Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Scanlan Shorthalt, Devious Troubadour x1 L

Foundation (18 cards)

    • Fight for Truth x3 ASR
    • Elvish Tutoring x2 SR
    • Venture Forth from Syngorn x4 SR
    • High Spirit Awareness x2 SR
    • Forcing Surrender x4 MSR
    • Magic Alarm x3 L

Attack (19 cards - speed : 5.53 - dmg 6.05)

    • Heavy Hammer Thump x3 L
    • Unexpected Outcomes x3 ASR
    • Battle Aura Release x4 SR
    • Living Spikes x3 MSR
    • Stretching Slam x3 MSR
    • Calorie Counter x2 MSR
    • Muscle Mauler x1 MSR

Asset (5 cards)

    • Cabin Hideout x2 ASR
    • Mimicry x1 MSR
    • Twisty Surroundings x2 MSR

Action (22 cards)

    • Connecting the Dots x1 SR
    • Queen Historia x2 ASR
    • Wielding One For All x2 MSR
    • City Rampage x4 SR
    • Referee Juri x1 SR
    • Bloodcurdle x2 MSR
    • Fortitude of the Armored Titan x1 ASR
    • Raise Walls x4 ASR
    • Deadbolt x1 MSR
    • I AM HERE! x4 MSR

Backup (4 cards)

    • Massive Abnormal Titan x4 ASR

Side (0 cards)

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1x [Queen Historia] added to deck2025-02-09 22:45:15
1x [Queen Historia] removed from deck2025-02-09 22:45:11
1x [Bloodcurdle] removed from deck2025-02-09 22:45:02
1x [Magic Alarm] removed from deck2025-02-09 22:44:50
1x [High Spirit Awareness] removed from deck2025-02-09 22:44:44
Removed "Titanic Combat"2025-02-09 22:44:40
1x [Heavy Hammer Thump] removed from deck2025-02-09 22:44:15
1x [Mimicry] removed from deck2025-02-09 22:44:06
1x [Titanic Combat] removed from deck2025-02-09 22:43:54
1x [Referee Juri] removed from deck2025-02-09 22:43:46
1x [Twisty Surroundings] removed from deck2025-02-09 22:43:31
Removed "Canister Creation Strike"2025-02-09 22:43:15
Removed "Net Launcher"2025-02-09 22:43:08
1x [I AM HERE!] added to deck2025-02-09 22:42:51
1x [Connecting the Dots] removed from deck2025-02-09 22:42:45
2x [Queen Historia] removed from deck2025-02-09 22:42:41
1x [Wielding One For All] removed from deck2025-02-09 22:42:36
1x [Wielding One For All] removed from deck2025-02-09 22:42:31
1x [Connecting the Dots] added to deck2025-02-09 22:42:25
2x [Connecting the Dots] removed from deck2025-02-09 22:42:22
3x [Fortitude of the Armored Titan] removed from deck2025-02-09 22:42:15
2x [Elvish Tutoring] removed from deck2025-02-09 22:41:56
Removed "Master of Drunken Fighting"2025-02-09 22:41:49
4x [Magic Alarm] added to deck2025-02-09 22:41:15
Removed "Armor of the Wolf"2025-02-09 22:40:37
Removed "Levi's Rapid Takedown"2025-02-09 22:40:32
3x [I AM HERE!] added to deck2025-02-09 22:40:11
Removed "Don't Do This"2025-02-09 22:39:40
Removed "Smarts over Strength"2025-02-09 22:39:36
Removed "Intentions Made Clear"2025-02-09 22:39:15
2x [Deadbolt] removed from deck2025-02-09 22:38:42
1x [City Rampage] added to deck2025-02-09 22:38:37
3x [Deadbolt] added to deck2025-02-09 22:38:14
4x [Raise Walls] added to deck2025-02-09 22:37:53
4x [Fortitude of the Armored Titan] added to deck2025-02-09 22:37:43
4x [Forcing Surrender] added to deck2025-02-09 22:36:29
3x [High Spirit Awareness] added to deck2025-02-09 22:34:55
4x [Master of Drunken Fighting] added to deck2025-02-09 22:34:35
4x [Venture Forth from Syngorn] added to deck2025-02-09 22:34:20
4x [Elvish Tutoring] added to deck2025-02-09 22:34:07
4x [Titanic Combat] added to deck2025-02-09 22:33:21
2x [Smarts over Strength] added to deck2025-02-09 22:33:03
4x [Intentions Made Clear] added to deck2025-02-09 22:31:56
3x [Fight for Truth] added to deck2025-02-09 22:31:16
4x [Don't Do This] added to deck2025-02-09 22:31:03
1x [Muscle Mauler] added to deck2025-02-09 22:30:12
2x [Calorie Counter] added to deck2025-02-09 22:29:49
3x [Stretching Slam] added to deck2025-02-09 22:28:37
3x [Living Spikes] added to deck2025-02-09 22:28:27
2x [Armor of the Wolf] added to deck2025-02-09 22:26:58
4x [Battle Aura Release] added to deck2025-02-09 22:26:45
2x [Net Launcher] added to deck2025-02-09 22:26:33
3x [Canister Creation Strike] added to deck2025-02-09 22:25:45
3x [Unexpected Outcomes] added to deck2025-02-09 22:25:25
2x [Levi's Rapid Takedown] added to deck2025-02-09 22:23:58
4x [Heavy Hammer Thump] added to deck2025-02-09 22:22:34
4x [Massive Abnormal Titan] added to deck2025-02-09 22:22:04
3x [Twisty Surroundings] added to deck2025-02-09 22:21:39
1x [Mimicry] added to deck2025-02-09 22:21:35
1x [Mimicry] added to deck2025-02-09 22:21:31
2x [Cabin Hideout] added to deck2025-02-09 22:20:22
3x [Bloodcurdle] added to deck2025-02-09 22:20:06
2x [Referee Juri] added to deck2025-02-09 22:19:35
3x [City Rampage] added to deck2025-02-09 22:19:29
4x [Wielding One For All] added to deck2025-02-09 22:19:23
4x [Queen Historia] added to deck2025-02-09 22:19:15
3x [Connecting the Dots] added to deck2025-02-09 22:19:06
1x [Scanlan Shorthalt, Devious Troubadour] added to deck2025-02-09 22:18:50
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.28

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 68 66 1.71 3.41 4.38
Attack 19 19 1.68 6.05 3.16
Foundation 18 16 2.19 2 4.78
Asset 5 5 1.6 2.6 5
Action 22 22 1.55 2.73 4.86
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 4 4 1 2 5


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 15 1.27 0
Mid 39 1.77 0
Low 12 2.08 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 76.47% 23.53% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 61.76% 14.71% 23.53% 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 0% 61.76% 14.71% 23.53% 0% 0% 0%
7 0% 0% 61.76% 14.71% 23.53% 0% 0%
8 0% 0% 0% 61.76% 14.71% 23.53% 0%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 61.76% 14.71% 23.53%