Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu x1 MSR

Foundation (46 cards)

    • Caring Mentor x2 MSR
    • Big Appetite x3 MSR
    • Armored Muscles x3 MSR
    • Press Conference x4 MSR
    • Quick To Act x3 MSR
    • Male Bonding x4 MSR
    • Chivalrous Competitor x4 MSR
    • Any Means Necessary x2 MSR
    • Battle Resolve x4 MSR
    • Internship With Best Jeanist x3 MSR
    • Manly Friendship x3 MSR
    • Learning The Standards x2 MSR
    • Homage To My Hero x2 MSR
    • Dangerous Hybrid x3 MSR
    • Prehensile Tail x4 MSR

Attack (23 cards - speed : 3.78 - dmg 4.39)

    • Tetsutetsu Fist x4 MSR
    • Tetsutetsu Thrashing x4 MSR
    • Calorie Counter x2 MSR
    • Hardened Uppercut x3 MSR
    • Hardened Steel x2 MSR
    • Hardened Barrage x4 MSR
    • Rapid Punches x4 MSR

Asset (0 cards)

Action (0 cards)

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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1x [Hardened Uppercut] removed from deck2023-12-10 21:50:05
2x [Hardened Barrage] added to deck2023-12-10 21:50:02
2x [Hardened Uppercut] added to deck2023-12-10 21:49:51
1x [Tetsutetsu Fist] added to deck2023-12-10 21:49:47
Removed "Back Alley Haymaker"2023-12-10 21:49:45
1x [Manly Friendship] removed from deck2023-12-04 12:52:55
1x [Caring Mentor] removed from deck2023-12-04 12:52:35
1x [Big Appetite] removed from deck2023-12-04 12:52:33
1x [Armored Muscles] removed from deck2023-12-04 12:52:31
2x [Homage To My Hero] removed from deck2023-12-04 12:51:49
Removed "Final Exam Failures"2023-12-04 12:51:34
1x [Final Exam Failures] added to deck2023-12-04 12:51:24
3x [Prehensile Tail] added to deck2023-12-04 12:51:21
2x [Dangerous Hybrid] added to deck2023-12-04 12:51:19
1x [Final Exam Failures] added to deck2023-12-04 12:51:06
1x [Prehensile Tail] added to deck2023-12-04 12:51:02
1x [Dangerous Hybrid] added to deck2023-12-04 12:50:47
Removed "Heroic Endurance"2023-12-04 12:50:16
Removed "More...Power..."2023-12-04 12:49:43
Removed "High Value Target"2023-12-04 12:49:36
Removed "Cooperation Offer"2023-12-04 12:49:17
Removed "Taking The Gloves Off"2023-12-04 12:49:13
Removed "I'll Protect You"2023-12-04 12:48:54
2x [Learning The Standards] removed from deck2023-12-04 12:48:46
3x [Manly Friendship] added to deck2023-12-04 12:48:09
3x [High Value Target] added to deck2023-12-04 12:48:08
3x [Press Conference] added to deck2023-12-04 12:48:06
3x [Male Bonding] added to deck2023-12-04 12:48:04
Removed "Snack Time"2023-12-04 12:48:02
3x [Chivalrous Competitor] added to deck2023-12-04 12:47:57
3x [I'll Protect You] added to deck2023-12-04 12:47:55
3x [Taking The Gloves Off] added to deck2023-12-04 12:47:53
Removed "Red Riot's The Coolest"2023-12-04 12:47:51
Removed "Weightless"2023-12-04 12:47:48
1x [Any Means Necessary] added to deck2023-12-04 12:47:34
Removed "New Training Method"2023-12-04 12:47:32
Removed "Faith's Shield"2023-12-04 12:47:31
3x [Learning The Standards] added to deck2023-12-04 12:47:29
Removed "Final Exam Failures"2023-12-04 12:47:26
3x [Homage To My Hero] added to deck2023-12-04 12:47:23
Removed "Coping With #1"2023-12-04 12:47:22
3x [Armored Muscles] added to deck2023-12-04 12:47:20
3x [Cooperation Offer] added to deck2023-12-04 12:47:18
3x [Big Appetite] added to deck2023-12-04 12:47:16
3x [Heroic Endurance] added to deck2023-12-04 12:47:14
2x [Caring Mentor] added to deck2023-12-04 12:47:12
Removed "Defending Pageant Queen"2023-12-04 12:47:09
Removed "Aiming For #1"2023-12-04 12:47:06
Removed "Soul-Piercing Glare"2023-12-04 12:47:02
Removed "Snap Out Of It!"2023-12-04 12:46:59
Removed "The New #1"2023-12-04 12:46:57
1x [More...Power...] added to deck2023-12-04 12:46:55
Removed "Ultra Regeneration"2023-12-04 12:46:53
Removed "Dangerous Hybrid"2023-12-04 12:46:51
1x [Internship With Best Jeanist] removed from deck2023-12-04 12:46:40
1x [Quick To Act] removed from deck2023-12-04 12:46:34
Removed "Saving Bakugo"2023-12-04 12:46:31
Removed "Serum Bullets"2023-12-04 12:46:30
3x [Battle Resolve] added to deck2023-12-04 12:46:27
3x [Internship With Best Jeanist] added to deck2023-12-04 12:46:24
3x [Quick To Act] added to deck2023-12-04 12:46:22
1x [Homage To My Hero] added to deck2023-12-04 12:46:05
1x [Final Exam Failures] added to deck2023-12-04 12:46:00
1x [Learning The Standards] added to deck2023-12-04 12:45:58
1x [Aiming For #1] added to deck2023-12-04 12:45:55
1x [Manly Friendship] added to deck2023-12-04 12:45:49
1x [Faith's Shield] added to deck2023-12-04 12:45:47
1x [Internship With Best Jeanist] added to deck2023-12-04 12:45:39
1x [New Training Method] added to deck2023-12-04 12:45:35
1x [High Value Target] added to deck2023-12-04 12:45:32
1x [Battle Resolve] added to deck2023-12-04 12:45:30
1x [Any Means Necessary] added to deck2023-12-04 12:45:27
1x [Chivalrous Competitor] added to deck2023-12-04 12:44:41
1x [Snack Time] added to deck2023-12-04 12:44:37
1x [Male Bonding] added to deck2023-12-04 12:44:32
1x [Soul-Piercing Glare] added to deck2023-12-04 12:44:20
1x [Quick To Act] added to deck2023-12-04 12:44:17
1x [Press Conference] added to deck2023-12-04 12:44:15
1x [Coping With #1] added to deck2023-12-04 12:44:12
1x [Saving Bakugo] added to deck2023-12-04 12:43:59
1x [I'll Protect You] added to deck2023-12-04 12:43:53
1x [Armored Muscles] added to deck2023-12-04 12:43:43
1x [Big Appetite] added to deck2023-12-04 12:43:30
1x [Red Riot's The Coolest] added to deck2023-12-04 12:43:24
1x [Taking The Gloves Off] added to deck2023-12-04 12:43:13
1x [Serum Bullets] added to deck2023-12-04 12:43:10
1x [Cooperation Offer] added to deck2023-12-04 12:43:03
1x [Defending Pageant Queen] added to deck2023-12-04 12:42:53
1x [Caring Mentor] added to deck2023-12-04 12:42:42
1x [Ultra Regeneration] added to deck2023-12-04 12:42:37
1x [More...Power...] added to deck2023-12-04 12:42:31
1x [Dangerous Hybrid] added to deck2023-12-04 12:42:19
1x [The New #1] added to deck2023-12-04 12:42:12
1x [Heroic Endurance] added to deck2023-12-04 12:42:04
1x [Weightless] added to deck2023-12-04 12:41:58
1x [Snap Out Of It!] added to deck2023-12-04 12:41:33
2x [Calorie Counter] removed from deck2023-12-04 12:40:26
1x [Tetsutetsu Fist] removed from deck2023-12-04 12:40:23
2x [Hardened Barrage] removed from deck2023-12-04 12:40:15
2x [Hardened Uppercut] removed from deck2023-12-04 12:40:09
2x [Hardened Steel] removed from deck2023-12-04 12:40:05
Removed "Hardened Crusher"2023-12-04 12:39:56
Removed "Leaping Right Hook"2023-12-04 12:39:54
Removed "BMI Buster"2023-12-04 12:39:51
Removed "Hardened Fist"2023-12-04 12:39:48
3x [Hardened Uppercut] added to deck2023-12-04 12:39:46
3x [Hardened Steel] added to deck2023-12-04 12:39:44
3x [Back Alley Haymaker] added to deck2023-12-04 12:39:42
3x [Hardened Barrage] added to deck2023-12-04 12:39:39
3x [Rapid Punches] added to deck2023-12-04 12:39:38
3x [Calorie Counter] added to deck2023-12-04 12:39:34
3x [Tetsutetsu Thrashing] added to deck2023-12-04 12:39:31
3x [Tetsutetsu Fist] added to deck2023-12-04 12:39:29
1x [Hardened Crusher] added to deck2023-12-04 12:38:37
1x [Leaping Right Hook] added to deck2023-12-04 12:38:04
1x [Back Alley Haymaker] added to deck2023-12-04 12:37:51
1x [Rapid Punches] added to deck2023-12-04 12:37:49
1x [Hardened Barrage] added to deck2023-12-04 12:37:46
1x [Hardened Steel] added to deck2023-12-04 12:37:41
1x [Hardened Uppercut] added to deck2023-12-04 12:37:30
1x [Calorie Counter] added to deck2023-12-04 12:37:15
1x [BMI Buster] added to deck2023-12-04 12:37:12
Removed "Red Counter"2023-12-04 12:37:01
1x [Red Counter] added to deck2023-12-04 12:36:58
1x [Hardened Fist] added to deck2023-12-04 12:36:54
1x [Tetsutetsu Thrashing] added to deck2023-12-04 12:36:17
1x [Tetsutetsu Fist] added to deck2023-12-04 12:36:14
1x [Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu] added to deck2023-12-04 12:36:11
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.75

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 69 69 2.38 2.45 4.28
Attack 23 23 1.39 4.48 2.83
Foundation 46 46 2.87 1.43 5
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 0 0 - - -
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 21 1.86 0
Mid 26 2.54 0
Low 22 2.68 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 94.2% 5.8% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 66.67% 27.54% 5.8% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 66.67% 0% 27.54% 5.8% 0% 0% 0%
6 0% 66.67% 0% 27.54% 5.8% 0% 0%
7 0% 0% 66.67% 0% 27.54% 5.8% 0%
8 0% 0% 0% 66.67% 0% 27.54% 5.8%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 66.67% 0% 27.54%