Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Ryukyu (II) x1 MSR

Foundation (38 cards)

    • A Life of Danger x4 MSR
    • Rifle Arm x2 MSR
    • Curious About Quirks x4 MSR
    • Latent Skill x4 MSR
    • Fearsome Transformations x4 SR
    • Warm and Bubbly x3 MSR
    • Reluctant Role Model x3 MSR
    • Feelin' Cute x2 MSR
    • Basic Training x4 MSR
    • Shameless Haggler x4 SR
    • Confession x1 MSR
    • Supportive Friend x2 MSR
    • The Shobijin's Message x1 SR

Attack (23 cards - speed : 4.04 - dmg 4.74)

    • Sniping Spy x2 MSR
    • Horn Cannon x1 MSR
    • Biting Dragon Grab x4 MSR
    • Tornado Charge x2 SR
    • Floating Drop x4 MSR
    • Single Spiral x4 MSR
    • Warp Gate Portal x4 MSR
    • Hula Hoop x2 MSR

Asset (0 cards)

Action (0 cards)

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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1x [The Shobijin's Message] added to deck2024-07-21 04:37:43
1x [Reluctant Role Model] added to deck2024-07-21 04:37:34
Removed "Teacher's Guidance"2024-07-21 04:36:40
2x [Supportive Friend] added to deck2024-06-22 04:19:30
1x [Confession] added to deck2024-06-22 04:19:27
2x [Hula Hoop] added to deck2024-06-22 04:16:43
1x [Horn Cannon] removed from deck2024-06-22 04:15:53
Removed "Weightless"2024-06-22 04:15:01
1x [Teacher's Guidance] removed from deck2024-06-22 04:14:53
1x [Horn Cannon] added to deck2024-06-22 04:14:45
2x [Latent Skill] added to deck2024-06-22 04:14:03
1x [Teacher's Guidance] removed from deck2024-06-22 04:14:00
Removed "Uraotogi Expertise"2024-06-22 04:13:51
1x [Rifle Arm] added to deck2024-06-22 04:13:47
Removed "Dragon's Fortitude"2024-06-22 04:13:44
1x [Tornado Charge] removed from deck2024-06-22 04:13:31
1x [Single Spiral] added to deck2024-06-22 04:13:27
Removed "Flaming Arrow"2024-06-22 04:13:23
1x [Flaming Arrow] removed from deck2024-06-07 19:28:33
1x [Single Spiral] added to deck2024-06-07 19:28:30
3x [Flaming Arrow] added to deck2024-06-01 06:40:10
1x [Horn Cannon] removed from deck2024-06-01 06:38:39
1x [Single Spiral] removed from deck2024-06-01 06:38:34
1x [Tornado Charge] removed from deck2024-06-01 06:38:28
Removed "Uraraka's Plea"2024-06-01 06:37:53
Removed "Zero Gravity Tag"2024-06-01 06:37:51
Removed "Zero Satellites"2024-06-01 06:37:48
Removed "Audio Reverberation"2024-06-01 06:37:46
2x [Audio Reverberation] added to deck2024-06-01 06:36:59
1x [Zero Satellites] added to deck2024-06-01 06:36:52
1x [Zero Gravity Tag] added to deck2024-06-01 06:36:50
1x [Uraraka's Plea] added to deck2024-06-01 06:36:37
Removed "Cape of No Return"2024-06-01 06:24:09
Removed "Pressured By All For One"2024-06-01 06:23:03
1x [Warp Gate Portal] added to deck2024-06-01 06:22:38
1x [Horn Cannon] added to deck2024-06-01 06:22:19
1x [Warp Gate Portal] added to deck2024-06-01 06:22:02
Removed "Zeru's Flames"2024-06-01 06:21:59
1x [Feelin' Cute] removed from deck2024-06-01 06:21:03
Removed "Surge"2024-06-01 06:20:55
Removed "Fruit Tart Gourmand"2024-06-01 06:20:40
Removed "Decoy Duplicate"2024-06-01 06:20:05
1x [Fruit Tart Gourmand] added to deck2024-06-01 06:19:42
3x [Shameless Haggler] added to deck2024-06-01 06:19:38
1x [Surge] added to deck2024-06-01 06:18:21
1x [Shameless Haggler] added to deck2024-06-01 06:16:37
1x [Fruit Tart Gourmand] added to deck2024-06-01 06:16:13
Removed "Massive Size"2024-06-01 06:15:20
3x [Weightless] added to deck2024-06-01 06:15:08
1x [Massive Size] removed from deck2024-06-01 06:14:16
Removed "Master of Wind"2024-06-01 06:13:37
Removed "First Impressions"2024-06-01 06:13:32
1x [Uraotogi Expertise] added to deck2024-06-01 06:12:58
Main character changed2024-06-01 05:45:05
1x [Ryukyu (II)] added to deck2024-06-01 05:44:53
1x [Sniping Spy] added to deck2024-06-01 03:32:02
Removed "Masho Concealment"2024-06-01 03:31:36
1x [Pressured By All For One] removed from deck2024-06-01 03:31:29
1x [Dragon's Fortitude] removed from deck2024-06-01 03:31:22
Removed "Shameless Haggler"2024-06-01 03:30:56
Removed "Clasp Membership"2024-06-01 03:30:47
Removed "A Trinket for Vex"2024-06-01 03:30:44
Removed "Trinket"2024-06-01 03:30:41
Removed "Quick Response"2024-06-01 03:30:30
Removed "Childlike Appearance"2024-06-01 03:30:21
Removed "Hungry for Fame"2024-06-01 03:30:19
3x [Shameless Haggler] added to deck2024-06-01 03:30:14
1x [Pressured By All For One] added to deck2024-06-01 03:30:09
2x [Dragon's Fortitude] added to deck2024-06-01 03:30:01
1x [Latent Skill] added to deck2024-06-01 03:29:57
2x [Teacher's Guidance] added to deck2024-06-01 03:29:54
Removed "Venture Forth from Syngorn"2024-06-01 03:29:50
2x [Massive Size] added to deck2024-06-01 03:29:46
Removed "Nice Try!"2024-06-01 03:29:26
1x [Decoy Duplicate] added to deck2024-06-01 03:29:23
Removed "Fighting Spirit"2024-06-01 03:29:20
Removed "Taiyaki Fanatic"2024-06-01 03:29:17
Removed "Personal Reload"2024-06-01 03:29:11
Removed "Acrobatic Style"2024-06-01 03:28:49
3x [Fearsome Transformations] added to deck2024-06-01 03:28:46
3x [Curious About Quirks] added to deck2024-06-01 03:28:43
2x [Feelin' Cute] added to deck2024-06-01 03:28:35
2x [Warm and Bubbly] added to deck2024-06-01 03:28:31
1x [Reluctant Role Model] added to deck2024-06-01 03:28:23
1x [Clasp Membership] added to deck2024-06-01 03:28:21
3x [A Life of Danger] added to deck2024-06-01 03:28:09
3x [Basic Training] added to deck2024-06-01 03:28:04
Removed "Eri Smiles"2024-06-01 03:27:57
Removed "Seizing The Advantage"2024-06-01 03:27:54
Removed "Juvenile Mayhem"2024-06-01 03:27:52
Removed "Genkai's Guidance"2024-06-01 03:27:48
Removed "Young Heroes"2024-06-01 03:27:29
Removed "Banshee Shriek Slash"2024-06-01 03:27:02
Removed "Flaming Arrow"2024-06-01 03:26:59
1x [Sniping Spy] removed from deck2024-06-01 03:26:55
1x [Horn Cannon] removed from deck2024-06-01 03:26:45
2x [Floating Drop] added to deck2024-06-01 03:26:17
1x [Single Spiral] added to deck2024-06-01 03:26:09
2x [Tornado Charge] added to deck2024-06-01 03:26:02
Removed "Hare Screech"2024-06-01 03:25:58
Removed "Sniper's Combo"2024-06-01 03:25:47
1x [Warp Gate Portal] added to deck2024-06-01 03:25:09
Removed "Flying Dragon Tackle"2024-06-01 03:25:01
Removed "Air Force Blast"2024-06-01 03:24:16
Removed "Venomous Dagger Slash"2024-06-01 03:24:12
Removed "Soaring Bullet"2024-06-01 03:24:08
1x [Horn Cannon] added to deck2024-06-01 03:24:04
1x [Flying Dragon Tackle] added to deck2024-06-01 03:24:02
Removed "Full Cowling Shoot Style"2024-06-01 03:23:58
3x [Biting Dragon Grab] added to deck2024-06-01 03:23:42
1x [Hare Screech] added to deck2024-06-01 03:23:38
1x [Sniping Spy] added to deck2024-06-01 03:23:31
1x [Sniper's Combo] added to deck2024-06-01 03:23:28
Removed "Piercing Dagger Strike"2024-06-01 03:23:15
1x [Flaming Arrow] added to deck2024-06-01 03:23:10
1x [Banshee Shriek Slash] added to deck2024-06-01 03:23:03
Removed "Diving Phoenix Crush"2024-06-01 03:23:00
1x [Tornado Charge] added to deck2024-06-01 03:22:57
Removed "Hula Hoop"2024-06-01 03:22:54
Removed "Neck Chop"2024-06-01 03:22:52
1x [Floating Drop] added to deck2024-06-01 03:22:47
Removed "Close Quarters Subdual"2024-06-01 03:22:44
1x [Single Spiral] added to deck2024-06-01 03:22:36
Removed "Mentor Legacy Punch"2024-06-01 03:22:29
Removed "Explosive Speed"2024-06-01 03:22:27
Removed "Splatter Drop"2024-06-01 03:22:19
Removed "Harpoon Vault"2024-06-01 03:22:16
1x [Zeru's Flames] added to deck2024-06-01 03:21:40
1x [Decoy Duplicate] added to deck2024-06-01 03:21:12
1x [Basic Training] added to deck2024-06-01 03:21:01
1x [Feelin' Cute] added to deck2024-06-01 03:20:55
1x [First Impressions] added to deck2024-06-01 03:20:47
1x [Taiyaki Fanatic] added to deck2024-06-01 03:20:42
1x [Fighting Spirit] added to deck2024-06-01 03:20:32
1x [Nice Try!] added to deck2024-06-01 03:19:47
1x [Reluctant Role Model] added to deck2024-06-01 03:19:32
Removed "Earnest Fighter"2024-06-01 03:19:20
1x [Earnest Fighter] added to deck2024-06-01 03:19:13
1x [Weightless] added to deck2024-06-01 03:19:06
1x [Warm and Bubbly] added to deck2024-06-01 03:19:03
1x [Quick Response] added to deck2024-06-01 03:18:57
1x [Massive Size] added to deck2024-06-01 03:18:47
1x [Uraotogi Expertise] added to deck2024-06-01 03:18:35
1x [Hungry for Fame] added to deck2024-06-01 03:18:27
1x [Childlike Appearance] added to deck2024-06-01 03:18:16
1x [Acrobatic Style] added to deck2024-06-01 03:18:14
1x [Fearsome Transformations] added to deck2024-06-01 03:18:08
1x [Master of Wind] added to deck2024-06-01 03:18:00
1x [Masho Concealment] added to deck2024-06-01 03:17:58
1x [Venture Forth from Syngorn] added to deck2024-06-01 03:17:41
1x [Shameless Haggler] added to deck2024-06-01 03:17:32
1x [Clasp Membership] added to deck2024-06-01 03:17:09
1x [A Trinket for Vex] added to deck2024-06-01 03:17:03
1x [Teacher's Guidance] added to deck2024-06-01 03:16:48
1x [Latent Skill] added to deck2024-06-01 03:16:32
1x [Dragon's Fortitude] added to deck2024-06-01 03:16:24
1x [Curious About Quirks] added to deck2024-06-01 03:16:15
1x [Rifle Arm] added to deck2024-06-01 03:16:05
1x [Pressured By All For One] added to deck2024-06-01 03:15:57
1x [Personal Reload] added to deck2024-06-01 03:15:55
1x [A Life of Danger] added to deck2024-06-01 03:15:53
1x [Seizing The Advantage] added to deck2024-06-01 03:15:34
1x [Young Heroes] added to deck2024-06-01 03:15:27
1x [Juvenile Mayhem] added to deck2024-06-01 03:15:17
1x [Eri Smiles] added to deck2024-06-01 03:14:54
1x [Genkai's Guidance] added to deck2024-06-01 03:14:52
1x [Cape of No Return] added to deck2024-06-01 03:14:50
1x [Trinket] added to deck2024-06-01 03:14:48
1x [Mentor Legacy Punch] added to deck2024-06-01 03:01:51
1x [Warp Gate Portal] added to deck2024-06-01 03:01:21
1x [Single Spiral] added to deck2024-06-01 03:01:04
1x [Hula Hoop] added to deck2024-06-01 03:00:54
1x [Air Force Blast] added to deck2024-06-01 03:00:37
1x [Harpoon Vault] added to deck2024-06-01 03:00:29
1x [Neck Chop] added to deck2024-06-01 03:00:26
1x [Floating Drop] added to deck2024-06-01 03:00:18
1x [Close Quarters Subdual] added to deck2024-06-01 03:00:14
1x [Zeru's Flames] added to deck2024-06-01 03:00:00
1x [Banshee Shriek Slash] added to deck2024-06-01 02:59:35
1x [Splatter Drop] added to deck2024-06-01 02:59:30
1x [Diving Phoenix Crush] added to deck2024-06-01 02:59:24
1x [Tornado Charge] added to deck2024-06-01 02:59:14
1x [Venomous Dagger Slash] added to deck2024-06-01 02:59:09
1x [Piercing Dagger Strike] added to deck2024-06-01 02:59:03
1x [Flaming Arrow] added to deck2024-06-01 02:59:00
0x [Full Cowling Shoot Style] removed from deck2024-06-01 02:58:48
1x [Full Cowling Shoot Style] added to deck2024-06-01 02:58:20
1x [Explosive Speed] added to deck2024-06-01 02:58:18
1x [Flying Dragon Tackle] added to deck2024-06-01 02:58:14
1x [Biting Dragon Grab] added to deck2024-06-01 02:58:11
1x [Horn Cannon] added to deck2024-06-01 02:58:05
1x [Hare Screech] added to deck2024-06-01 02:57:59
1x [Soaring Bullet] added to deck2024-06-01 02:57:56
1x [Sniping Spy] added to deck2024-06-01 02:57:53
1x [Sniper's Combo] added to deck2024-06-01 02:57:50
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.9

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 61 61 2.16 2.15 4.08
Attack 23 23 1.48 4.22 2.57
Foundation 38 38 2.58 0.89 5
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 0 0 - - -
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 13 2.31 0
Mid 35 2.26 0
Low 13 1.77 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 93.44% 6.56% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 90.16% 3.28% 6.56% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 62.3% 27.87% 3.28% 6.56% 0% 0% 0%
5 62.3% 0% 27.87% 3.28% 6.56% 0% 0%
6 0% 62.3% 0% 27.87% 3.28% 6.56% 0%
7 0% 0% 62.3% 0% 27.87% 3.28% 6.56%
8 0% 0% 0% 62.3% 0% 27.87% 3.28%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 62.3% 0% 27.87%