Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • ·Nightmare· x1 L

Foundation (36 cards)

    • Servant of Ares x3 L
    • Unbridled Arrogance x3 L
    • English Aristocrat x3 L
    • Cool Student x2 M
    • True Identity x1 L
    • Superior Genetics x1 L
    • In The Typhoon x1 M
    • Ruthless Dictator x2 L
    • Face of a Monster x3 L
    • Explosive Acrobatics x2 L
    • Manipulative and Deceitful x2 L
    • No Surprises x3 L
    • Profane Sanctuary x4 L
    • Uniting Rebels x2 L
    • Orphaned Alchemist x2 L
    • Last of the Shirai Ryu x1 L
    • Last of His Kind x1 L

Attack (20 cards - speed : 2.8 - dmg 4.5)

    • Skull Chopper x3 L
    • Demon Grab x3 L
    • Crimson Vortex x3 L
    • Vicious Madness x3 L
    • Wind Embrace x2 L
    • Crimson Barrage x2 L
    • Reduction x2 L
    • Rando's Spirit Gun x2 L

Asset (4 cards)

    • Soul Edge x1 L
    • Psychedelic Mushroom x1 L
    • Inferno's Soul Edge x1 L
    • Quan Chi's Fortress x1 L

Action (6 cards)

    • I Grant You Death! x3 L
    • Test Your Might x3 L

Side (1 cards)

    • ··Vincent Grey·· x1 L

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Deck name changed2021-12-30 12:55:46
1x [Profane Sanctuary ] added to deck2021-12-30 12:54:16
1x [Face of a Monster] removed from deck2021-12-30 12:53:59
1x [Last of His Kind] added to deck2021-12-30 12:53:21
1x [Last of the Shirai Ryu] added to deck2021-12-30 12:52:42
2x [Orphaned Alchemist] added to deck2021-12-30 12:52:24
1x [Profane Sanctuary ] removed from deck2021-12-30 12:51:04
1x [No Surprises] removed from deck2021-12-30 12:51:00
Removed "The Demonic Guard"2021-12-30 12:50:48
2x [Uniting Rebels] added to deck2021-12-30 12:50:09
1x [Superior Genetics] removed from deck2021-12-30 12:49:44
Removed "··Vincent Grey··"2021-12-30 12:46:11
1x [··Vincent Grey··] added to deck2021-12-30 12:44:54
1x [Face of a Monster] added to deck2021-12-30 12:40:49
1x [Face of a Monster] added to deck2021-12-30 12:40:29
Removed "Uniting Rebels"2021-12-30 12:40:14
0x [Manipulative and Deceitful] removed from deck2021-12-30 12:40:10
Removed "Strict Mentor"2021-12-30 12:36:43
4x [Profane Sanctuary ] added to deck2021-12-30 12:36:07
4x [No Surprises] added to deck2021-12-30 12:35:14
4x [Uniting Rebels] added to deck2021-12-30 12:35:00
1x [Quan Chi's Fortress] added to deck2021-12-30 12:34:37
1x [Inferno's Soul Edge] added to deck2021-12-30 12:34:19
2x [Manipulative and Deceitful] added to deck2021-12-30 12:33:45
2x [Explosive Acrobatics] added to deck2021-12-30 12:33:25
2x [Strict Mentor] added to deck2021-12-30 12:33:06
2x [Face of a Monster] added to deck2021-12-30 12:32:58
2x [Ruthless Dictator] added to deck2021-12-30 12:32:33
2x [The Demonic Guard] added to deck2021-12-30 12:31:52
1x [In The Typhoon] added to deck2021-12-30 12:31:34
2x [Superior Genetics] added to deck2021-12-30 12:30:28
1x [True Identity] added to deck2021-12-30 12:30:09
2x [Cool Student] added to deck2021-12-30 12:30:04
3x [English Aristocrat] added to deck2021-12-30 12:28:57
3x [Unbridled Arrogance] added to deck2021-12-30 12:28:38
3x [Servant of Ares] added to deck2021-12-30 12:28:34
1x [I Grant You Death!] removed from deck2021-12-30 12:28:09
3x [Test Your Might] added to deck2021-12-30 12:27:53
1x [Psychedelic Mushroom] added to deck2021-12-30 12:26:33
1x [Soul Edge] added to deck2021-12-30 12:25:35
2x [Rando's Spirit Gun] added to deck2021-12-30 12:24:58
2x [Reduction] added to deck2021-12-30 12:24:32
2x [Crimson Barrage] added to deck2021-12-30 12:24:25
1x [Skull Chopper] removed from deck2021-12-30 12:22:52
1x [Demon Grab] removed from deck2021-12-30 12:22:49
1x [Vicious Madness] removed from deck2021-12-30 12:22:45
1x [Crimson Vortex] removed from deck2021-12-30 12:22:42
2x [Wind Embrace] added to deck2021-12-30 12:20:40
2x [Vicious Madness] added to deck2021-12-30 12:18:36
2x [Skull Chopper] added to deck2021-12-30 12:18:22
2x [Crimson Vortex] added to deck2021-12-30 12:18:05
2x [Demon Grab] added to deck2021-12-30 12:17:57
Removed "Lightning Torture"2021-12-30 12:17:52
Removed "Life Force Thread"2021-12-30 12:17:37
2x [Vicious Madness] added to deck2021-12-30 12:17:06
2x [Life Force Thread] added to deck2021-12-30 12:16:27
2x [Crimson Vortex] added to deck2021-12-30 12:15:52
2x [Demon Grab] added to deck2021-12-30 12:15:32
2x [Lightning Torture] added to deck2021-12-30 12:14:39
2x [Skull Chopper] added to deck2021-12-30 12:14:35
4x [I Grant You Death!] added to deck2021-12-30 12:11:44
Removed "Poseidon Tide Rush"2021-12-30 10:33:09
Removed "Technical Sphere"2021-12-30 10:33:06
Removed "Hell Vortex"2021-12-30 10:33:04
Removed "Gore Fest"2021-12-30 10:33:01
Removed "Guardian's Mark"2021-12-30 10:32:57
Removed "Marshall Banana"2021-12-30 10:32:55
Removed "Not Over Until You DIE"2021-12-30 10:32:52
Removed "I Feel VIOLENT"2021-12-30 10:32:50
Removed "Hellward Bound"2021-12-30 10:32:47
Removed "Soul of the Sword"2021-12-30 10:32:45
Removed "Transformed Prince"2021-12-30 10:32:42
Removed "··Ken··"2021-12-30 10:32:39
2x [Poseidon Tide Rush] added to deck2021-12-30 10:28:53
1x [Guardian's Mark] added to deck2021-12-30 10:27:03
4x [Technical Sphere] added to deck2021-12-30 10:26:47
2x [Marshall Banana] added to deck2021-12-30 10:26:33
2x [Not Over Until You DIE] added to deck2021-12-30 10:26:23
1x [··Ken··] added to deck2021-12-30 10:25:50
2x [I Feel VIOLENT] added to deck2021-12-30 10:25:46
1x [Hellward Bound] added to deck2021-12-30 10:24:44
4x [Soul of the Sword] added to deck2021-12-30 10:24:36
1x [Hell Vortex] added to deck2021-12-30 10:24:07
3x [Hell Vortex] added to deck2021-12-30 10:23:55
1x [Gore Fest] added to deck2021-12-30 10:23:29
4x [Transformed Prince] added to deck2021-12-30 10:23:12
1x [··Vincent Grey··] added to deck2021-12-30 09:24:17
1x [·Nightmare·] added to deck2021-12-30 09:23:51
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.82

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 66 49 1.9 2.47 4.48
Attack 20 12 1.67 4.3 2.9
Foundation 36 27 2.33 1.42 5.22
Asset 4 4 1.75 2 5
Action 6 6 0.5 3 5
Character 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 16 1.88 0
Mid 21 1.95 0
Low 12 1.83 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 96.97% 3.03% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 69.7% 27.27% 3.03% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 69.7% 0% 27.27% 3.03% 0% 0% 0%
6 12.12% 57.58% 0% 27.27% 3.03% 0% 0%
7 0% 12.12% 57.58% 0% 27.27% 3.03% 0%
8 0% 0% 12.12% 57.58% 0% 27.27% 3.03%
9 0% 0% 0% 12.12% 57.58% 0% 27.27%