Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Sir Nighteye x1 MSR

Foundation (37 cards)

    • Foresight x4 MSR
    • Saving Bakugo x2 MSR
    • City-Wide Crisis x1 MSR
    • Can't Escape Me x2 MSR
    • Ice Gliding x4 MSR
    • Fruit Of Our Labors x3 MSR
    • Requesting Assistance x3 MR
    • Gotcha x3 MR
    • Tape x3 MR
    • Passing the Torch x2 MR
    • Self Sacrifice x1 MR
    • Heroic Lineage x4 MR
    • Calling For Backup x1 MR
    • Bonds of Friendship x3 MR
    • Detailing The Plan x1 MSR

Attack (20 cards - speed : 3 - dmg 4.95)

    • Precision Seal Strike x4 MSR
    • Final Smash x1 MSR
    • Vile Seizing x3 MSR
    • Black Hole Void x2 MSR
    • Searing Glacial Storm x4 MSR
    • Electric Jolt x3 MR
    • Indiscriminate Shock 1,300,000 Volts x3 MR

Asset (0 cards)

Action (2 cards)

    • Showdown x2 MSR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (9 cards)

    • Detailing The Plan x3 MSR
    • Bloodcurdle x4 MSR
    • Eyes Of The Tiger x2 MSR

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Removed "Hero Killer"2023-08-31 18:13:55
1x [Heroic Lineage] added to deck2023-08-31 18:13:50
1x [Detailing The Plan] added to deck2023-08-31 18:13:44
Removed "Looking For A Challenge"2023-08-31 18:13:35
1x [Eyes Of The Tiger] added to deck2023-08-31 18:13:26
Removed "Indiscriminate Shock 1,300,000 Volts"2023-08-31 18:13:22
1x [Indiscriminate Shock 1,300,000 Volts] added to deck2023-08-31 18:12:53
2x [Searing Glacial Storm] added to deck2023-08-31 18:12:38
Removed "Counter-Sweep"2023-08-31 18:12:30
2x [Indiscriminate Shock 1,300,000 Volts] added to deck2023-08-31 18:12:28
Removed "All Might & Sir Nighteye"2023-08-31 18:12:24
Removed "Searing Glacial Storm"2023-08-31 18:12:21
1x [Showdown] added to deck2023-08-23 00:40:21
1x [Bonds of Friendship] added to deck2023-08-23 00:40:08
1x [Fruit Of Our Labors] added to deck2023-08-23 00:39:58
1x [Gotcha] added to deck2023-08-23 00:39:50
1x [Fruit Of Our Labors] removed from deck2023-08-23 00:39:14
1x [Heroic Lineage] removed from deck2023-08-23 00:39:04
1x [Bloodcurdle] added to deck2023-08-23 00:38:36
1x [Detailing The Plan] removed from deck2023-08-23 00:38:35
1x [Detailing The Plan] added to deck2023-08-23 00:38:32
0x [Eyes Of The Tiger] removed from deck2023-08-23 00:38:28
1x [All Might & Sir Nighteye] removed from deck2023-08-23 00:38:25
Removed "Think Fast!"2023-08-23 00:38:12
Removed "Detailing The Plan"2023-08-23 00:37:56
1x [Detailing The Plan] added to deck2023-08-23 00:37:54
1x [Looking For A Challenge] added to deck2023-08-23 00:37:46
Removed "Contempt For Heroes"2023-08-23 00:37:44
Removed "Eyes Of The Tiger"2023-08-23 00:37:42
Removed "Determined"2023-08-23 00:37:40
1x [Tape] added to deck2023-08-23 00:37:29
1x [Bonds of Friendship] removed from deck2023-08-23 00:37:27
1x [Requesting Assistance] removed from deck2023-08-23 00:37:16
1x [Gotcha] added to deck2023-08-23 00:37:08
3x [Requesting Assistance] added to deck2023-08-23 00:37:06
Removed "Rooftop Vantage"2023-08-23 00:37:02
1x [Counter-Sweep] added to deck2023-08-23 00:36:34
1x [Black Hole Void] removed from deck2023-08-23 00:36:30
1x [Counter-Sweep] added to deck2023-08-23 00:36:22
Removed "Recipro Burst"2023-08-23 00:36:13
1x [Counter-Sweep] added to deck2023-08-23 00:36:04
2x [Eyes Of The Tiger] added to deck2023-08-23 00:34:45
1x [Searing Glacial Storm] removed from deck2023-08-23 00:34:42
2x [Think Fast!] added to deck2023-08-23 00:34:24
3x [Bonds of Friendship] added to deck2023-08-23 00:34:22
1x [Calling For Backup] added to deck2023-08-23 00:34:15
4x [Heroic Lineage] added to deck2023-08-23 00:34:12
1x [Self Sacrifice] added to deck2023-08-23 00:33:57
2x [Passing the Torch] added to deck2023-08-23 00:33:54
2x [Tape] added to deck2023-08-23 00:33:37
1x [Gotcha] added to deck2023-08-23 00:33:34
1x [Requesting Assistance] added to deck2023-08-23 00:33:30
3x [Fruit Of Our Labors] added to deck2023-08-23 00:33:16
2x [Rooftop Vantage] added to deck2023-08-23 00:33:11
1x [Hero Killer] added to deck2023-08-23 00:33:04
4x [Ice Gliding] added to deck2023-08-23 00:32:49
2x [Can't Escape Me] added to deck2023-08-23 00:32:15
1x [City-Wide Crisis] added to deck2023-08-23 00:32:09
2x [Saving Bakugo] added to deck2023-08-23 00:32:08
1x [Eyes Of The Tiger] added to deck2023-08-23 00:32:04
1x [Contempt For Heroes] added to deck2023-08-23 00:31:45
1x [Determined] added to deck2023-08-23 00:31:06
3x [Bloodcurdle] added to deck2023-08-23 00:30:08
1x [Showdown] added to deck2023-08-23 00:29:51
1x [Recipro Burst] removed from deck2023-08-23 00:29:16
2x [Indiscriminate Shock 1,300,000 Volts] added to deck2023-08-23 00:28:55
1x [Precision Seal Strike] added to deck2023-08-23 00:28:04
1x [Recipro Burst] added to deck2023-08-23 00:27:56
1x [Black Hole Void] added to deck2023-08-23 00:27:49
Removed "Repeated Seal Toss"2023-08-23 00:27:44
1x [Precision Seal Strike] removed from deck2023-08-23 00:25:58
3x [Precision Seal Strike] added to deck2023-08-23 00:25:56
1x [Vile Seizing] removed from deck2023-08-23 00:25:49
1x [Electric Jolt] removed from deck2023-08-23 00:25:47
Removed "Recipro Extend"2023-08-23 00:24:33
Removed "Double Palm Shatter"2023-08-23 00:24:27
Removed "Knee Smash"2023-08-23 00:24:08
1x [Black Hole Void] added to deck2023-08-23 00:24:02
1x [Searing Glacial Storm] added to deck2023-08-23 00:24:00
3x [Electric Jolt] added to deck2023-08-23 00:23:58
3x [Vile Seizing] added to deck2023-08-23 00:23:57
1x [Recipro Burst] added to deck2023-08-23 00:23:54
Removed "Repeated 100% Smash"2023-08-23 00:23:33
Removed "Point Blank Shot"2023-08-23 00:23:31
1x [Recipro Burst] added to deck2023-08-23 00:23:09
1x [Recipro Extend] added to deck2023-08-23 00:23:07
1x [Electric Jolt] added to deck2023-08-23 00:22:26
2x [Searing Glacial Storm] added to deck2023-08-23 00:22:04
1x [Searing Glacial Storm] added to deck2023-08-23 00:22:00
1x [Black Hole Void] added to deck2023-08-23 00:21:21
1x [Vile Seizing] added to deck2023-08-23 00:20:16
1x [Double Palm Shatter] added to deck2023-08-23 00:20:13
1x [Knee Smash] added to deck2023-08-23 00:18:28
1x [Final Smash] added to deck2023-08-20 21:02:05
2x [Repeated 100% Smash] added to deck2023-08-20 20:55:27
1x [Point Blank Shot] added to deck2023-08-20 20:51:28
4x [Foresight] added to deck2023-08-20 20:46:24
2x [Detailing The Plan] added to deck2023-08-20 20:46:14
1x [Detailing The Plan] added to deck2023-08-20 20:46:09
2x [All Might & Sir Nighteye] added to deck2023-08-20 20:46:03
1x [Repeated Seal Toss] added to deck2023-08-20 20:45:20
1x [Precision Seal Strike] added to deck2023-08-20 20:43:25
1x [Looking For A Challenge] added to deck2023-08-20 20:42:52
1x [Sir Nighteye] added to deck2023-08-20 20:40:33
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.9

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 59 59 2.1 2.24 4.25
Attack 20 20 1.3 4.55 2.8
Foundation 37 37 2.49 0.95 5.05
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 2 2 3 3 4
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 14 1.57 0
Mid 23 2.39 0
Low 22 2.14 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 93.22% 6.78% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 66.1% 27.12% 6.78% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 61.02% 5.08% 27.12% 6.78% 0% 0% 0%
6 5.08% 55.93% 5.08% 27.12% 6.78% 0% 0%
7 0% 5.08% 55.93% 5.08% 27.12% 6.78% 0%
8 0% 0% 5.08% 55.93% 5.08% 27.12% 6.78%
9 0% 0% 0% 5.08% 55.93% 5.08% 27.12%