Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Hiei, Dragon Within x1 SR

Foundation (41 cards)

    • I Am the Dragon x3 SR
    • Paying the Cost x4 SR
    • Unmatched Quickness x4 SR
    • Unsettling Aura x4 SR
    • The Power of Love x2 SR
    • Urameshi Perseverance x2 SR
    • #5 Pro Hero x3 MSR
    • Seasoned Brawler x4 MSR
    • Stopping For Breakfast x2 MSR
    • Quick To Act x4 MSR
    • Forcing Surrender x4 MSR
    • Ice Gliding x2 MSR
    • Lust For Battle x3 MSR

Attack (18 cards - speed : 3.56 - dmg 3.78)

    • Double Fists of the Mortal Flame x4 SR
    • Trace Eyes x4 SR
    • Desperate Slash x3 SR
    • Blueflame Torment x3 MSR
    • Rabbit Kick x4 MSR

Asset (0 cards)

Action (5 cards)

    • Barrier Shield x3 MSR
    • Sugar Rush Power-Up x2 MSR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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Removed "One Man Inferno"2024-03-01 17:06:19
Removed "Heroic Endurance"2024-03-01 17:06:07
Removed "Pyromania"2024-03-01 17:06:04
Removed "Cremation"2024-03-01 17:05:23
Removed "Twisty Surroundings"2024-03-01 17:05:08
1x [Paying the Cost] added to deck2024-03-01 17:05:02
1x [Heroic Endurance] removed from deck2024-03-01 17:04:57
1x [The Power of Love] removed from deck2024-03-01 17:03:56
Removed "Wild Wild Pussycats"2024-03-01 17:03:48
Removed "Revel At His Masterpiece"2024-03-01 17:03:45
Removed "Firestarter"2024-03-01 17:03:37
2x [Seasoned Brawler] added to deck2024-03-01 17:03:33
Removed "Surprise Interception"2024-03-01 17:03:31
2x [Lust For Battle] added to deck2024-03-01 17:03:28
Removed "Fiery Confrontation"2024-03-01 17:03:24
1x [I Am the Dragon] removed from deck2024-03-01 17:03:17
Removed "Coping With #1"2024-03-01 17:03:09
Removed "Prehensile Tail"2024-03-01 17:03:05
1x [Pyromania] added to deck2024-03-01 17:02:44
Removed "Looking For A Challenge"2024-03-01 17:02:29
Removed "Failed Role Model"2024-03-01 17:02:24
Removed "Spirit Sword Ultimate"2024-03-01 17:02:19
Removed "He's Still Fighting!"2024-03-01 17:02:02
2x [I Am the Dragon] added to deck2024-03-01 17:01:58
2x [Unsettling Aura] added to deck2024-03-01 17:01:55
Removed "Warped Pleasure"2024-03-01 17:01:51
Removed "Fat Absorption"2024-03-01 17:01:49
Removed "League Handler"2024-03-01 17:01:45
1x [The Power of Love] added to deck2024-03-01 17:01:43
Removed "Freezer Burn"2024-03-01 17:00:08
Removed "Bad Guy Round Up"2024-03-01 17:00:04
2x [Desperate Slash] added to deck2024-03-01 16:59:16
Removed "Red Guard"2024-03-01 16:59:10
1x [Freezer Burn] added to deck2024-03-01 16:59:07
1x [Blueflame Torment] added to deck2024-03-01 16:59:04
Removed "Fiery Vengeance"2024-03-01 16:59:02
2x [Cremation] added to deck2024-03-01 16:58:39
Removed "Seizing The Advantage"2024-03-01 16:58:35
Removed "Cute Host Koto"2024-03-01 16:58:31
Removed "Twisting Azure Inferno"2024-03-01 16:58:22
Removed "Scorching Aura"2024-03-01 16:58:18
Removed "Hardened Barrage"2024-03-01 16:58:12
Removed "Rapid Punches"2024-03-01 16:58:10
Removed "Darkness Dragon Prowess"2024-03-01 16:57:57
Removed "Blue Flame Smolder"2024-03-01 16:57:33
Removed "Slice & Burn"2024-03-01 16:57:19
1x [Lust For Battle] added to deck2024-03-01 16:54:21
2x [Fat Absorption] added to deck2024-03-01 16:54:10
4x [Heroic Endurance] added to deck2024-03-01 16:53:15
Removed "Deleterious Bomb"2024-03-01 16:52:32
Removed "Massive Blow"2024-03-01 16:52:23
Removed "Calorie Counter"2024-03-01 16:52:20
2x [Revel At His Masterpiece] added to deck2024-03-01 16:51:25
2x [Ice Gliding] added to deck2024-03-01 16:51:21
4x [Forcing Surrender] added to deck2024-03-01 16:51:11
2x [Prehensile Tail] added to deck2024-03-01 16:51:09
4x [Quick To Act] added to deck2024-03-01 16:50:58
2x [Coping With #1] added to deck2024-03-01 16:50:53
2x [Wild Wild Pussycats] added to deck2024-03-01 16:50:38
2x [Pyromania] added to deck2024-03-01 16:50:26
1x [Firestarter] added to deck2024-03-01 16:50:13
2x [Stopping For Breakfast] added to deck2024-03-01 16:50:07
2x [Seasoned Brawler] added to deck2024-03-01 16:50:03
2x [Looking For A Challenge] added to deck2024-03-01 16:50:00
2x [Surprise Interception] added to deck2024-03-01 16:49:57
3x [He's Still Fighting!] added to deck2024-03-01 16:49:44
3x [#5 Pro Hero] added to deck2024-03-01 16:49:39
3x [Failed Role Model] added to deck2024-03-01 16:49:33
2x [One Man Inferno] added to deck2024-03-01 16:49:23
1x [League Handler] added to deck2024-03-01 16:49:17
2x [Fiery Confrontation] added to deck2024-03-01 16:49:09
2x [Urameshi Perseverance] added to deck2024-03-01 16:48:48
2x [The Power of Love] added to deck2024-03-01 16:48:45
2x [Warped Pleasure] added to deck2024-03-01 16:48:38
2x [Unsettling Aura] added to deck2024-03-01 16:48:35
4x [Unmatched Quickness] added to deck2024-03-01 16:48:15
3x [Paying the Cost] added to deck2024-03-01 16:48:12
2x [I Am the Dragon] added to deck2024-03-01 16:48:09
1x [Rapid Punches] added to deck2024-03-01 16:46:30
1x [Hardened Barrage] added to deck2024-03-01 16:46:26
1x [Twisting Azure Inferno] added to deck2024-03-01 16:46:23
2x [Freezer Burn] added to deck2024-03-01 16:46:17
2x [Scorching Aura] added to deck2024-03-01 16:46:12
2x [Red Guard] added to deck2024-03-01 16:45:39
1x [Blue Flame Smolder] added to deck2024-03-01 16:45:25
2x [Calorie Counter] added to deck2024-03-01 16:44:58
2x [Bad Guy Round Up] added to deck2024-03-01 16:44:51
2x [Fiery Vengeance] added to deck2024-03-01 16:44:47
4x [Rabbit Kick] added to deck2024-03-01 16:44:35
1x [Slice & Burn] added to deck2024-03-01 16:44:20
2x [Blueflame Torment] added to deck2024-03-01 16:44:09
2x [Massive Blow] added to deck2024-03-01 16:44:04
2x [Spirit Sword Ultimate] added to deck2024-03-01 16:42:17
2x [Darkness Dragon Prowess] added to deck2024-03-01 16:42:07
1x [Desperate Slash] added to deck2024-03-01 16:42:03
2x [Deleterious Bomb] added to deck2024-03-01 16:41:51
4x [Trace Eyes] added to deck2024-03-01 16:41:48
4x [Double Fists of the Mortal Flame] added to deck2024-03-01 16:41:37
2x [Sugar Rush Power-Up] added to deck2024-03-01 16:30:56
1x [Seizing The Advantage] added to deck2024-03-01 16:30:53
1x [Cremation] added to deck2024-03-01 16:30:46
1x [Twisty Surroundings] added to deck2024-03-01 16:30:40
3x [Barrier Shield] added to deck2024-03-01 16:30:37
2x [Cute Host Koto] added to deck2024-03-01 16:30:28
1x [Hiei, Dragon Within] added to deck2024-03-01 16:29:56
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 2

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 64 64 2.33 2.19 4.38
Attack 18 18 2.06 4.17 3
Foundation 41 41 2.54 1.39 4.9
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 5 5 1.6 1.6 5
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 25 2.24 0
Mid 29 2.31 0
Low 10 2.6 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 71.88% 28.13% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 65.63% 6.25% 28.13% 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 0% 65.63% 6.25% 28.13% 0% 0% 0%
7 0% 0% 65.63% 6.25% 28.13% 0% 0%
8 0% 0% 0% 65.63% 6.25% 28.13% 0%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 65.63% 6.25% 28.13%