Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Momo Yaoyorozu (III) x1 MSR

Foundation (40 cards)

    • Wild Wild Pussycats x1 MSR
    • Surprising Skill x1 MSR
    • Keeping Eri Safe x2 MSR
    • Floating Around My Babies x2 MSR
    • Release x3 MR
    • High Value Target x1 MSR
    • Self Sacrifice x3 MR
    • Incredible Display x2 MSR
    • Cooperation Offer x2 MSR
    • New Training Method x4 MSR
    • Study Group Leader x4 MSR
    • Encouraging Training Partner x1 MR
    • Glamorous x3 MR
    • Passing the Torch x1 MR
    • Faith's Shield x1 MSR
    • Rescue Completed x2 MR
    • Excited For Blood x4 MSR
    • Ryukyu Agency Trainees x2 MSR
    • He's Still Fighting! x1 MSR

Attack (21 cards - speed : 4.1 - dmg 4.19)

    • Tasty Riff x4 MSR
    • Command Pigeon Flock x3 MSR
    • Overhead Reversal x2 MSR
    • Cannon Blast x4 MSR
    • "I Won't Back Down!" x3 MSR
    • Tongue Whip x4 MR
    • Net Launcher x1 MSR

Asset (4 cards)

    • Jiro's Bass x1 MSR
    • Eri x1 MSR
    • Training Weights x1 MSR
    • Tres Chic Cape x1 MR

Action (0 cards)

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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1x [Net Launcher] added to deck2024-07-27 07:28:13
1x [Rescue Completed] added to deck2024-07-15 08:42:14
Removed "Hatsume's Designs"2024-07-15 08:42:02
1x ["I Won't Back Down!"] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:40:58
1x [Overhead Reversal] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:40:34
1x [Command Pigeon Flock] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:40:29
4x [Tongue Whip] added to deck2024-07-15 08:40:11
1x [Overhead Reversal] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:38:57
Removed "#10 Pro Hero"2024-07-15 08:38:23
Removed "Friend Of Animals"2024-07-15 08:37:34
1x [Hatsume's Designs] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:36:17
1x [#10 Pro Hero] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:36:01
1x [He's Still Fighting!] added to deck2024-07-15 08:35:11
2x [Ryukyu Agency Trainees] added to deck2024-07-15 08:34:27
1x [Incredible Display] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:29:15
1x [Friend Of Animals] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:28:26
1x [Surprising Skill] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:27:44
1x [Wild Wild Pussycats] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:20:31
Removed "Practical Studies"2024-07-15 08:20:11
Removed "Full-On Attack Mode!"2024-07-15 08:20:06
1x [Self Sacrifice] added to deck2024-07-15 08:19:17
1x [Full-On Attack Mode!] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:19:10
1x [Release] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:18:35
1x [Practical Studies] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:18:23
1x [Command Pigeon Flock] added to deck2024-07-15 08:17:48
1x [High Value Target] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:17:32
1x [Friend Of Animals] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:17:14
1x [Cooperation Offer] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:16:07
1x [Passing the Torch] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:16:01
1x [Faith's Shield] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:15:53
Removed "I'll Protect You"2024-07-15 08:15:38
1x [Hatsume's Designs] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:15:05
Removed "Nejire-Chan Of The Big 3"2024-07-15 08:14:53
Removed "Someone With Style"2024-07-15 08:14:39
1x [Surprising Skill] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:13:57
2x [Wild Wild Pussycats] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:13:45
2x [Keeping Eri Safe] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:13:34
Removed "Tight Lipped"2024-07-15 08:13:28
1x [Practical Studies] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:13:19
1x [Encouraging Training Partner] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:12:49
1x [Rescue Completed] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:12:39
1x [Surprising Skill] removed from deck2024-07-15 08:12:31
1x [Glamorous] added to deck2024-07-15 08:11:42
4x [Excited For Blood] added to deck2024-07-15 08:11:05
3x [Friend Of Animals] added to deck2024-07-15 08:08:10
2x [Rescue Completed] added to deck2024-07-15 08:07:46
2x [Faith's Shield] added to deck2024-07-15 08:06:45
2x [Passing the Torch] added to deck2024-07-15 08:06:39
1x [Someone With Style] added to deck2024-07-15 08:05:54
2x [Glamorous] added to deck2024-07-15 08:05:46
2x [Encouraging Training Partner] added to deck2024-07-15 08:05:30
4x [Study Group Leader] added to deck2024-07-15 08:04:56
4x [New Training Method] added to deck2024-07-15 08:04:48
3x [Cooperation Offer] added to deck2024-07-15 08:03:55
3x [Incredible Display] added to deck2024-07-15 08:03:50
2x [Self Sacrifice] added to deck2024-07-15 08:03:08
2x [High Value Target] added to deck2024-07-15 08:03:01
2x [Full-On Attack Mode!] added to deck2024-07-15 08:02:55
2x [I'll Protect You] added to deck2024-07-15 08:02:35
1x [Nejire-Chan Of The Big 3] added to deck2024-07-15 08:02:15
3x [Practical Studies] added to deck2024-07-15 08:02:01
3x [Hatsume's Designs] added to deck2024-07-15 08:01:46
1x [Release] added to deck2024-07-15 08:00:53
2x [Tight Lipped] added to deck2024-07-15 08:00:39
3x [Release] added to deck2024-07-15 08:00:35
2x [Floating Around My Babies] added to deck2024-07-15 08:00:31
4x [Keeping Eri Safe] added to deck2024-07-15 08:00:25
4x [#10 Pro Hero] added to deck2024-07-15 08:00:09
4x [Surprising Skill] added to deck2024-07-15 08:00:05
0x [Wild Wild Pussycats] removed from deck2024-07-15 07:59:20
4x [Wild Wild Pussycats] added to deck2024-07-15 07:59:08
1x [Tres Chic Cape] added to deck2024-07-15 07:58:07
1x [Jiro's Bass] removed from deck2024-07-15 07:57:49
1x [Training Weights] added to deck2024-07-15 07:56:53
1x [Eri] added to deck2024-07-15 07:56:31
2x [Jiro's Bass] added to deck2024-07-15 07:55:58
4x ["I Won't Back Down!"] added to deck2024-07-15 07:55:36
4x [Cannon Blast] added to deck2024-07-13 07:56:24
4x [Overhead Reversal] added to deck2024-07-13 07:56:12
3x [Command Pigeon Flock] added to deck2024-07-13 07:54:57
4x [Tasty Riff] added to deck2024-07-13 07:52:16
1x [Momo Yaoyorozu (III)] added to deck2024-07-13 07:44:40
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.65

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 65 65 2.28 2.52 4.17
Attack 21 21 2.05 4.38 2.81
Foundation 40 40 2.35 1.65 4.8
Asset 4 4 2.75 1.5 5
Action 0 0 - - -
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 22 2.09 0
Mid 23 2.61 0
Low 20 2.1 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 93.85% 6.15% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 67.69% 26.15% 6.15% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 55.38% 12.31% 26.15% 6.15% 0% 0% 0%
6 0% 55.38% 12.31% 26.15% 6.15% 0% 0%
7 0% 0% 55.38% 12.31% 26.15% 6.15% 0%
8 0% 0% 0% 55.38% 12.31% 26.15% 6.15%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 55.38% 12.31% 26.15%