Forum Code Proxy List

Character (3 cards)

    • Kurama, Youko Unleashed x4 SR

Foundation (34 cards)

    • Incredible Display x3 MSR
    • Excited For Blood x4 MSR
    • Urameshi Perseverance x2 SR
    • Immortal Shapeshifter x3 SR
    • Dangerous Combatant x2 MSR
    • Surprising Skill x1 MSR
    • Vast Strength x1 MSR
    • Cooperation Offer x1 MSR
    • Stalking Her Prey x1 MSR
    • Infinite Potential x2 MSR
    • Carbo Loading x3 MSR
    • New Training Method x4 MSR
    • Floating Around My Babies x4 MSR
    • Friend Of Animals x2 MSR
    • Keiko's Support x1 SR

Attack (19 cards - speed : 4.58 - dmg 4.68)

    • Rose Whip Barrage x4 SR
    • Spirit Gun Final x2 SR
    • Tasty Riff x3 MSR
    • Rejuvenating Smash x4 MSR
    • Dual Needle Lunge x2 MSR
    • Black Abyss x4 MSR

Asset (3 cards)

    • Eri x1 MSR
    • Interdimensional Plants x2 SR

Action (2 cards)

    • Wound / Restore x2 SR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (6 cards)

    • #7 Pro Hero x1 MSR
    • Hot Pursuit x1 MSR
    • Nejire-Chan Of The Big 3 x1 MSR
    • Full-On Attack Mode! x1 MSR
    • Adorable Telepath x1 MSR
    • High Value Target x1 MSR

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1x [High Value Target] added to deck2024-07-02 23:34:14
1x [Adorable Telepath] added to deck2024-07-02 23:34:11
1x [Full-On Attack Mode!] added to deck2024-07-02 23:34:07
1x [Nejire-Chan Of The Big 3] added to deck2024-07-02 23:34:03
1x [Hot Pursuit] added to deck2024-07-02 23:33:55
1x [#7 Pro Hero] added to deck2024-07-02 23:33:51
Removed "Keiko's Aid"2024-07-02 23:31:57
1x [Keiko's Support] added to deck2024-07-02 23:31:48
Removed "Breaking the Cuffs"2024-07-02 23:31:41
2x [Friend Of Animals] added to deck2024-07-02 23:31:31
1x [Dangerous Combatant] added to deck2024-07-02 23:24:37
Removed "Friend Of Animals"2024-07-02 23:24:30
Removed "Recovery Time"2024-07-02 23:24:25
2x [Interdimensional Plants] added to deck2024-07-02 23:24:12
Removed "Ruthless Mockery"2024-07-02 23:23:58
Removed "Spiral Blasts"2024-07-02 23:23:47
Removed "Demon Plants"2024-07-02 23:23:36
Removed "Command Pigeon Flock"2024-07-02 23:23:35
Removed "Double Spirit Blast"2024-07-02 23:23:24
4x [Black Abyss] added to deck2024-07-02 23:23:00
4x [Floating Around My Babies] added to deck2024-07-02 23:22:33
4x [New Training Method] added to deck2024-07-02 23:22:30
3x [Carbo Loading] added to deck2024-07-02 23:22:22
3x [Friend Of Animals] added to deck2024-07-02 23:22:15
2x [Infinite Potential] added to deck2024-07-02 23:22:12
1x [Stalking Her Prey] added to deck2024-07-02 23:22:02
1x [Cooperation Offer] added to deck2024-07-02 23:21:36
1x [Vast Strength] added to deck2024-07-02 23:21:31
1x [Surprising Skill] added to deck2024-07-02 23:21:27
1x [Dangerous Combatant] added to deck2024-07-02 23:21:14
1x [Keiko's Aid] added to deck2024-07-02 23:20:49
2x [Breaking the Cuffs] added to deck2024-07-02 23:20:42
3x [Demon Plants] added to deck2024-07-02 23:20:37
3x [Immortal Shapeshifter] added to deck2024-07-02 23:20:25
2x [Urameshi Perseverance] added to deck2024-07-02 23:20:00
4x [Excited For Blood] added to deck2024-07-02 23:19:57
3x [Incredible Display] added to deck2024-07-02 23:19:55
Removed "The Shobijin's Message"2024-07-02 23:19:39
1x [The Shobijin's Message] added to deck2024-07-02 23:19:19
2x [The Shobijin's Message] added to deck2024-07-02 23:19:17
2x [Double Spirit Blast] added to deck2024-07-02 23:18:43
4x [Command Pigeon Flock] added to deck2024-07-02 23:18:00
2x [Dual Needle Lunge] added to deck2024-07-02 23:17:45
2x [Spiral Blasts] added to deck2024-07-02 23:17:34
4x [Rejuvenating Smash] added to deck2024-07-02 23:17:30
3x [Tasty Riff] added to deck2024-07-02 23:17:16
2x [Spirit Gun Final] added to deck2024-07-02 23:17:05
4x [Rose Whip Barrage] added to deck2024-07-02 23:16:50
2x [Wound / Restore] added to deck2024-07-02 23:16:17
2x [Recovery Time] added to deck2024-07-02 23:16:11
2x [Ruthless Mockery] added to deck2024-07-02 23:15:50
1x [Eri] added to deck2024-07-02 23:15:45
4x [Kurama, Youko Unleashed] added to deck2024-07-02 23:15:24
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.49

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 61 61 2.25 2.85 4.25
Attack 19 19 1.68 4.63 2.84
Foundation 34 34 2.71 1.85 4.82
Asset 3 3 2.33 2.67 5
Action 2 2 3 3 4
Character 3 3 0 3 6
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 21 2.1 0
Mid 31 2.39 0
Low 9 2.11 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 95.08% 4.92% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 68.85% 26.23% 4.92% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 55.74% 13.11% 26.23% 4.92% 0% 0% 0%
6 4.92% 50.82% 13.11% 26.23% 4.92% 0% 0%
7 0% 4.92% 50.82% 13.11% 26.23% 4.92% 0%
8 0% 0% 4.92% 50.82% 13.11% 26.23% 4.92%
9 0% 0% 0% 4.92% 50.82% 13.11% 26.23%