2 MSR

Attack (21 cards - speed : 2.95 - dmg 4.1)

    • Hawks' Feather x4 MSR
    • Electric Jolt x2 MR
    • Blood Moon Rending x1 MSR
    • Vile Seizing x1 MSR
    • Feather Rush x1 MSR
    • Feather Sword Slash x3 MSR
    • Indiscriminate Shock 1,300,000 Volts x3 MR
    • Recipro Burst x2 MR
    • Feather Storm x4 MSR

Asset (1 cards)

    • Suited Up x1 MSR

Action (4 cards)

    • Fierce Wings x1 MSR
    • Showdown x1 MSR
    • Engine Trouble x1 MSR
    • The Future Is Now! x1 MSR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (10 cards)

    • Vile Seizing x1 MSR
    • Blood Moon Rending x1 MSR
    • La Brava x1 MSR
    • Bloodcurdle x1 MSR
    • Fierce Wings x1 MSR
    • City-Wide Crisis x1 MSR
    • Eyes Of The Tiger x1 MSR
    • The Chivalrous Thief x2 MSR
    • #2 Pro Hero x1 MSR

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2x [The New #1] added to deck2024-02-09 23:55:54
Main character changed2024-02-09 23:54:29
1x [Hawks] added to deck2024-02-09 23:54:24
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.8

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 61 61 2.21 2.33 4.2
Attack 21 21 1.76 3.86 3
Foundation 35 35 2.51 1.34 4.83
Asset 1 1 2 3 5
Action 4 4 2 2.75 4.75
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 19 2.26 0
Mid 25 2.36 0
Low 17 1.94 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 65.57% 34.43% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 54.1% 11.48% 34.43% 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 0% 54.1% 11.48% 34.43% 0% 0% 0%
7 0% 0% 54.1% 11.48% 34.43% 0% 0%
8 0% 0% 0% 54.1% 11.48% 34.43% 0%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 54.1% 11.48% 34.43%