Forum Code Proxy List

Character (4 cards)

    • ···Akuma··· x1 R
    • ··Akuma·· x2 R
    • ·Akuma· x2 R

Foundation (35 cards)

    • Enlightened by Defeat x2 R
    • Admission Fees x1 R
    • Shun Goku Satsu x2 R
    • Blood for Blood x1 R
    • The Azure Nightmare x3 R
    • New Empress of Netherrealm x3 R
    • Arranging a Deal x3 R
    • Bearer of the Makai Whistle x3 R
    • The Leader of the Saintly Beasts x1 R
    • All Powerful Sorcerer x1 R
    • Hell's Reach x3 R
    • Face of a Monster x2 R
    • Immortality x2 R
    • Evil Eye x2 R
    • Cage Fighter x3 R
    • Overrun by Tourists x3 R

Attack (20 cards - speed : 3.95 - dmg 5.05)

    • Netherstorm x3 R
    • Lightning Torture x3 R
    • Prism Storm of Torment x2 R
    • Kongou Kokuretsuzan x3 R
    • Dohatsu Shoten x3 R
    • Coffee Samba x2 R
    • Flame Aura x2 R
    • Zanku Hadoken x2 R

Asset (1 cards)

    • Requiem x1 R

Action (7 cards)

    • Fade x2 R
    • The Toguro Brothers x3 R
    • Revoke x2 R

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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1x [Requiem] added to deck2022-08-19 23:57:51
2x [Zanku Hadoken] added to deck2022-08-19 23:55:39
3x [Overrun by Tourists] added to deck2022-08-19 23:54:03
3x [Cage Fighter] added to deck2022-08-19 23:53:44
2x [Evil Eye] added to deck2022-08-19 23:53:24
2x [Immortality] added to deck2022-08-19 23:53:17
2x [Face of a Monster] added to deck2022-08-19 23:52:43
3x [Hell's Reach] added to deck2022-08-19 23:52:28
1x [All Powerful Sorcerer] added to deck2022-08-19 23:52:03
1x [The Leader of the Saintly Beasts] added to deck2022-08-19 23:51:52
3x [Bearer of the Makai Whistle] added to deck2022-08-19 23:51:40
3x [Arranging a Deal] added to deck2022-08-19 23:51:19
3x [New Empress of Netherrealm] added to deck2022-08-19 23:50:54
3x [The Azure Nightmare] added to deck2022-08-19 23:50:12
1x [Blood for Blood] added to deck2022-08-19 23:50:03
2x [Shun Goku Satsu] added to deck2022-08-19 23:49:37
1x [Admission Fees] added to deck2022-08-19 23:49:01
2x [Enlightened by Defeat] added to deck2022-08-19 23:48:51
2x [Revoke] added to deck2022-08-19 23:48:15
3x [The Toguro Brothers] added to deck2022-08-19 23:47:52
2x [Fade] added to deck2022-08-19 23:47:22
2x [Flame Aura] added to deck2022-08-19 23:47:11
2x [Coffee Samba] added to deck2022-08-19 23:46:39
3x [Dohatsu Shoten] added to deck2022-08-19 23:46:18
3x [Kongou Kokuretsuzan] added to deck2022-08-19 23:46:02
2x [Prism Storm of Torment] added to deck2022-08-19 23:45:37
3x [Lightning Torture] added to deck2022-08-19 23:44:59
1x [Netherstorm] removed from deck2022-08-19 23:44:27
4x [Netherstorm] added to deck2022-08-19 23:44:21
2x [·Akuma·] added to deck2022-08-19 23:44:06
2x [··Akuma··] added to deck2022-08-19 23:43:46
1x [···Akuma···] added to deck2022-08-19 23:39:05
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.63

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 67 62 1.74 2.72 4.43
Attack 20 17 0.88 5.05 2.8
Foundation 35 35 2.46 1.29 5.17
Asset 1 1 1 3 6
Action 7 5 1.2 1.29 4.29
Character 4 4 0 6 6
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 25 2.04 0
Mid 30 1.63 0
Low 7 1.14 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 97.01% 2.99% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 97.01% 0% 2.99% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 70.15% 26.87% 0% 2.99% 0% 0% 0%
5 58.21% 11.94% 26.87% 0% 2.99% 0% 0%
6 20.9% 37.31% 11.94% 26.87% 0% 2.99% 0%
7 0% 20.9% 37.31% 11.94% 26.87% 0% 2.99%
8 0% 0% 20.9% 37.31% 11.94% 26.87% 0%
9 0% 0% 0% 20.9% 37.31% 11.94% 26.87%