Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Mina Ashido (II) x1 MSR

Foundation (41 cards)

    • Struggling With Studies x4 MSR
    • Mall Day! x4 MSR
    • Breakdancing x4 MSR
    • #5 Pro Hero x3 MSR
    • Surviving The Final x3 MSR
    • Excited For Blood x2 MSR
    • Defying Fate x2 MSR
    • Ready to Go x4 MSR
    • Fighting for Control x3 MSR
    • Reluctant Role Model x3 MSR
    • Latent Skill x3 MSR
    • Dangerous Combatant x4 MSR
    • Frozen Defense x2 MSR

Attack (22 cards - speed : 3.32 - dmg 4.27)

    • Acid Chop x4 MSR
    • Assault Dust x4 MSR
    • High Key Mirage x1 MSR
    • Acid Splash x3 MSR
    • Acid Sprinkler x2 MSR
    • Stylish Strike x4 MSR
    • Maneuvering Laser x1 MSR
    • Acid Man x3 MSR

Asset (0 cards)

Action (0 cards)

Backup (0 cards)

Side (10 cards)

    • Acid Sprinkler x1 MSR
    • Acid Corrosion Breach x1 MSR
    • Frozen Defense x1 MSR
    • Graceful Maneuvers x1 MSR
    • Lizard Tail Splitter x1 MSR
    • Maximum Viscosity x1 MSR
    • Showdown x1 MSR
    • Maneuvering Laser x1 MSR
    • Acid Man x1 MSR
    • High Key Mirage x1 MSR

6/4/24: Brought a version of this deck to locals and did well. I won 2 rounds and only lost to another Mina II Death deck.

The version I tested with had 2 copies of High Key Mirage and 2 copies of Dire Assault. Both felt a little unnecessary. I will likely rebalance and include more copies of Acid Man instead.

2 additional observations:
1) The majority of my main attacks are all high attacks. However, there may be some advantage in playing a string of mono-high attacks because at some point it your opponent is going to have trouble blocking them.
2) Even though (at the time) my block zones were 21 high - 22 mid - 20 low, I seemed to always go into my opponents turn with nothing but high and low blocks. Breakdancing, Mall Day, Ready to Go, and Acid Chop (the bulk of my mid blocks) are all cards that I definitely want to play during my turn, so I rarely have them left in my hand afterwards. So if may be worthwhile having a a block scheme that skews a bit more towards mid blocks rather than being perfectly even.

HeyItsDave HeyItsDave
46 Decks
0 Following
/ 2024-06-05 03:37:53
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1x [High Key Mirage] added to deck2024-06-07 04:00:29
Removed "Stylish Strike"2024-06-07 04:00:04
Removed "Merciful Volley"2024-06-07 03:59:05
Removed "Dire Assault"2024-06-07 03:59:01
Removed "Somnambulist Subdual"2024-06-07 03:58:54
Removed "Cheerful Uppercut"2024-06-07 03:58:49
Deck name changed2024-06-05 03:41:02
1x [Fighting for Control] added to deck2024-06-05 03:39:44
1x [Frozen Defense] removed from deck2024-06-05 03:39:21
Removed "Dire Assault"2024-06-05 03:39:04
1x [High Key Mirage] removed from deck2024-06-05 03:39:01
3x [Acid Man] added to deck2024-06-05 03:38:57
1x [Frozen Defense] added to deck2024-06-05 03:38:36
Removed "Red Riot's The Coolest"2024-06-05 03:38:25
1x [Dangerous Combatant] added to deck2024-06-05 03:38:20
1x [Acid Man] added to deck2024-06-05 03:24:14
Removed "Weapon of Choice"2024-06-04 16:30:14
Removed "Dangerous Combatant"2024-06-04 16:27:38
Removed "Latent Skill"2024-06-04 16:27:31
1x [Maneuvering Laser] removed from deck2024-06-02 13:53:50
1x [Maneuvering Laser] added to deck2024-06-02 13:52:57
1x [Maneuvering Laser] added to deck2024-06-02 13:42:33
1x [High Key Mirage] removed from deck2024-06-02 13:42:27
1x [Maneuvering Laser] added to deck2024-06-02 13:39:57
1x [Weapon of Choice] added to deck2024-06-01 22:28:21
1x [Excited For Blood] added to deck2024-05-31 05:01:30
Removed "Showdown"2024-05-31 05:01:27
1x [Showdown] added to deck2024-05-31 05:01:24
Removed "Protecting Friends"2024-05-31 04:59:37
1x [Latent Skill] added to deck2024-05-31 04:59:09
Removed "Maximum Viscosity"2024-05-31 04:57:56
1x [Maximum Viscosity] added to deck2024-05-31 04:57:38
Removed "Always Cool"2024-05-31 04:56:50
2x [Frozen Defense] added to deck2024-05-31 04:56:02
1x [Maximum Viscosity] added to deck2024-05-31 04:52:36
2x [Stylish Strike] added to deck2024-05-31 04:50:56
Removed "Somnambulist Subdual"2024-05-31 04:50:51
0x [Somnambulist Subdual] removed from deck2024-05-31 04:50:46
1x [Always Cool] removed from deck2024-05-31 04:50:39
1x [Red Riot's The Coolest] removed from deck2024-05-31 04:50:36
Removed "Split Body Control"2024-05-31 03:58:03
1x [Always Cool] added to deck2024-05-31 03:57:59
3x [Dangerous Combatant] added to deck2024-05-31 03:57:04
1x [Split Body Control] removed from deck2024-05-31 03:56:58
Removed "Protecting Friends"2024-05-31 03:56:41
1x [Dangerous Combatant] added to deck2024-05-31 03:51:00
2x [Stylish Strike] added to deck2024-05-31 02:56:36
2x [Acid Sprinkler] removed from deck2024-05-31 02:56:33
Removed "Cheerful Teen"2024-05-31 01:09:52
2x [Dire Assault] added to deck2024-05-31 01:05:43
Removed "Acid Corrosion Breach"2024-05-31 01:05:39
1x [Merciful Volley] added to deck2024-05-31 01:00:14
1x [Lizard Tail Splitter] added to deck2024-05-31 00:59:16
2x [Acid Sprinkler] added to deck2024-05-30 17:52:53
2x [Acid Sprinkler] removed from deck2024-05-30 17:52:47
Removed "Ready to Go"2024-05-30 17:51:10
Removed "Glamour"2024-05-30 17:50:58
Removed "Gas Cloud"2024-05-30 17:50:51
Removed "Syndicate Target"2024-05-30 17:50:33
Removed "Acid Fling"2024-05-30 17:50:07
Removed "Choosing A Hero Name"2024-05-30 17:49:57
Removed "League Invitation"2024-05-30 17:49:46
Removed " "SPoOoOoOoKY!""2024-05-30 17:49:41
Removed "Stylish Strike"2024-05-30 17:48:50
0x [Stylish Strike] removed from deck2024-05-30 17:48:47
2x [Acid Sprinkler] added to deck2024-05-30 17:48:45
Removed "Syndicate Target"2024-05-24 04:32:27
4x [Syndicate Target] added to deck2024-05-24 04:32:16
1x [High Key Mirage] added to deck2024-05-24 04:30:54
1x [High Key Mirage] removed from deck2024-05-24 04:30:38
1x [Always Cool] removed from deck2024-05-24 04:28:47
1x [Latent Skill] removed from deck2024-05-24 04:28:33
1x [Surviving The Final] added to deck2024-05-24 04:28:06
1x [Surviving The Final] removed from deck2024-05-24 04:27:25
Removed "Frozen Defense"2024-05-24 04:26:58
1x [Ready to Go] added to deck2024-05-24 04:26:49
1x [Frozen Defense] removed from deck2024-05-24 04:26:45
1x [Ready to Go] removed from deck2024-05-24 04:26:25
0x [Frozen Defense] removed from deck2024-05-24 04:26:11
1x [High Key Mirage] removed from deck2024-05-24 04:25:53
1x [Defying Fate] removed from deck2024-05-24 04:25:12
1x [High Key Mirage] added to deck2024-05-24 04:24:06
Removed "Battle Arena"2024-05-24 04:23:35
1x [#5 Pro Hero] added to deck2024-05-24 04:22:57
2x [Stylish Strike] added to deck2024-05-24 04:20:37
Removed "Shrouded Strike"2024-05-24 04:17:23
1x [Shrouded Strike] added to deck2024-05-24 04:14:43
2x [Frozen Defense] added to deck2024-05-24 04:09:03
1x [Acid Corrosion Breach] added to deck2024-05-24 04:08:17
1x [Acid Sprinkler] added to deck2024-05-24 04:08:14
1x [Somnambulist Subdual] added to deck2024-05-24 04:08:01
1x [Acid Splash] removed from deck2024-05-24 04:07:46
Removed "Styling Bakugo"2024-05-24 04:03:25
0x [Syndicate Target] removed from deck2024-05-24 04:03:15
Removed "Learning To Harden"2024-05-24 04:02:02
2x [Split Body Control] added to deck2024-05-24 04:00:53
1x [Learning To Harden] added to deck2024-05-24 03:58:55
2x [Defying Fate] added to deck2024-05-24 03:58:49
1x [Protecting Friends] added to deck2024-05-24 03:58:46
2x [Red Riot's The Coolest] added to deck2024-05-24 03:58:25
1x [Fighting for Control] added to deck2024-05-24 03:58:14
1x [Always Cool] added to deck2024-05-24 03:57:55
1x [#5 Pro Hero] added to deck2024-05-24 03:57:37
3x [Latent Skill] added to deck2024-05-24 03:57:09
2x [Reluctant Role Model] added to deck2024-05-24 03:56:09
2x [Surviving The Final] added to deck2024-05-24 03:55:26
Removed "Pitching In"2024-05-24 03:53:36
Removed "Acid Splash"2024-05-24 03:53:24
Removed "Fiber Capture"2024-05-24 03:53:17
Removed "Rabbit Kick"2024-05-24 03:53:08
1x [Reluctant Role Model] added to deck2024-05-24 03:52:19
Removed "Ashido's Acid Dive"2024-05-24 03:49:46
1x [Acid Corrosion Breach] added to deck2024-05-24 03:49:24
1x [Acid Sprinkler] added to deck2024-05-24 03:45:50
Removed "Dire Assault"2024-05-24 03:45:45
1x [Dire Assault] added to deck2024-05-24 03:45:42
1x [Somnambulist Subdual] added to deck2024-05-24 03:44:59
1x [Battle Arena] added to deck2024-05-24 03:43:49
Removed "Sports Festival Stadium"2024-05-24 03:42:43
4x [Acid Splash] added to deck2024-05-24 03:42:00
3x [Ready to Go] added to deck2024-05-24 03:39:18
Removed "Graceful Maneuvers"2024-05-24 03:39:14
1x [Graceful Maneuvers] added to deck2024-05-24 03:39:12
Removed "Choosing A Hero Name"2024-05-24 03:39:10
1x [Choosing A Hero Name] added to deck2024-05-24 03:39:06
1x [Cheerful Teen] added to deck2024-05-24 03:32:03
Removed "Weapon of Choice"2024-05-24 03:31:51
1x [Protecting Friends] added to deck2024-05-24 03:31:33
Removed "Maximum Viscosity"2024-05-24 03:31:26
1x [Latent Skill] added to deck2024-05-24 03:30:20
1x [Frozen Defense] added to deck2024-05-24 03:30:13
1x [Fighting for Control] added to deck2024-05-24 03:30:04
1x [Dire Assault] added to deck2024-05-24 03:27:35
1x [Somnambulist Subdual] added to deck2024-05-24 03:27:14
1x [Ready to Go] added to deck2024-05-24 03:25:43
Removed "League Interview"2024-05-24 03:25:09
Removed "Gas Cloud"2024-05-24 03:25:07
2x [Defying Fate] removed from deck2024-05-24 03:24:56
1x [Red Riot's The Coolest] removed from deck2024-05-24 03:24:51
1x [Always Cool] removed from deck2024-05-24 03:24:45
1x [Excited For Blood] removed from deck2024-05-24 03:23:55
1x [Learning To Harden] removed from deck2024-05-24 03:23:51
2x [Surviving The Final] removed from deck2024-05-24 03:23:47
2x [#5 Pro Hero] removed from deck2024-05-24 03:23:32
1x [Choosing A Hero Name] removed from deck2024-05-24 03:23:17
2x [Graceful Maneuvers] removed from deck2024-05-24 03:23:10
Removed "Syndicate Target"2024-05-24 03:22:57
Removed "Interdimensional Plants"2024-05-24 03:22:48
Removed "Acid Fling"2024-05-24 03:22:38
1x [Acid Fling] added to deck2024-05-24 03:22:35
2x [Acid Fling] removed from deck2024-05-24 03:22:32
Removed "Acid Corrosion Breach"2024-05-24 03:22:26
0x [Acid Corrosion Breach] removed from deck2024-05-24 03:22:24
Removed "Decaying Palm Slam"2024-05-24 03:22:12
Removed "Cheerful Uppercut"2024-05-24 03:22:07
1x [Cheerful Uppercut] added to deck2024-05-24 03:21:59
Deck name changed2024-05-24 03:21:52
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.8

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 63 63 2.32 2.33 4.19
Attack 22 22 1.64 4.05 3
Foundation 41 41 2.68 1.41 4.83
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 0 0 - - -
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 19 2.47 0
Mid 25 1.92 0
Low 19 2.68 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 65.08% 34.92% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 53.97% 11.11% 34.92% 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 0% 53.97% 11.11% 34.92% 0% 0% 0%
7 0% 0% 53.97% 11.11% 34.92% 0% 0%
8 0% 0% 0% 53.97% 11.11% 34.92% 0%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 53.97% 11.11% 34.92%