Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Vax'ildan, Cunning Thief x1 SR

Foundation (39 cards)

    • Fighting for Control x3 MSR
    • Button Collector x4 SR
    • Warped Pleasure x2 SR
    • The Big Fall x3 SR
    • Red Riot's The Coolest x4 MSR
    • Foresight x4 MSR
    • Surviving The Final x4 MSR
    • Frightening Calm x4 SR
    • Ending the Dream x4 SR
    • Learning To Harden x4 MSR
    • Keiko's Aid x3 SR

Attack (21 cards - speed : 3.86 - dmg 4.38)

    • Grenadier Blast x4 MSR
    • Lizard Tail Splitter x3 MSR
    • Instant Shining Flash x2 MSR
    • Deleterious Bomb x4 SR
    • Multi-Needle Puncture x4 MSR
    • Assault Dust x4 MSR

Asset (0 cards)

Action (6 cards)

    • Showdown x2 MSR
    • Go For The Win! x4 MSR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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Removed "Forcing Surrender"2024-05-26 04:18:31
Removed "Disrespectful Banter"2024-05-26 04:18:20
3x [Keiko's Aid] added to deck2024-05-26 04:17:59
Removed "Struggling With Studies"2024-05-26 04:17:46
2x [Red Riot's The Coolest] added to deck2024-05-26 04:17:43
Removed "Unsettling Aura"2024-05-26 04:17:17
Removed "Acid Man"2024-05-26 04:16:49
1x [Assault Dust] added to deck2024-05-26 04:16:45
1x [Assault Dust] removed from deck2024-05-26 04:16:43
1x [Lizard Tail Splitter] removed from deck2024-05-26 04:16:38
Removed "Grenadier Bracers"2024-05-26 04:16:30
Removed "Weapon Clash"2024-05-26 04:16:20
Removed "Always Cool"2024-05-26 04:16:15
2x [Always Cool] added to deck2024-05-26 04:16:13
2x [Learning To Harden] added to deck2024-05-26 04:16:09
Removed "Dangerous Combatant"2024-05-26 04:16:05
Removed "Immortal Shapeshifter"2024-05-26 04:15:59
Removed "Happy-Go-Lucky"2024-05-26 04:15:57
Removed "Syndicate Target"2024-05-26 04:15:14
Removed "Clasp Membership"2024-05-26 04:15:10
2x [Frightening Calm] added to deck2024-05-26 04:15:03
Removed "Genkai's Training"2024-05-26 04:14:59
Removed "#5 Pro Hero"2024-05-26 04:14:55
Removed "Toguro's Dominance"2024-05-26 04:14:45
Removed "Keiko's Aid"2024-05-26 04:14:42
Removed "Prank War"2024-05-26 04:14:31
1x [Grenadier Bracers] added to deck2024-05-26 04:14:27
Removed "Maximum Viscosity"2024-05-26 04:14:13
Removed "Disarming Glance"2024-05-26 04:14:10
Removed "Pitching In"2024-05-26 04:14:02
2x [Instant Shining Flash] removed from deck2024-05-26 04:13:53
Removed "Ambush Thrust"2024-05-26 04:13:44
Removed "Punisher's Beam"2024-05-26 04:13:41
1x [Grenadier Bracers] added to deck2024-05-26 04:11:23
Removed "Nott's Flask"2024-05-26 04:11:19
Removed "Enormous Axe"2024-05-26 04:11:17
Removed "Latent Skill"2024-05-26 04:11:06
Removed "Unbreakable"2024-05-26 04:11:04
Removed "Heroic Passion"2024-05-26 04:11:02
Removed "Throwing Knife Lunge"2024-05-26 04:10:50
Removed "Provisional Pursuit"2024-05-26 04:10:44
Removed "Flamethrower"2024-05-26 04:10:27
3x [Happy-Go-Lucky] added to deck2024-05-26 04:10:12
1x [Unbreakable] added to deck2024-05-26 04:09:55
2x [Learning To Harden] added to deck2024-05-26 04:09:52
4x [Ambush Thrust] added to deck2024-05-26 04:09:33
4x [Ending the Dream] added to deck2024-05-26 04:09:25
2x [Frightening Calm] added to deck2024-05-26 04:09:10
4x [Immortal Shapeshifter] added to deck2024-05-26 04:09:01
4x [Surviving The Final] added to deck2024-05-26 04:08:07
3x [Struggling With Studies] added to deck2024-05-26 04:08:05
4x [Forcing Surrender] added to deck2024-05-26 04:07:56
4x [Foresight] added to deck2024-05-26 04:05:37
2x [Red Riot's The Coolest] added to deck2024-05-26 04:05:32
1x [Heroic Passion] added to deck2024-05-26 04:05:24
4x [#5 Pro Hero] added to deck2024-05-26 04:05:13
2x [Always Cool] added to deck2024-05-26 04:05:06
3x [Dangerous Combatant] added to deck2024-05-26 04:05:00
1x [The Big Fall] removed from deck2024-05-26 04:04:54
4x [The Big Fall] added to deck2024-05-26 04:04:52
1x [Pitching In] added to deck2024-05-26 04:04:48
4x [Syndicate Target] added to deck2024-05-26 04:04:39
1x [Genkai's Training] added to deck2024-05-26 04:04:28
3x [Keiko's Aid] added to deck2024-05-26 04:04:24
1x [Toguro's Dominance] added to deck2024-05-26 04:04:19
2x [Clasp Membership] added to deck2024-05-26 04:04:11
3x [Unsettling Aura] added to deck2024-05-26 04:03:56
2x [Warped Pleasure] added to deck2024-05-26 04:03:53
4x [Enormous Axe] added to deck2024-05-26 04:03:48
4x [Weapon Clash] added to deck2024-05-26 04:03:44
4x [Button Collector] added to deck2024-05-26 04:03:38
4x [Prank War] added to deck2024-05-26 04:03:34
2x [Latent Skill] added to deck2024-05-26 04:03:30
3x [Fighting for Control] added to deck2024-05-26 04:03:26
2x [Disrespectful Banter] added to deck2024-05-26 04:03:24
2x [Disarming Glance] added to deck2024-05-26 04:03:20
4x [Maximum Viscosity] added to deck2024-05-26 04:03:10
4x [Flamethrower] added to deck2024-05-26 04:02:53
3x [Throwing Knife Lunge] added to deck2024-05-26 04:02:34
4x [Assault Dust] added to deck2024-05-26 04:02:22
4x [Provisional Pursuit] added to deck2024-05-26 04:02:18
4x [Multi-Needle Puncture] added to deck2024-05-26 04:02:08
4x [Punisher's Beam] added to deck2024-05-26 04:01:36
4x [Deleterious Bomb] added to deck2024-05-26 04:01:29
4x [Instant Shining Flash] added to deck2024-05-26 04:01:02
4x [Lizard Tail Splitter] added to deck2024-05-26 04:00:58
4x [Grenadier Blast] added to deck2024-05-26 04:00:55
3x [Acid Man] added to deck2024-05-26 04:00:28
4x [Go For The Win!] added to deck2024-05-26 04:00:15
1x [Grenadier Bracers] added to deck2024-05-26 04:00:12
2x [Showdown] added to deck2024-05-26 04:00:05
3x [Nott's Flask] added to deck2024-05-26 03:59:51
1x [Vax'ildan, Cunning Thief] added to deck2024-05-26 03:59:41
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.68

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 66 66 2.36 2.48 4.17
Attack 21 21 1.86 4.38 2.81
Foundation 39 39 2.74 1.49 4.82
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 6 6 1.67 2.33 4.67
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 33 2.45 0
Mid 12 2.33 0
Low 21 2.24 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 93.94% 6.06% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 68.18% 25.76% 6.06% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 54.55% 13.64% 25.76% 6.06% 0% 0% 0%
6 0% 54.55% 13.64% 25.76% 6.06% 0% 0%
7 0% 0% 54.55% 13.64% 25.76% 6.06% 0%
8 0% 0% 0% 54.55% 13.64% 25.76% 6.06%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 54.55% 13.64% 25.76%