1x [Colossus Titan's Destructive Power] removed from deck2025-03-03 04:26:50
2x [Unexpected Outcomes] removed from deck2025-03-03 04:25:14
Removed "Smiling Titan Attacks!"2025-03-03 04:24:28
Removed "Violent Betrayal"2025-03-03 04:23:57
Removed "Nature Calls"2025-03-02 03:51:00
4x [Nature Calls] added to deck2025-03-02 03:50:44
Removed "Rip Apart"2025-03-02 03:42:34
Removed "Shakaste"2025-03-02 03:41:23
Removed "Colossus Swat"2025-03-02 03:38:58
Removed "City Rampage"2025-03-02 03:35:52
4x [Referee Juri] added to deck2025-03-02 00:25:43
3x [City Rampage] added to deck2025-03-02 00:24:42
4x [Unexpected Outcomes] added to deck2025-03-02 00:24:05
4x [Smiling Titan Attacks!] added to deck2025-03-02 00:23:51
4x [Colossus's Thermal Blast] added to deck2025-03-02 00:23:11
3x [Armored Titan Attacks!] added to deck2025-03-02 00:23:00
4x [Violent Betrayal] added to deck2025-03-02 00:22:40
3x [Grisha's Transformation] added to deck2025-03-02 00:19:10
3x [Titan in the Woods] added to deck2025-03-02 00:17:47
3x [Colossus Titan's Destructive Power] added to deck2025-03-02 00:17:18
4x [Colossus Swat] added to deck2025-03-02 00:16:53
2x [Titanstone Knuckles] added to deck2025-03-02 00:16:10
2x [Shaun Gilmore] added to deck2025-03-02 00:15:21
2x [Shakaste] added to deck2025-03-02 00:15:15
2x [Reani] added to deck2025-03-02 00:15:09
4x [Attack Titan's Destructive Power] added to deck2025-03-02 00:11:53
4x [Too Big to Contain] added to deck2025-03-02 00:11:27
3x [Rip Apart] added to deck2025-03-02 00:09:28
4x [The Meaning Of Manly] added to deck2025-03-02 00:06:31
4x [Ultra Regeneration] added to deck2025-03-02 00:05:04
4x [Toughest Punk in Junior High] added to deck2025-03-02 00:03:28
3x [Set the Record Straight] added to deck2025-03-02 00:03:05
4x [Weapon Clash] added to deck2025-03-02 00:02:51
3x [Beneath the Armor] added to deck2025-03-02 00:02:38
4x [Differing Perspectives] added to deck2025-03-01 23:59:06
2x [Futile Attempts] added to deck2025-03-01 23:58:39
4x [Soup] added to deck2025-03-01 23:57:33
4x [The Greater Goal] added to deck2025-03-01 23:56:43
4x [Stoic Enmity] added to deck2025-03-01 23:55:35
1x [Grog Strongjaw, Mighty Half-Giant] added to deck2025-03-01 23:53:26
Number of cards | Cards with block | Average block modifier | Average difficulty | Average control | |
Total | 75 | 75 | 2.31 | 4.08 | 4.71 |
Attack | 22 | 22 | 1.64 | 8.95 | 3.91 |
Foundation | 32 | 32 | 3.09 | 1.97 | 5.25 |
Asset | 10 | 10 | 1.6 | 1.8 | 5 |
Action | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 4 |
Character | 0 | 0 | - | - | - |
Backup | 7 | 7 | 2 | 2.86 | 4.71 |
Total | Average Block Modifier | 0 | |
High | 6 | 3 | 0 |
Mid | 49 | 2.2 | 0 |
Low | 20 | 2.35 | 0 |
Difficulty / Commited fundation | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
2 | 100% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
3 | 100% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
4 | 97.33% | 2.67% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
5 | 62.67% | 34.67% | 2.67% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
6 | 10.67% | 52% | 34.67% | 2.67% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
7 | 0% | 10.67% | 52% | 34.67% | 2.67% | 0% | 0% |
8 | 0% | 0% | 10.67% | 52% | 34.67% | 2.67% | 0% |
9 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 10.67% | 52% | 34.67% | 2.67% |