Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • ·Akuma· x1 R

Foundation (36 cards)

    • Hi-Fi Stereo x4 R
    • The Mysterious Mr. X x4 R
    • Master of the Fist x1 R
    • Shun Goku Satsu x4 R
    • True Path of Ansatsuken x2 R
    • Cage Fighter x4 R
    • Petty Theft x1 R
    • Ophidiophobia x4 R
    • Egotistical x1 R
    • Where the Seas Meet x4 R
    • Final Betrayal x2 R
    • 200 Below Zero x4 R
    • Robot Masters x1 R

Attack (18 cards - speed : 3.94 - dmg 4.33)

    • Gohadoken x4 R
    • Smile and Missile x4 R
    • Ein Trigger x2 R
    • Maxima Laser x1 R
    • Second Shell x2 R
    • Ring Boomerang x3 R
    • Neo Freeze Execution x2 R

Asset (2 cards)

    • Claw of Malephaise x2 R

Action (6 cards)

    • Revoke x3 R
    • Deliverance x3 R

Backup (0 cards)

Side (15 cards)

    • Solomon's Teachings x3 R
    • Clash of Colossals x2 R
    • Power Struggles x3 R
    • Goshoryuken x3 R
    • Tatsumaki Zankukyaku x3 R
    • Novitiate x1 R

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2x [Neo Freeze Execution] added to deck2024-06-23 09:27:53
3x [Deliverance] added to deck2024-06-23 09:25:50
Removed "Water Freezes"2024-06-23 09:25:31
2x [Water Freezes] added to deck2024-06-23 09:25:18
Removed "Dr. Wily's Challenge"2024-06-23 09:25:02
Removed "Novitiate"2024-06-23 09:24:58
1x [Novitiate] added to deck2024-06-23 09:24:55
3x [Ring Boomerang] added to deck2024-06-23 09:23:49
Removed "Admission Fees"2024-06-23 09:18:40
2x [Dr. Wily's Challenge] removed from deck2024-06-23 09:18:33
1x [Novitiate] removed from deck2024-06-23 09:18:23
1x [Claw of Malephaise] removed from deck2024-06-23 09:18:11
3x [200 Below Zero] added to deck2024-06-23 09:17:25
Removed "Tatsumaki Zankukyaku"2024-06-23 09:16:41
3x [Tatsumaki Zankukyaku] added to deck2024-06-23 09:16:39
Removed "Goshoryuken"2024-06-23 09:16:36
3x [Goshoryuken] added to deck2024-06-23 09:16:35
2x [Second Shell] added to deck2024-06-23 09:16:06
1x [Maxima Laser] added to deck2024-06-23 09:15:45
2x [Ein Trigger] added to deck2024-06-23 09:15:19
4x [Smile and Missile] added to deck2024-06-23 09:13:39
4x [Tatsumaki Zankukyaku] added to deck2024-06-23 09:11:32
4x [Goshoryuken] added to deck2024-06-23 09:11:30
4x [Gohadoken] added to deck2024-06-23 09:11:28
3x [Claw of Malephaise] added to deck2024-06-23 09:11:19
3x [Revoke] added to deck2024-06-23 09:07:40
1x [Robot Masters] added to deck2024-06-23 09:07:29
1x [200 Below Zero] added to deck2024-06-23 09:07:26
2x [Final Betrayal] added to deck2024-06-23 09:07:03
4x [Where the Seas Meet] added to deck2024-06-23 09:05:56
3x [Power Struggles] added to deck2024-06-23 09:05:55
1x [Egotistical] added to deck2024-06-23 09:04:40
4x [Ophidiophobia] added to deck2024-06-23 09:04:27
1x [Petty Theft] added to deck2024-06-23 09:03:54
1x [Admission Fees] added to deck2024-06-23 09:03:35
4x [Dr. Wily's Challenge] added to deck2024-06-23 09:03:05
2x [Clash of Colossals] added to deck2024-06-23 09:02:39
3x [Solomon's Teachings] added to deck2024-06-23 09:02:32
2x [Novitiate] added to deck2024-06-23 09:02:25
4x [Cage Fighter] added to deck2024-06-23 09:01:51
2x [True Path of Ansatsuken] added to deck2024-06-23 09:01:17
4x [Shun Goku Satsu] added to deck2024-06-23 09:01:13
1x [Master of the Fist] added to deck2024-06-23 09:01:02
4x [The Mysterious Mr. X] added to deck2024-06-23 09:00:18
4x [Hi-Fi Stereo] added to deck2024-06-23 09:00:08
1x [·Akuma·] added to deck2024-06-23 08:59:49
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.75

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 62 45 2.36 2.44 4.27
Attack 18 15 1.47 4.17 2.67
Foundation 36 28 2.86 1.78 5
Asset 2 2 2 3 5
Action 6 0 - 1 4.5
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 11 2.27 0
Mid 15 2.07 0
Low 19 2.63 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 90.32% 9.68% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 70.97% 19.35% 9.68% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 58.06% 12.9% 19.35% 9.68% 0% 0% 0%
6 8.06% 50% 12.9% 19.35% 9.68% 0% 0%
7 0% 8.06% 50% 12.9% 19.35% 9.68% 0%
8 0% 0% 8.06% 50% 12.9% 19.35% 9.68%
9 0% 0% 0% 8.06% 50% 12.9% 19.35%