Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Mt. Lady (III) x1 MSR

Foundation (30 cards)

    • Exhausted Slumber x2 MSR
    • Something to Prove x2 MSR
    • Stars in Her Eyes x2 MSR
    • Assessing AFO's Motive x2 MSR
    • Ready for a Rematch x3 MSR
    • Team Stash x3 MSR
    • Sweet Satisfaction x2 MSR
    • Sadistic Jeer x3 MSR
    • "Big Sister" of 1-B x1 MSR
    • Recovery Girl's Kiss x4 MR
    • It Can't Be Fixed x4 MR
    • Thoughtful Classmate x2 MSR

Attack (20 cards - speed : 3.25 - dmg 4.2)

    • Soundwave Blast x3 MSR
    • Creati Stunner x3 MSR
    • Butte Basher x1 MSR
    • Ranging Rush x2 MSR
    • Big Fist Overhand Punch x1 MSR
    • Tuning In x2 MSR
    • Electric Shock x1 MSR
    • Searing Strike x2 MSR
    • Gigantification Swing x2 MSR
    • Zero Gravity Shot x3 MSR

Asset (0 cards)

Action (0 cards)

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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3x [Zero Gravity Shot] added to deck2024-06-16 16:20:42
2x [Thoughtful Classmate] added to deck2024-06-16 16:20:06
Removed "Thoughtful Classmate"2024-06-16 16:18:33
Removed "Frozen Defense"2024-06-16 16:18:27
Removed "Binding Mr. Aizawa"2024-06-16 16:17:09
Removed "American Exchange Student"2024-06-16 16:17:04
Removed "Heart of the Band"2024-06-16 16:16:07
Removed "Analytical Combatant"2024-06-16 16:16:01
4x [It Can't Be Fixed] added to deck2024-06-16 16:12:01
4x [Recovery Girl's Kiss] added to deck2024-06-16 16:11:51
Removed "Flying Dragon Tackle"2024-06-16 16:01:26
Removed "Zero Gravity Shot"2024-06-16 16:00:52
1x ["Big Sister" of 1-B] added to deck2024-06-16 15:58:43
3x [Sadistic Jeer] added to deck2024-06-16 15:56:25
3x [Frozen Defense] added to deck2024-06-16 15:55:40
2x [Binding Mr. Aizawa] added to deck2024-06-16 15:55:07
2x [Sweet Satisfaction] added to deck2024-06-16 15:54:22
3x [American Exchange Student] added to deck2024-06-16 15:53:55
3x [Team Stash] added to deck2024-06-16 15:51:23
2x [Thoughtful Classmate] added to deck2024-06-16 15:48:46
3x [Ready for a Rematch] added to deck2024-06-16 15:45:35
2x [Assessing AFO's Motive] added to deck2024-06-16 15:43:03
2x [Stars in Her Eyes] added to deck2024-06-16 15:42:00
2x [Heart of the Band] added to deck2024-06-16 15:40:28
2x [Something to Prove] added to deck2024-06-16 15:39:11
2x [Analytical Combatant] added to deck2024-06-16 15:38:32
2x [Exhausted Slumber] added to deck2024-06-16 15:37:47
2x [Gigantification Swing] added to deck2024-06-16 15:33:44
2x [Searing Strike] added to deck2024-06-16 15:30:55
1x [Electric Shock] added to deck2024-06-16 15:30:47
2x [Flying Dragon Tackle] added to deck2024-06-16 15:30:30
2x [Tuning In] added to deck2024-06-16 15:30:07
1x [Big Fist Overhand Punch] added to deck2024-06-16 15:29:42
3x [Zero Gravity Shot] added to deck2024-06-16 15:29:16
2x [Ranging Rush] added to deck2024-06-16 15:29:03
1x [Butte Basher] added to deck2024-06-16 15:29:00
3x [Creati Stunner] added to deck2024-06-16 15:28:47
3x [Soundwave Blast] added to deck2024-06-16 15:28:33
1x [Mt. Lady (III)] added to deck2024-06-09 16:55:49
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.88

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 50 50 2.22 2.22 4.18
Attack 20 20 2.05 4 3
Foundation 30 30 2.33 1.03 4.97
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 0 0 - - -
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 13 1.69 0
Mid 21 2.38 0
Low 16 2.44 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 60% 40% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 52% 8% 40% 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 6% 46% 8% 40% 0% 0% 0%
7 0% 6% 46% 8% 40% 0% 0%
8 0% 0% 6% 46% 8% 40% 0%
9 0% 0% 0% 6% 46% 8% 40%