Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Minoru Mineta x1 MR

Foundation (36 cards)

    • Quick To Act x4 MSR
    • Surviving The Final x4 MSR
    • Desperate Times x3 MR
    • Rooftop Vantage x2 MSR
    • Press Conference x3 MSR
    • Thrilled Spectator x4 MSR
    • Full-On Attack Mode! x3 MSR
    • Fruit Of Our Labors x2 MSR
    • Influencing The Youth x3 MSR
    • Cool Student x2 MR
    • Creepy Realization x2 MR
    • Brute Strength x2 MR
    • Sticky Balls x2 MR

Attack (20 cards - speed : 3.5 - dmg 4.7)

    • Ignited Arrow x4 MSR
    • Sticky Ball Pitch x4 MSR
    • Net Gun Surprise! x2 MSR
    • Eat My Sticky Balls x4 MR
    • Grape Rush Attack x2 MR
    • Tongue Whip x4 MR

Asset (0 cards)

Action (4 cards)

    • Plus Ultra! x2 MR
    • Bloodcurdle x2 MSR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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Removed "Challenging The Fakes"2023-02-01 18:41:55
Removed "Floating Around My Babies"2023-02-01 18:41:47
Removed "Excited For Blood"2023-02-01 18:41:28
Removed "Apathetic"2023-02-01 18:40:55
Removed "Shock Absorption"2023-02-01 18:40:23
2x [Net Gun Surprise!] removed from deck2023-02-01 18:40:01
Removed "Amphibious Ambush"2023-02-01 18:39:37
Removed "Compression Sphere"2023-02-01 18:38:46
Removed "Sticky Ball Toss Tackle"2023-02-01 18:38:24
Removed "Dissolving The Conflict"2023-02-01 18:37:36
Removed "Super Regeneration"2023-02-01 18:37:33
4x [Tongue Whip] added to deck2023-02-01 18:36:20
4x [Amphibious Ambush] added to deck2023-02-01 18:36:15
4x [Sticky Ball Toss Tackle] added to deck2023-02-01 18:35:42
2x [Grape Rush Attack] added to deck2023-02-01 18:35:24
4x [Eat My Sticky Balls] added to deck2023-02-01 18:35:10
4x [Net Gun Surprise!] added to deck2023-02-01 18:34:18
4x [Sticky Ball Pitch] added to deck2023-02-01 18:33:53
4x [Compression Sphere] added to deck2023-02-01 18:33:42
4x [Ignited Arrow] added to deck2023-02-01 18:33:12
2x [Sticky Balls] added to deck2023-02-01 18:32:24
2x [Excited For Blood] added to deck2023-02-01 18:32:21
4x [Super Regeneration] added to deck2023-02-01 18:32:00
2x [Brute Strength] added to deck2023-02-01 18:31:51
4x [Apathetic] added to deck2023-02-01 18:31:47
2x [Creepy Realization] added to deck2023-02-01 18:31:44
2x [Cool Student] added to deck2023-02-01 18:31:40
2x [Dissolving The Conflict] added to deck2023-02-01 18:31:23
2x [Challenging The Fakes] added to deck2023-02-01 18:31:16
3x [Influencing The Youth] added to deck2023-02-01 18:29:10
2x [Shock Absorption] added to deck2023-02-01 18:28:03
2x [Fruit Of Our Labors] added to deck2023-02-01 18:27:43
3x [Full-On Attack Mode!] added to deck2023-02-01 18:27:38
4x [Thrilled Spectator] added to deck2023-02-01 18:27:35
3x [Press Conference] added to deck2023-02-01 18:27:24
2x [Rooftop Vantage] added to deck2023-02-01 18:27:13
3x [Desperate Times] added to deck2023-02-01 18:27:10
4x [Surviving The Final] added to deck2023-02-01 18:27:06
2x [Floating Around My Babies] added to deck2023-02-01 18:26:57
4x [Quick To Act] added to deck2023-02-01 18:26:54
2x [Bloodcurdle] added to deck2023-02-01 18:26:30
2x [Plus Ultra!] added to deck2023-02-01 18:26:11
1x [Minoru Mineta] added to deck2023-02-01 18:25:52
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.9

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 60 60 2.27 2.23 4.25
Attack 20 20 1.7 4.3 2.9
Foundation 36 36 2.44 1 4.97
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 4 4 3.5 3 4.5
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 25 2.12 0
Mid 21 2.52 0
Low 14 2.14 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 96.67% 3.33% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 66.67% 30% 3.33% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 55% 11.67% 30% 3.33% 0% 0% 0%
6 6.67% 48.33% 11.67% 30% 3.33% 0% 0%
7 0% 6.67% 48.33% 11.67% 30% 3.33% 0%
8 0% 0% 6.67% 48.33% 11.67% 30% 3.33%
9 0% 0% 0% 6.67% 48.33% 11.67% 30%