Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Endeavor (III) x1 MSR

Foundation (40 cards)

    • Incubating x3 MSR
    • Latent Skill x3 MSR
    • Time for Rest x3 MSR
    • Heroic Endurance x3 MSR
    • The New #1 x2 MSR
    • One Man Inferno x3 MSR
    • Looking For A Challenge x3 MSR
    • Lust For Battle x4 MSR
    • Firestarter x3 MSR
    • Press Conference x3 MSR
    • Quick To Act x3 MSR
    • Tutoring Kirishima x3 MSR
    • Revel At His Masterpiece x4 MSR

Attack (21 cards - speed : 3.1 - dmg 4.62)

    • Flashfire Fist: Jet Kindling x3 MSR
    • Flashfire Fist: Hell Spider x4 MSR
    • Heaven-Piercing Ice Wall x3 MSR
    • Fan the Hammer x3 SR
    • Punisher's Beam x3 SR
    • Ignited Arrow x3 MSR
    • PLUS ULTRA: Prominence Burn x2 MSR

Asset (3 cards)

    • Twisty Surroundings x2 MSR
    • Top Pro Heroes x1 MSR

Action (4 cards)

    • Avoiding Conflict x2 SR
    • Sugar Rush Power-Up x2 MSR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (10 cards)

    • Rupture Driver x2 MSR
    • Caught Misbehaving x2 MSR
    • The Power of Love x2 SR
    • Barrier Shield x2 MSR
    • Desperate Struggle x2 MSR

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Removed "Freezer Burn"2024-06-12 08:50:51
2x [PLUS ULTRA: Prominence Burn] added to deck2024-06-12 08:50:05
Removed "Pro Hero Rankings"2024-06-12 08:48:22
1x [Quick To Act] removed from deck2024-06-12 08:44:47
1x [One Man Inferno] removed from deck2024-06-12 08:44:40
Removed "Internship With Best Jeanist"2024-06-12 08:42:42
Removed "Ogre Boulder"2024-06-12 08:41:24
Removed "Seasoned Brawler"2024-06-12 08:40:45
Removed "Hellflame Stomp"2024-06-12 08:39:54
Removed "Stun Grenade"2024-06-12 08:39:44
Removed "Ignite"2024-06-12 08:39:22
1x [Pro Hero Rankings] removed from deck2024-06-12 08:38:42
Removed "Searing Strike"2024-06-12 08:38:05
Removed "Blueflame Surge"2024-06-12 08:37:50
Removed "PLUS ULTRA: Prominence Burn"2024-06-12 08:37:37
Removed "Merciful Volley"2024-06-12 08:37:32
Removed "Protecting Yukina"2024-06-12 08:36:57
Removed "Binding Mr. Aizawa"2024-06-12 08:35:26
Removed "Desperate Struggle"2024-06-12 08:35:22
2x [Desperate Struggle] added to deck2024-06-12 08:35:19
Removed "Coping With #1"2024-06-12 08:35:09
Removed "The Strength Of A Pro"2024-06-12 08:34:55
Removed "Big Appetite"2024-06-12 08:34:50
3x [Stun Grenade] added to deck2024-06-12 08:34:16
3x [Freezer Burn] added to deck2024-06-12 08:34:09
1x [Ignited Arrow] removed from deck2024-06-12 08:33:24
4x [Ignited Arrow] added to deck2024-06-12 08:33:21
3x [Hellflame Stomp] added to deck2024-06-12 08:33:15
0x [Tutoring Kirishima] removed from deck2024-06-12 08:29:16
4x [Revel At His Masterpiece] added to deck2024-06-12 08:28:41
3x [Tutoring Kirishima] added to deck2024-06-12 08:28:11
3x [Internship With Best Jeanist] added to deck2024-06-12 08:27:53
4x [Quick To Act] added to deck2024-06-12 08:26:47
2x [Coping With #1] added to deck2024-06-12 08:26:40
3x [Press Conference] added to deck2024-06-12 08:26:32
1x [Desperate Struggle] added to deck2024-06-12 08:26:09
1x [Desperate Struggle] added to deck2024-06-12 08:26:06
1x [Ignite] removed from deck2024-06-12 08:24:55
4x [Ignite] added to deck2024-06-12 08:24:52
3x [Firestarter] added to deck2024-06-12 08:24:43
3x [Seasoned Brawler] added to deck2024-06-12 08:24:05
4x [Lust For Battle] added to deck2024-06-12 08:23:53
3x [Looking For A Challenge] added to deck2024-06-12 08:23:49
3x [The Strength Of A Pro] added to deck2024-06-12 08:23:41
3x [Big Appetite] added to deck2024-06-12 08:22:56
4x [One Man Inferno] added to deck2024-06-12 08:21:19
2x [The New #1] added to deck2024-06-12 08:21:16
3x [Heroic Endurance] added to deck2024-06-12 08:21:10
Removed "Binding Mr. Aizawa"2024-06-12 08:20:43
2x [Binding Mr. Aizawa] added to deck2024-06-12 08:20:40
Removed "Binding Mr. Aizawa"2024-06-12 08:20:33
2x [Binding Mr. Aizawa] added to deck2024-06-12 08:20:20
2x [Sugar Rush Power-Up] added to deck2024-06-12 08:19:45
2x [Barrier Shield] added to deck2024-06-12 08:19:33
2x [Avoiding Conflict] added to deck2024-06-12 08:19:04
1x [Top Pro Heroes] added to deck2024-06-12 08:17:22
2x [Twisty Surroundings] added to deck2024-06-12 08:16:46
2x [Pro Hero Rankings] added to deck2024-06-12 08:16:39
1x [Protecting Yukina] added to deck2024-06-12 08:14:09
2x [The Power of Love] added to deck2024-06-12 08:12:13
Removed "Sadistic Jeer"2024-06-12 08:10:18
3x [Time for Rest] added to deck2024-06-12 08:08:27
2x [Sadistic Jeer] added to deck2024-06-12 08:08:24
3x [Latent Skill] added to deck2024-06-12 08:07:48
2x [Caught Misbehaving] added to deck2024-06-12 08:07:30
3x [Binding Mr. Aizawa] added to deck2024-06-12 08:06:45
3x [Incubating] added to deck2024-06-12 08:06:19
Removed "Slice & Burn"2024-06-12 08:05:14
3x [Slice & Burn] added to deck2024-06-12 08:03:49
2x [PLUS ULTRA: Prominence Burn] added to deck2024-06-12 08:03:03
0x [Punisher's Beam] removed from deck2024-06-12 08:01:16
1x [Punisher's Beam] added to deck2024-06-12 08:00:16
2x [Punisher's Beam] added to deck2024-06-12 08:00:07
3x [Merciful Volley] added to deck2024-06-12 07:59:50
3x [Fan the Hammer] added to deck2024-06-12 07:59:19
3x [Ogre Boulder] added to deck2024-06-12 07:57:10
3x [Searing Strike] added to deck2024-06-12 07:55:07
3x [Heaven-Piercing Ice Wall] added to deck2024-06-12 07:52:57
2x [Blueflame Surge] added to deck2024-06-12 07:52:19
2x [Rupture Driver] added to deck2024-06-12 07:49:55
4x [Flashfire Fist: Hell Spider] added to deck2024-06-12 07:45:24
1x [Flashfire Fist: Jet Kindling] added to deck2024-06-12 07:45:20
2x [Flashfire Fist: Jet Kindling] added to deck2024-06-12 07:45:17
1x [Endeavor (III)] added to deck2024-06-12 07:45:00
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.86

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 68 68 2.31 2.35 4.38
Attack 21 21 2 4.24 3
Foundation 40 40 2.63 1.43 5
Asset 3 3 2 3.33 5
Action 4 4 1 1 5
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 26 2.04 0
Mid 27 2.3 0
Low 15 2.8 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 69.12% 30.88% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 69.12% 0% 30.88% 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 0% 69.12% 0% 30.88% 0% 0% 0%
7 0% 0% 69.12% 0% 30.88% 0% 0%
8 0% 0% 0% 69.12% 0% 30.88% 0%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 69.12% 0% 30.88%