Forum Code Proxy List

Character (3 cards)

    • ·Super Skullman 33· x4 L

Foundation (36 cards)

    • Transmutation x1 L
    • Destiny's Path x1 L
    • Specialist Of Sound x4 M
    • Destined For Mainstream Success x4 M
    • Preparing For Battle x4 M
    • True Identity x1 L
    • Plug-In x3 M
    • Endless Determination x4 L
    • Wandering Pirate x1 L
    • It Can't Be Fixed x4 M
    • Initiate Launch x1 L
    • Poker Alice x2 L
    • Never a Day Without Training x4 L
    • Radiation x2 L

Attack (20 cards - speed : 3.5 - dmg 3.7)

    • Affliction x4 L
    • Black Death x2 L
    • Charnel Blast x3 L
    • Meifa's Assault x2 L
    • Sobat Carnival x4 L
    • Ovipositor Charger x4 L
    • Improvised Blade x1 M

Asset (1 cards)

    • Earphone Jack x1 M

Action (2 cards)

    • Here We Go! x2 L

Side (8 cards)

    • Dark Reconquista: Purgatory x1 L
    • Amplified Sound Blast x2 M
    • Kyoka Jiro x1 M
    • Specialized Sound Waves x4 M

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1x [Specialized Sound Waves] added to deck2021-12-17 07:18:24
Removed "Dark Reconquista: Purgatory"2021-12-17 07:18:11
1x [Dark Reconquista: Purgatory] removed from deck2021-12-17 07:18:06
1x [Specialized Sound Waves] removed from deck2021-12-17 07:18:00
Removed "Emergency Rations"2021-12-17 07:17:08
1x [Dark Reconquista: Purgatory] added to deck2021-12-17 07:14:12
4x [Specialized Sound Waves] added to deck2021-12-17 07:13:58
Removed "The Scourge"2021-12-17 07:13:32
Removed "Shoryureppa"2021-12-17 07:13:25
1x [Kyoka Jiro] added to deck2021-12-17 07:12:43
1x [Amplified Sound Blast] removed from deck2021-12-17 07:11:59
1x [Amplified Sound Blast] added to deck2021-12-17 07:11:47
1x [Dark Reconquista: Purgatory] added to deck2021-12-17 07:11:01
Removed "Dark Reconquista: Purgatory"2021-12-17 07:10:57
2x [Radiation] added to deck2021-12-17 07:08:51
Removed "Wishing Ward"2021-12-17 07:08:10
1x [Transmutation] removed from deck2021-12-17 07:07:41
2x [Dark Reconquista: Purgatory] added to deck2021-12-17 07:01:24
Removed "Brothers in Arts"2021-12-17 06:58:46
Removed "Orphaned Alchemist"2021-12-17 06:58:11
1x [Destiny's Path] removed from deck2021-12-17 06:57:46
Removed "Ovipositor Charger"2021-12-17 06:52:12
1x [Improvised Blade] added to deck2021-12-17 06:51:59
2x [Amplified Sound Blast] added to deck2021-12-17 06:51:03
4x [Ovipositor Charger] added to deck2021-12-17 06:49:53
Removed "Reduction"2021-12-17 06:49:48
1x [Meifa's Assault] removed from deck2021-12-17 06:49:20
Deck name changed2021-12-17 06:36:41
Deck name changed2021-12-17 06:36:22
1x [Never a Day Without Training] added to deck2021-12-17 06:33:06
1x [Orphaned Alchemist] removed from deck2021-12-17 06:32:56
3x [Never a Day Without Training] added to deck2021-12-17 06:30:41
1x [Orphaned Alchemist] removed from deck2021-12-17 06:30:16
Removed "Daughter of the Bladed Rod"2021-12-17 06:29:45
1x [Plug-In] removed from deck2021-12-17 06:29:29
Removed "Dark Reconquista: Purgatory"2021-12-17 06:26:37
1x [Dark Reconquista: Purgatory] added to deck2021-12-17 06:26:33
Removed "Shin Shoryuken"2021-12-17 06:26:24
1x [Meifa's Assault] added to deck2021-12-17 06:25:11
1x [Charnel Blast] removed from deck2021-12-17 06:25:07
2x [Poker Alice] added to deck2021-12-17 06:22:04
1x [Reduction] added to deck2021-12-17 06:21:11
Removed "The Scourge"2021-12-17 06:20:07
1x [The Scourge] added to deck2021-12-17 06:19:57
2x [Here We Go!] added to deck2021-12-17 06:16:49
Removed "Radical Edward"2021-12-17 06:16:14
2x [It Can't Be Fixed] added to deck2021-12-17 06:15:50
1x [Emergency Rations] added to deck2021-12-17 06:11:51
1x [Wishing Ward] added to deck2021-12-17 06:10:34
2x [Radical Edward] added to deck2021-12-17 06:08:02
1x [Initiate Launch] added to deck2021-12-17 06:06:38
2x [It Can't Be Fixed] added to deck2021-12-17 06:02:12
1x [Shin Shoryuken] added to deck2021-12-17 05:58:58
Removed "The Kytinn Race"2021-12-17 05:55:09
2x [Endless Determination] added to deck2021-12-17 05:54:39
1x [Wandering Pirate] added to deck2021-12-17 05:43:13
2x [Endless Determination] added to deck2021-12-17 05:42:55
1x [Earphone Jack] added to deck2021-12-17 05:42:37
3x [Preparing For Battle] added to deck2021-12-17 05:40:56
1x [Meifa's Assault] removed from deck2021-12-17 05:40:20
1x [The Scourge] added to deck2021-12-17 05:39:27
4x [Ovipositor Charger] added to deck2021-12-17 05:38:13
2x [Reduction] added to deck2021-12-17 05:37:00
1x [Meifa's Assault] added to deck2021-12-17 05:34:44
3x [Orphaned Alchemist] added to deck2021-12-17 05:33:54
1x [Daughter of the Bladed Rod] removed from deck2021-12-17 05:33:32
0x [Plug-In] removed from deck2021-12-17 05:33:27
1x [Specialist Of Sound] added to deck2021-12-17 05:33:04
Removed "Dominion over the Earth"2021-12-17 05:32:59
Removed "Fallen Angels"2021-12-17 05:32:48
1x [Destiny's Path] removed from deck2021-12-17 05:32:23
Removed "Eliminating the Van"2021-12-17 05:31:47
1x [Specialist Of Sound] removed from deck2021-12-17 05:31:28
1x [Destiny's Path] removed from deck2021-12-17 05:31:13
1x [Transmutation] added to deck2021-12-17 05:31:05
1x [Brothers in Arts] added to deck2021-12-17 05:30:25
2x [Daughter of the Bladed Rod] added to deck2021-12-17 05:29:42
1x [Plug-In] added to deck2021-12-17 05:28:59
3x [Plug-In] added to deck2021-12-17 05:28:56
0x [Destined For Mainstream Success] removed from deck2021-12-17 05:28:36
3x [Destiny's Path] added to deck2021-12-17 05:26:19
3x [Destined For Mainstream Success] added to deck2021-12-17 05:23:53
3x [Specialist Of Sound] added to deck2021-12-17 05:23:29
2x [The Kytinn Race] added to deck2021-12-17 05:19:55
1x [True Identity] added to deck2021-12-17 05:19:28
2x [Shoryureppa] added to deck2021-12-17 05:03:23
Removed "Guilty Throne"2021-12-17 04:58:05
1x [Dark Reconquista: Purgatory] removed from deck2021-12-17 04:55:01
1x [Guilty Throne] removed from deck2021-12-17 04:54:53
2x [Dark Reconquista: Purgatory] added to deck2021-12-17 04:53:13
2x [Guilty Throne] added to deck2021-12-17 04:52:46
4x [Sobat Carnival] added to deck2021-12-17 04:50:36
2x [Meifa's Assault] added to deck2021-12-17 04:49:28
4x [Charnel Blast] added to deck2021-12-17 04:47:06
2x [Black Death] added to deck2021-12-17 04:46:02
4x [Affliction] added to deck2021-12-17 04:45:57
1x [Eliminating the Van] added to deck2021-12-17 04:40:56
1x [Preparing For Battle] added to deck2021-12-17 04:38:03
1x [Destined For Mainstream Success] added to deck2021-12-17 04:35:40
3x [Dominion over the Earth] removed from deck2021-12-17 04:35:24
1x [Specialist Of Sound] added to deck2021-12-17 04:35:20
4x [Dominion over the Earth] added to deck2021-12-17 04:35:02
1x [Orphaned Alchemist] added to deck2021-12-17 04:34:49
1x [Fallen Angels] added to deck2021-12-17 04:34:21
1x [Destiny's Path] added to deck2021-12-17 04:34:16
1x [Transmutation] added to deck2021-12-17 04:34:00
Removed "A Precious Lesson"2021-12-17 04:33:19
Removed "Blaze of Fervor"2021-12-17 04:33:11
Removed "Whip Crack"2021-12-17 04:33:08
Removed "Moon Flare"2021-12-17 04:33:05
Removed "Dispelling Horn"2021-12-17 04:33:02
4x [A Precious Lesson] added to deck2021-12-17 03:41:27
3x [Blaze of Fervor] added to deck2021-12-17 03:36:50
3x [Whip Crack] added to deck2021-12-17 03:36:43
2x [Moon Flare] added to deck2021-12-17 03:35:51
4x [Dispelling Horn] added to deck2021-12-17 03:35:36
4x [·Super Skullman 33·] added to deck2021-12-17 03:34:49
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.82

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 62 58 1.95 2.37 4.32
Attack 20 17 1.76 3.9 2.8
Foundation 36 35 2.34 1.47 4.97
Asset 1 1 1 1 5
Action 2 2 0 3 5
Character 3 3 0 3 6


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 20 2.15 0
Mid 22 1.64 0
Low 16 2.13 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 93.55% 6.45% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 67.74% 25.81% 6.45% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 66.13% 1.61% 25.81% 6.45% 0% 0% 0%
6 4.84% 61.29% 1.61% 25.81% 6.45% 0% 0%
7 0% 4.84% 61.29% 1.61% 25.81% 6.45% 0%
8 0% 0% 4.84% 61.29% 1.61% 25.81% 6.45%
9 0% 0% 0% 4.84% 61.29% 1.61% 25.81%